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Elaboration of Mars in the natal chart

Mars was named after the Roman god of war. This planet is responsible for determination, willpower, energy levels and body resistance. Without its power, it is impossible to achieve success in business, sports, confidently declare the right to happiness and financial well-being, and even more so to have a harmonious intimate life in partnership. This planet is considered a pest, but few people know that even evil Mars can be normalized and appeased by certain astrological compensatory actions.

A strong Mars also means healthy sexuality in men and women, and a weak or afflicted one gives rise to criminal inclinations, awakens aggression and anger. If individuals are constantly humiliated, offended, beaten, they have problems with money, in their personal life, not to mention sexual violence and attacks from outside, then the red planet needs urgent work.

Strength and weakness of Mars in the horoscope

Without Martian power, it is impossible to realize the uniqueness of the Sun and the secret desires of the Moon. However, even the initially strong position of Mars in the natal chart can quickly give an energy imbalance on the event plane if its power is used incorrectly. With this alignment, people will still achieve their goals, even if not by completely legal methods, and it will be easy to evade responsibility.

Signs of Mars, free from the karmic sins of the past, endowing the owner of such Mars with confidence and courage:

  • position in the signs of Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn;
  • the presence of positive aspects with benefic planets.

By the location of Mars, people express negative emotions when they have a desire to kill or destroy with the use of tools the houses of their stay.

Initially weak position of Mars:

  • in the signs of Libra, Cancer and Taurus;
  • with destructive aspects with Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, the Moon, Venus (everything is considered individually);
  • near the Sun, as it gives a strong bias in consciousness and inadequate behavior, destructive egocentrism;
  • retrograde – aggression and anger are directed at oneself, it is scary to express feelings and open up to the world.

In other signs, the position of the red planet is neutral, and activity is more manifested in creative pursuits, sports, love and practical actions, of course, if there are no tense aspects.

Mars in intimate relationships

In the female horoscope, it symbolizes the desired type of life partner, and in men, the level of sexual energy. If the planet is weak, then there is a fear of men, ignoring intimate relationships, and with bad aspects – perverted addictions, inability to prove oneself, problem partners. Such individuals are vindictive and cunning precisely out of impotence. Even years later, they will take a thoughtful revenge if they are abandoned or not reciprocated.

If Mars is too strong and not implemented in social life: career, sports, public recognition, then excess anger spills over into a tendency to violence and dominance in sex, beating a partner. Such a person can even kill in a state of passion.

Signs of Troubled Mars in Men and Women

A strong Mars does not guarantee the absence of problems. On the contrary, it will be necessary to strictly observe the balance of power in order not to go from the category of an active winner into an aggressor and despot.

The main mistake of the owners of a strong and weak antipode of Venus is inadequacy in a particular social role. At work, this is a confident boss, at home – henpecked, or vice versa, helpful in the office in front of the authorities, the lady splashes out the accumulated irritation on her children and husband.

Mars is a symbol of male energy. Its excess in women is fraught with a masculine appearance and demeanor, and, together with the aspects of Uranus, gives an unconventional orientation. Such girls often feel dislike for the family, do not want to become mothers, think only about a career and subconsciously compete with colleagues of the opposite sex. Ladies with unrealized strong Mars and problematic Venus even look like men, they have a lack of female hormones, suppressed libido, or vice versa, sex with the first person they meet is a common thing.

A man with a strong Mars is a warrior-defender, an athlete, a determined and purposeful businessman, but as soon as he crosses the line, he is already a despot with his fists at the ready, an inveterate debater, a domestic tyrant, a lover of crime, extreme sports and violence.

Manifestations of problematic Mars in life

Mars traditionally patronizes the military, cooks, athletes, gardeners. It is well manifested in people who create something useful with their hands: wood carvers, locksmiths, plumbers, so without its influence it is impossible even to make simple repairs, grow seedlings, and going to the housing office turns into a nightmare.

Signs of a problem planet:

  • inadequate splashing of anger – tantrums, violence against others or suppression of emotions;
  • timidity, indecision, tearfulness, phobias;
  • inability to cook – for women, fear of weapons and the army – for men;
  • resentment, envy, greed and vindictiveness;
  • skin redness, brittle nails, obesity, liver and gallstones, acne on the skin;
  • sexual perversion or anorgasmia;
  • dependence on meat food, sausages, alcoholism, smoking;
  • the desire to argue and devalue the opinion of the interlocutor, swear, humiliate or suffer from these manifestations of the surrounding people;
  • constant unpleasant encounters with men of Martian appearance – rude brutals.

Weak Mars can also show up in aggression, but will do it secretly. A modest hard worker at work and an abuser at home is common on a stricken planet. Lack of male hormones, obesity, laziness, effeminacy also threaten such individuals as well as timidity, indecision, inability to prove themselves in any business.

On the physical plane there are injuries, cuts, burns, fights and verbal skirmishes.

General Methods for Elaboration of Mars

It is very difficult to harmonize a fiery planet with simple actions, since it is easy to upset the balance of energies. The easiest way to follow the Vedic recommendations:

  • show respect for men, the military, husband, father;
  • wear red on Tuesday (and always, if Mars is not evil in the horoscope, like Roman legionnaires and empresses), as well as metal jewelry with hematite, almandine, ruby, carnelian, scarlet corals;
  • cook delicious meals on Tuesday, if, for example, a woman is busy with a career and usually does not cook, or a man should make it a rule when his wife mainly cooks;
  • work out sexual complexes with a psychologist and reveal oneself in a relationship with a partner;
  • do daily exercises, choose favorite sport and devote time to it regularly;
  • periodically present gifts to men just like that from the heart, actively communicate with them;
  • take responsibility, solve problems as soon as they arise, be the first to start a difficult conversation;
  • openly sort things out with enemies, stop communicating with energy vampires and envious people who pretend to be friends;
  • protect the weak, patronize children;
  • follow the daily routine, lead an active lifestyle.

Mars is traditionally responsible for blood and muscles. If this is a problem, then the Martian energy simply will not come from anywhere. The most important way to study is sports. However, if the planet is severely affected, injury is likely. In this case, people need to choose an easy option, avoid contact types and overvoltage in the gym. Even running in the morning and exercising gently harmonize Mars. Women are shown Slavic gymnastics, yoga, Pilates. Swimming is a good option if there is no afflicted Neptune.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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