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Moon Square – MC (Midheaven). The winding path of intuition

Area with Meridian middle of the sky creates in the human soul an enormous tension, especially when a long time it is impossible to execute our plans, when confronted with obstacles internal and external plan. In developed and conscious individuals, the intensity of passions promotes movement forward at all costs, in weak-minded individuals, their hands give up and destructive programs are turned on.

Among the celebrities there are a lot of people with an abundance of squares with MCs, who have become an example of courage for millions. Therefore, it is important to work out the aspect correctly in order to avoid trouble.

The main problem of the owners of the Moon – Midheaven square is eternal dissatisfaction with work, family and the inability to combine these directions harmoniously. A person wants to shine in society and bask in the attention of relatives, but domestic troubles are reflected in work, and failures in a career lead to nervous breakdowns in loved ones. If there is a choice between love and promotion, it will be in favor of professional success.

Dangers of square Moon – MC

The native’s subconsciousness periodically storms so that loved ones do not recognize him. This happens in stressful situations, regarding the affairs of the house where the Moon is located , and of course this is especially pronounced in the wards of the water elements. Their behavior is shocking and hurtful. If they are disappointed or angry, it goes to everyone, even though the gift of empathy allows them to be sensitive and attentive to the problems of others, but only if they are satisfied with their lives. This happens rarely.

Men and women with the Moon square – MC dream of becoming famous for good deeds and charitable projects, so that others admire their generosity, but without working out the qualities of character and emotional reactions, they become famous in connection with negative incidents or scandals. At the average level of development, this is a human emotion, who depends on the whims of his subconscious. To avoid problems, you need to clearly clarify all problem areas of influence of the Moon – Midheaven square:

  • difficulties with self-determination, shyness, isolation in communication with useful people: they do not know how to make a self-presentation, to win over, to find the right words;
  • disappointment in the chosen specialty at the first difficulties, intolerance of criticism, the desire to burn bridges and start all over again;
  • resentment, rancor, secret sabotage and gossip behind the back in relation to those who allowed attacks in their direction;
  • fate constantly puts before a choice: to please yourself or push your dreams into the background, fulfilling the desires of loved ones;
  • quarrels and disputes with business partners, denial of compromise, even for personal gain;
  • the need to work hard and hard to get the desired results in the profession.

After working out the spiritual qualities, the carriers of the Moon – MC square enjoy the attention of others in the company of friends and at business meetings, they boldly speak in public, but they become prone to emotional outbursts of anger or indignation when faced with injustice or disappointment in love.

Personal relationships

Most of all, men and women with this aspect would benefit from the support and love of the mother. However, she makes too high demands or treats children coolly, taking care of herself. She may have ambitious plans for a native. Frequent expressions of dissatisfaction with regard to the lack of giftedness or looseness of the child generates many complexes, which will then have to be worked out with a psychologist.

There are a lot of difficulties in family relationships. On the one hand, there is a strong emotional attachment to loved ones, on the other hand, pickiness, irritability and the habit of pouring negativity onto them.

The lack of mutual understanding and emotional compatibility is especially pronounced in men with the Moon square – MC with his wife. Girls with this aspect are infantile, creative personalities who expect reliability and a philosophical attitude to their whims from their spouse. Representatives of both sexes most often come across a woman as a boss, through whom they work off grievances against their mother.

Elaboration of the Moon square – MC

The secret of interacting with the aspect is in the ability to listen to intuition, but separate its voice from emotional outbursts and momentary desires. This is achieved through meditation and prayer practices, solitude by the water.

The second step is to live in harmony with others, but not stop being yourself, respecting your desires, but not competing and fighting for them with others. Resentment against the mother blocks good luck in the profession and makes a woman invisible to the opposite sex, and men are deprived of reciprocity in love.

Forgiveness and acceptance of parents, respect for older women contribute to the study of the Moon – MC square, as well as charitable selfless work or even helping unfamiliar grandmothers. It is important to get things done without giving up halfway, especially with regard to creativity, psychotherapy, medication.

Clarity of consciousness and a clear understanding of the insights of intuition will help talismans with natural gems: rock crystal , aquamarine , beryl , moonstone .

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Midheaven Square Moon:


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