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Pluto and Ascendant Aspects

Pluto conjunct the Ascendant

People are able to notice with what impulse you carry out your activities and pursue your own interests. They see you as an attractive, very powerful and at times obvious and overt threat. People cannot understand where the force they feel will be directed: for the good or against them. Since Pluto is a planet of great power, you may be faced with situations that require or force you to use will and strength. Other people may try to use these qualities against you, so it is better to remember that “the one who comes to you with a sword will die from it.” Plus, you can spend a lot of time trying to eradicate or correct some of your negative personality traits. You are able to intuitively know or understand other people's thoughts, feelings or stimuli. You are naturally endowed with a detective flair.

Pluto in harmony with the Ascendant

You tend to be a serious person with a touch of magnetism. You are an inquisitive person and try to behave diplomatically in your dealings with other people. You have leadership qualities that can be developed with intelligence and will. Sometimes you are quite emotional, which helps prevent an explosion from the powerful energy that is inside you. You feel comfortable with her. You are interested in the philosophy and difficulties of social reforms.

Pluto in dissonance with the Ascendant

You are intolerant of other people and their beliefs. People see you as a threat to their normal existence. They will test and test you, and you will test them. You will not run away from the competition, and you may even stray from the path in search of a “good fight”, verbally or otherwise. Perhaps you should learn how to work with people. You love the tension in a relationship, and the more the better. You keep your feelings secret from those with whom you are connected. Most likely, they would like you to open up a little more.


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