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Transits. Online calculation

Transits are the movements of planets and astrological points in relation to the natal planets of your horoscope. The natal chart represents the static arrangement of the planets at the time of the person's birth. The essence of the transit method is that the moving planets in real time"transits" interact with the planets of the natal chart.  As a result, an energy connection arises that activates, awakens various kinds of events in the inner and outer life of a person. The occurrence and impact of these events can be predicted by analyzing the aspects that form between "transits" and natal points.

Entering data for calculating planetary transit


Date of Birth:

Time of birth:

: (h:min)

Place of birth:


Latitude: ,

House system:




We present you an online service that allows you to calculate the moving transit planets in real time and superimpose them on your Natal chart. As a result of calculations, you will receive a graphic image of the cosmogram with transit and natal planets. A template interpretation (decoding) of formative aspects will help beginners to better understand their natal chart. And also predict favorable and unfavorable events in different areas of your life path.

When filling out the form, pay attention to the time of birth item, if the time is unknown, leave 12.00, it is specially reserved for an unknown time. If you were born exactly at 12.00, set to 12.01. Also in the place of birth item, you need to select the nearest settlement of your birth, if there is no such item in the list, then enter in the search bar

Planetary transits are one of the main tools used by astrologers in predicting future events. Particular attention is paid to changes in the sign, aspect, house of the transit planet in relation to the static planets of the natal chart.

A particularly important event in the motion of the planets is the planetary "return". This is when the transit planet returns to the same point that it occupied at the time of birth, that is, it coincides with the position of the natal planet. Such a circle means that the planet has completed its cycle, and a new cycle in human life is just beginning.
The most significant are the cycles of the outer planets Jupiter and Saturn. The return of Jupiter occurs every 12 years and this heralds a new phase of development and growth. The return of Saturn occurs every 30 years, its cycle means a transition to a new age achievement of a person.

Planetary transits are the most important part in predictive astrology. Although most astrologers consider the term "prediction" not correct, since modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events in a person's life. But it only indicates the potential that is shown in the natal chart, and the possibility for the development of both favorable and unfavorable circumstances. At the same time, the choice of free will plays a key role on the path that a person has taken.

Among authoritative astrologers there is also an opinion that choice is just an illusion, and karmic fate cannot be changed. But the knowledge that astrology gives will help to avoid sharp corners, or to benefit in favorable periods.



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