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Sun in the sign of Virgo

Solar Virgos strive for purity and perfection in everything that surrounds them and what they do. They are usually reserved, shy, analytical, precise, hardworking, tactful, punctual and reliable. Virgos are very practical hard workers, with a tendency to notice and analyze all the details. Negative character traits are often picky, sarcastic and skeptical, a tendency to depression and pessimism, as well as some selfishness. Virgos are happy at work, where they have to pay attention to numerous details and the ability to help people. They do not want to be in leadership positions because they believe that utility is more important than leadership.

Virgos have an inquisitive mind and an excellent memory. They like to analyze people, situations and problems. They always want to know “how, why, when and where.” They usually find it difficult to relax, as boredom is what they hate the most. They want to always be busy with something – and no matter what: they can create new projects or study something, gaining new knowledge.

Virgos often depend on what they promise to do. They are talented organizers and enjoy creating projects, schedules and lists. This is an innate love for order and harmony in everything. They always subconsciously strive for excellence in everything they do. Because they put in a lot of effort to be perfect, they demand the same from others. If they are not happy with the result, then they often allow themselves to be excessively critical and picky.

Sun in the sign of Virgo

Solar Virgos are inherent to worry. This is because they crave perfection and are always thinking about how this or that can be done better, especially after the work is done. This tension can affect their health, causing intestinal upset. People under this sign need to develop a positive outlook on life, as this has a direct impact on their health. If they become too worried about life, they can turn into hypochondriacs. They are generally healthy and are looking for new ways to take care of themselves on their own, usually by improving their diet or using natural remedies. Whether old or young, all Virgos need time to relax every day. In any case, many Virgos look much younger than their years.

In love, Virgos find it difficult to express their feelings, to the extent that they experience them. And although Virgos are quite self-sufficient, for happiness they also need someone to love, help and serve someone.

Celebrities with the Sun in Virgo:


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