Natal chart
Horoscopes Online calculation
horoscopes online calculation:
Natal chart - online calculation
Performs online calculation of the natal chart by date of birth with the decoding of the cosmogram ...
Relocation (Local) Chart - online calculation
Local chart or relocation chart is a chart, calculated according to the place you're currently living / staying in ...
Transits. Online calculation
Transits allow you to calculate transit planets for the date of interest.
Calculate Lilith (Black Moon) and Selena (White Moon)
Lilith in the horoscope indicates past mistakes that a person should avoid in this life so as not to repeat previous mistakes and not to burden his Karma with this.
Lunar calendar. Online calculation
Lunar calendar online, allows you to calculate the lunar day, the phases of the moon for the entire lunar month, the moon in the sign ...
Void of Course Moon. Online calculation for a month
Online calculation for a month, Last Aspect of the Moon, Void of Course Time, Sign of the Moon ...
Void of Course Moon. Online calculation
Online calculation for any date, Last Aspect of the Moon, Void of Course Time, Sign of the Moon ...
Calculation of biorhythms
Biorhythms online will calculate 3 cycles of human biorhythms, display a graph and a table for a month ...
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