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Lilith (Black Moon) in Scorpio – the transformation of silence

A fictitious point denoting the drain of energy, the place of the birth sins of the past and, as a result, their continuation in the present life, is not always taken into account by astrologers, but it certainly affects the life of a particular person. The theme of this sign and the house instantly tightens the native with an energy loop and does not let go until it exhausts all the forces. It is important to go to its highest floor and not succumb to temptation.

However, it is incredibly difficult for the owner of Lilith in Scorpio to do this. The theme of the most mystical sign of the zodiac is associated with death, transformation of consciousness, crises and overcoming, and it is difficult to repel the provocations of dark forces, although it is necessary to reach the level of a fearless warrior of light.

Lilith in Scorpio and past life

The classical interpretation is that the native in the past incarnation enjoyed the pain of his victims, transgressed the laws of good and evil, and practiced black magic. It could be a witch, bewitching men at the request of female manipulators, sending damage, or a man – a black magician, a hypnotist, subordinating to his will for the sake of selfish aspirations. Characters such as the Bluebeard, the black widow could have a place with Lilith in Scorpio, but only if she is highlighted in place and there are other aggravating aspects.

Far from always, these terrible crimes occurred in the life of a native, if now there is no craving for black magic, but in any case, a person harmed other people, even if he took out his wife’s brain and cheated right and left.

The difficult nature of the owner of the horoscope is felt in this incarnation. The tendency to manipulate, selfishness, resentment, destructive anger and the ability to hit the opponent’s weak point, and even a loved one during a quarrel, are the consequences of a past life.

Manifestations of Lilith in Scorpio in real life

The native seeks to completely subjugate and control loved ones, but does not act as provocatively and openly as the owners of Lilith in Libra. If those scandals are daily, the Black Moon in Scorpio is silent for a long time, observing and collecting dirt. Such people like to be offended by their own suspicions, and then harass their loved ones with silence so that they themselves guess where they messed up.

Scorpio is a water, fixed sign and it hangs more than others in the themes of the house where Lilith is located. Any changes in this area cause Plutonian experiences: anger, pain, fear, and in the worst cases, suicidal thoughts.

If the Black Moon in Scorpio is in the 4th house, then these are relationships with parents and real estate, in the 5th sector – love affairs and children. Any stresses and problems in this area will be critical and crisis, when the native winds himself up and worries. However, the degree of manifestation depends on the level of human development:

Inferior: The native manipulates, threatens, intrigues and curses all who prevent him from achieving what he wants. Conspiracies and love spells, aggressive vampirism, provocation of quarrels, crime, poisoning or destruction of the opponent’s reputation are used. There may be sexual insatiability and various perversions.

Medium: high anxiety, many fears that put the native in the position of a victim, attracting tyrants, energy vampires, envious people. A person is easy to jinx, intimidate, frame. Fatal love with a toxic and dangerous person.

Higher: the ability to see through people, the talents of an astrologer, medium, magician, healer. The power to change your destiny and the lives of other people, thanks to the ability to see the future.

The provocateurs of the demon Lilith in Scorpio are any crises and changes, enemies and envious people, passion and betrayal.

Lilith in Scorpio and personal life

In love relationships, the native is a very patient and devoted person. He endures any difficulties created by his partner for a very long time, and they will certainly be, because the wards of the Black Moon in Scorpio will have to work out karma with a complex or infantile life partner.

While they are in love, they will dutifully endure insults, depreciation, nit-picking, but having lost interest in spouses or driven to despair, they will arrange such an explosion that it will not seem to anyone, and they can take revenge for a long time and stubbornly. True, the fear of change keeps them from radical breaks for a very long time. They will not forgive, perhaps, only treason. If there is love, then they will faithfully look after the chosen one to the ends of the world, sacrifice their interests.

It is difficult for Lilith owners in Scorpio to express their emotions, so they deliberately provoke their partner into scandals, rudeness, and assault in order to have the right to finally pour out their claims. They have a huge sexual potential, but they often suppress it, which leads to neurosis and hysteria.

How to defeat the demon Lilith in Scorpio

You need to learn to calmly and thoroughly express your feelings, without moving to the position of victims or aggressors, while maintaining your own dignity. You can engage in esotericism in order to help people, but any black manipulative magic will receive severe punishment at ages multiple of 9.

Parents of children with Lilith in Scorpio need to protect them strongly until the age of 9, as they attract perverts, and give the right attitudes about good and evil.

Karmic work is to help people in crises, facing death, violence, seduction. It is good to work as a pathologist, criminologist, psychologist, politician, astrologer, surgeon.

Celebrities with Lilith in Scorpio: N. Mikhalkov, B. Bardo, V. Zhirinovsky, A. Kurosawa.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Lilith in Scorpio:


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