Method for parsing a natal chart (horoscope) A natal chart (horoscope) is an astrological passport of a person, the decoding of which will help to identify the causes of failures, correct the development of a life...
SUN in the natal chart (horoscope) Element : Fire. Stones : ruby , topaz , chrysolite , aventurine , yellow beryls , heliodor and diamonds , carnelian , red zircon , amber . Metal : Gold, copper. Day :...
Money and Wealth in the horoscope (Natal chart) What is the difference between a millionaire's birth chart and a beggar's natal chart? Is it possible to see wealth in a personal horoscope, or are we all born with the...
Strength and harmony in the natal chart (Astrodines) Cosmodines (Astrodines) are an astrological measure of strength and harmony in the natal chart. Just as electrical power is measured in watts and physical power in...