Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces > Natal chart > Calculation of the Natal chart

Midheaven (MC) in the natal chart

Why do ordinary people make excellent careers and reach glorious heights? Perhaps because they know exactly their global goal and the means to achieve it.

The natal chart contains a concept that symbolizes the destiny of a person. This is the highest point of the ecliptic – the middle of Heaven (MC). It is located at the top of the Tenth house and is responsible for career growth. To calculate it, use our natal chart . On the cosmogram, the point MC is depicted as an arrow on the border of the 10th house.

MS reflects not only mercantile interests, but also deep, subconscious motives for choosing a profession – those states that a person wants to experience in the process of work. For example, Sagittarius dreams of becoming famous. Gemini needs freshness. Aquarius strives for originality.

MC and Natural Elements

The elements indicate qualities that help or hinder in moving up the social ladder. Representatives of Air and Fire are ardent dreamers, gushing with grandiose ideas. They ignite quickly but also cool down quickly. “Earthly” natures always bring what has been started to the end. They just need to budge. People of Water are endowed with ambition, intuition, wonderful memory. Their disadvantage: endless mood swings.

Midheaven (MC) in the signs of the zodiac

The position of the Midheaven in the signs of the zodiac reflects the traits that appeal to people and which they must possess on the path to success. Scorpios, for example, admire outstanding personalities. To succeed, they themselves must acquire powerful charisma.

MC in the sign of Aries

Individuals dream of showing themselves brightly, taking a worthy place under the sun. On the way to success, obstacles await them. To overcome them, you need courage, assertiveness, determination.
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MC in the sign of Taurus

The personality strives for stability and high earnings. To do this, you need to have realistic thinking, the ability to plan your daily activities.
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MC in the sign of Gemini

A variety of inclinations, a restless disposition push one to endless searches for oneself. Hence – a change of professions, ups and downs. Active communication with people will help you reach the top.
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MC in the sign of Cancer

Financial stability, important for the wards of the Sign, depends on their diplomacy and ability to adapt to changing conditions. Success will have to take detours.
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MC in the sign of Leo

The lust for power and importance is stronger than the desire for profit. Such individuals can fulfill lofty aspirations only in a team of like-minded people. To create it, Leos need to learn to understand people.
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MC in  the sign of Virgo

The main thing is a decent income. The way up takes small steps. Such qualities as pedantry, discretion, exceptional efficiency are irreplaceable.
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MC in the sign of Libra

Ambition can be risky. People must comprehend the art of diplomacy, be affable and courteous. A bit of cunning won’t hurt either.
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MC in the sign of Scorpio

The ward of such an arrangement must be of an extraordinary nature. The surest way to achieve the desired status is to master the art of manipulation and keep your plans secret.
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MC in the sign of Sagittarius

Such people dreams of honors and awards. But if they do not know how to concentrate, to single out the main thing for themselves, their claims can remain empty dreams.
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MC in the sign of Capricorn

Such people crave power more than luxury. Their dignity: patience, perseverance. But there is a danger of becoming too insensitive. There is no need to suppress good impulses in themselves.
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MC in the sign of Aquarius

These individuals are distinguished by their striving for the future. Disadvantages – a tendency to self-will, an unexpected change of occupation. Success depends on worthy friends and partners.
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MC in the sign of Pisces

A thirst for pleasure and a lack of ambition are hardly compatible with a successful career. Achievements are possible if only the person is ready to accept the offered help and start acting.
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MCs and planetary rulers in the 10th house

The tenth house symbolizes a business career, social status, reputation. The middle of heaven in it indicates specific areas of activity. The ruler planets determine the true vocation of a person.

Mars in the 10th house

Such individuals want to mean something in their profession, need respect. Areas of activity: army, law enforcement, sports, heavy industry, transport. Unfavorable aspects push for hasty decisions, increase aggressiveness.

Venus in the 10th house

Above all – the aesthetics of the process, the beauty of the result, the meaningfulness of communication. The chosen ones of the beautiful Planet find themselves in art, design, advertising business. Intense connections breed disillusionment in the profession.

Mercury in the 10th house

For the sake of a good education, people are ready to make many sacrifices. Work should be connected with people: service sector, pedagogy, journalism. With negative aspects, life is clouded by a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Moon in the 10th house

There is a great need for recognition here. Lunar emotionality is in harmony with the art world. Such people can find themselves in medicine, veterinary medicine, family business. In the midst of tense connections, a career is hampered by a lack of energy.

Sun in the 10th house

The “sunny” individuals can find a vocation in pedagogy, art, business, politics. Everywhere they will strive for leadership. With bad aspects, brilliant plans are thwarted due to conceit and egocentrism.

Jupiter in the 10th house

The choice of a profession is determined by its prestige. These are international relations, foreign languages, music, medicine, finance. The penchant for adventures, reinforced by negative aspects, can deal a blow to the reputation – the main value of the “Jupiterian”.

Saturn  in the 10th house

Such people treat work with respect. Their path is to be an administrator, functionary, official, scientist. Affected connections form inveterate retrogrades or hopeless losers.

Uranus in the 10th house

It is important for these individuals to maintain independence and freedom. Professions: programming, medicine, physics. Tense aspects exacerbate conflicts in the team, push such people to ridiculous actions.

Neptune  in the 10th house

The main thing is to affirm ideals. Activities: psychology, art, alternative medicine, philosophy. “Evil” Neptune makes such people choose the wrong path and fanatically defend false values.

Pluto in the 10th house

The main goal is to gain influence, authority, power. Occupations: business, politics, surgery, psychoanalysis, detective work. Unfavorable aspects spoil relations with superiors, suppress initiative, provoke a departure into the world of crime.


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