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GEOCULT.ORG > Natal Chart

Synastry Chart Online Calculator

Synastry is a compatibility horoscope based on birth dates, using the overlay of two natal charts and further analysis of planetary aspects and houses. The aspects formed between the two charts show us the ways in which people learn and interact with each other.

Synastry Chart - Relationship Astrology Compatibility


Date of Birth:

Time of birth:

: (h:min)

Place of birth:


Latitude: ,

Data for your partner:


Date of Birth:

Time of birth:

: (h:min)

Place of birth:


Latitude: ,

House system:

Our online synastry service allows you to calculate the compatibility horoscope of two natal charts based on birth dates, with free interpretation. The synastry analysis includes major aspects (trine, sextile, square, conjunction, and opposition) as well as an additional aspect (quincunx). The graphical representation will show the overlay of two natal charts, displaying all astrological planets at the moment of birth for the analyzed partners.

To begin interpreting the compatibility horoscope, fill out the form, paying special attention to the birth time field. If you do not know your birth time or that of your partner, leave the default setting at 12:00, which is reserved for unknown birth times. However, if you were born exactly at 12:00, change it to 12:01. For the birth location field, select the nearest available city or town of your birth.

The Synastry Online calculation module uses a similar algorithm to astrology programs such as Star, Stalker, and ZET, allowing for highly accurate astrological data calculations with compatibility horoscope interpretation.



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