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Sun in the sign of Sagittarius

Solar Sagittarius are generally idealistic, optimistic, reliable, open-minded, friendly, honest, and versatile. But they can also be tactless, irresponsible, showy, boastful, self-righteous, arrogant, grumpy, fanatical, dogmatic, and are real dictators. Sagittarians love any job that involves risk, but they avoid meticulous work.

Sagittarius tend to be so outspoken that they are straightforward. Just express their ideas and opinions directly. Some people think that Sagittarius are very tactless, claiming that they are ready to “kill with the truth.” Despite the non-diplomatic remarks of Streltsov, people do not see a real threat from them, but, on the contrary, show interest in their information.

Sagittarius love large animals, nature, sports, being in the fresh air. Some of them have reckless gambling tendencies and are willing to gamble whatever they have. They love travel and long walks, as it gives Sagittarius the feeling of freedom they need so much.
Sun in the sign of SagittariusSagittarius are true philosophers, they take an interest in deep questions and mysteries of life. They believe in a better life, and this, as a rule, makes them think positively, regardless of the negative moments that may occur in their life at this stage. They want to understand the meaning of life. This is what helps them grow and improve. This goal can lead Sagittarius to exhaustion, to a large waste of energy and strength. They should take rest breaks to recuperate between projects.

Sagittarius must learn to focus on their current projects and stick to them to the end. They are always full of enthusiasm, which is present at the beginning of the project, but then the enthusiasm fades away due to the many nuances and details that slow down the work, because of which they lose interest.

Sagittarius usually do not complain about health, but there is a tendency to overeat. They are known for their friendliness, subtle humor and willingness to help. They are good conversationalists and enjoy when they discuss something, just to discuss something. They have humanitarian instincts and are practical in expressing them. They are ready to help anyone who needs it.

Solar Sagittarius are very independent and need personal freedom. They can be claustrophobic, physical or emotional. Therefore, such people do not want to fall into submission and often shy away from marriage. In love, Sagittarius are very romantic, but they need their partner to be communicative and intelligent. They hate jealousy and possessiveness on the part of their partner, because they love to flirt. They are more passionate about the chase than the capture.

Smart careerists, Sagittarius don’t want to be tied to a schedule, so they will experiment with different types of work. They are successful in their careers if the work is related to travel. They also work well with people, promoting ideas and products.

A Sagittarius may miss small details, but their sense of planning is excellent. They have a good memory. They love to work with what interests them, and they are also carried away by the unknown. They love to gamble and travel not for the destination, but for the route itself.

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