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Venus in the sign of Leo

The planet of thunderstorms and winds, personifying the creative principle of man, the ability to love, enjoy benefits and luxury, in the female horoscope shows how the owner reveals the potential in relationships, and in the male one gives an idea of ​​the ideal image of the beloved.

The morning star Venus in the sign of Leo shines with royal splendor and walks through life with the proud tread of a winner. From birth, people with this position are sure that they were born for lofty goals, palaces and red carpets, while gifted with a noble soul, subtle aesthetic taste and talents. The karmic task is to realize the creative abilities of oneself and children, to make sure that ambition does not turn into arrogant vanity.

Features of a psychological portrait

From a young age, the owners of Venus in Leo strive to acquire a high social status, sometimes compromising their own ideas of honor and dignity, but later returning to noble deeds. They love to patronize the weak and the helpless and restore justice.

Luxury and brand are their weakness: phones, clothes, car, educational institution, apartment should be prestigious and beautiful in appearance. Born aesthetes will never drink from a cracked cup or finish the day before yesterday’s dinner. They always stand out in the crowd for their bright personality charisma and royal manner.

Being confident in the right to all the honors of the world, they easily achieve success, relying on the strengths of Venus in Leo:

  • beauty, subtle mind, refined speech and the ability to feel like a fish in water among high society;
  • leadership qualities and attracting the attention of others under any circumstances;
  • feelings full of fire and passion: loving natures, loyal, reliable friends, noble enemies, who know how to forgive the enemy and not beat a lying person;
  • openness of emotions: they do not hold a stone in their bosom and do not pretend, immediately showing who is like and who is not;
  • rich creative talent and imagination – the talent of an actor, director, poet, writer, artist, creating vivid and unforgettable images, because Venus in Leo cannot stand the dullness and monotony of plot lines;
  • attention to large-scale interesting events: festivals, political meetings, art exhibitions, fashion shows, and the ability to profitably present oneself, acquire many useful connections;
  • the need to restore justice – following this karmically inherent feeling leads the native to the necessary acquaintances and career advancement.

Representatives of Venus in Leo believe that the world revolves around them, they like to surround themselves with fans, to play in public during quarrels or conflicts. Children with such a position painfully perceive secondary roles in school performances and public life, striving to dominate their peers. It is important for peace of mind to be surrounded by true friends and to focus on athletic and creative achievements.

Venus in the sign of Leo

Venus male and female

Girls with Venus in Leo are regally beautiful, dress bright and sexy, have regular facial features, a beautiful lip line, eyebrows and a truly lion’s mane of hair. However, the love for exquisite dishes and feasts of social events provokes fullness with age, if they do not defeat natural laziness.

The Venus bearer in Leo, despite her seductive appearance, shows masculine traits and behavior, she lacks gentleness and diplomacy. In striving for success and independence, she is not inferior to her partner, sometimes causing him to fear not to correspond to her achievements and dreams, which leads to broken dreams of love, without which she cannot imagine happiness.

She needs a bright, special and unique leader with a creative nature, for example, Mars in Sagittarius, Leo or the non-jealous home Mars in Taurus, who will free her from the hated life, allowing her to take up a career and social life.

A man with Venus in Leo dreams of a girl with the appearance of a movie star, cheerful and independent, and seeks to make the dream come true, raising and mentoring a partner he likes. A leader and egocentric, he attracts a lot of fans thanks to his artistic talents, royal shocking and the ability to take all the benefits from life, so there are many who want to become his Galatea, but he is rarely satisfied with the result and rushes to the next love adventure, captivated by a new image of a successful and bright woman.

At the same time, he remains a generous and good friend of his former partner, maintaining a warm relationship with children. The owner of Venus in Leo does not like to be at home, preferring to go out with friends, attending performances and sports. Venus in Aquarius, Taurus or Libra can satisfy his aesthetic and erotic needs.

Aspects with other planets

The Sun acts as the ruler of the sign Leo, respectively, the aspects of Venus with the daylight will have a key effect on the individuals. The connection of the star and the planet is endowed with nobility, generosity, creative talents and the ability to attract the necessary circumstances for their implementation, creating a beautiful personality externally and spiritually. It is also an indicator of wealth and marriage with an artistic status partner.

Favorable aspects with Mars, Jupiter and Uranus increase the need for freedom of expression, help to embody original creative ideas and get sponsorship, and squaring and opposition with them perverts the path to fame through protruding “I”, humiliation of others and unpleasant shocking antics.

Additional description

People with Venus in Leo in the natal chart are sympathetic, independent, passionate, gentle, loyal and noble. In a partner, they are not looking for pettiness and stinginess. They crave love and understanding. They are looking for a Hero, Prince or Princess, someone they can idealize, someone they will be proud of, or someone who can captivate them. Such people like being the center of attention. They are quite sensitive to flattery and love to feel special. They like it when their personal life turns into a kind of drama, and sublime romantic gestures or excessive expressions of nobility impress them. They exaggerate their emotions.

Venus in the sign of Leo in the natal chart bestows honesty, attractiveness, openness, kindness and compassion. They love to have fun with some charismatic person. Such individuals think falling in love is easy. They expect a lot from people, and therefore they are easily hurt. They shouldn’t worry too much about their appearance when it is better to develop their inner potential. Otherwise, it will grow into vanity and bragging for them. Learn to admire their inner and outer beauty.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Venus in Leo:


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