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Alamak in the natal chart

Alamak (Almakh) is a fixed star of the third magnitude located on the left foot of the constellation Andromeda. In the natal chart it can be found at 14° Taurus, which is not coincidentally correlated with the Venusian radiations of Almak. It is very similar to the planet of love, and if they merge together, a person will always be the center of everyone’s attention, the life of the party, attracting the sympathy and interest of any public. This is one of those rare stars whose influence is almost always favorable for the native.

Alamak creates a need for games, entertainment, and fun, so refusing them would be akin to betraying one’s nature. Pavel Globa believes that aspects of this star with other planets promise an artistic career. It is also worth adding that in modern realities one can also realize oneself as an organizer of children’s parties, weddings, and any festive events, and this is also a very favorable position for animators and children’s astrologers.

Features of Alamak in the natal chart

The colors of the star are blue, orange and emerald. If you include them in your wardrobe, you can also symbolically enhance its beneficial effects by consciously including the energy of luck. For the same purpose, it is favorable to wear jewelry with emerald, blue topaz, opal and zircon.

Since Alamak gives cheerfulness, energy, charm and the ability to charm anyone, plus creative abilities, also indirectly associated with Jupiter and Pluto , we can talk about great luck in any creative direction. The native, first of all, will easily succeed as a director, producer, actor, animator. However, its influence will not be limited to this. If a person wants to realize himself in another profession, then his intention will come true, and his innate artistry and charm will help to establish good relationships in the team and with his superiors.

In any case, personal development comes through popularity. Whether the native wants it or not, he will always be the center of attention. Such people, as soon as they appear on the threshold, attract glances, so such a quality cannot be developed or created intentionally; it is stellar energy.

The second direction of sales and earnings is the sale of works of art, as well as icons, paintings, antiques, regardless of whether they are masterpieces or not. The native will easily be able to collaborate with museums, archaeological centers, and modern galleries. The jewelry business will also bring success, both as a jewelry maker and as a sales consultant. Selling medical equipment and materials for dentistry will be a good idea.

In almost any circumstances, Alamak makes it possible to create your own capital even from scratch and be a popular person in your chosen field of activity.

Negative influence of Alamak

There is no strong destructive effect here, but we should not forget that Almak attracts his wards to large companies, to a bohemian environment, where libations and all kinds of sensual entertainment are frequent.

A native who is weak in spirit easily becomes dependent on such things, becomes addicted to strong drinks, or worse. Particular attention at this point should be paid to those with Alamak conjunction with Neptune or Uranus, since here the thirst for forbidden or extreme pleasures can really lead to trouble if the spiritual level of the native is on the lower floor.

In addition, a person is subject to vanity. Seeing how easily people fall under his charm and always choose him in any situation, without the slightest effort on his part, the owner of a pronounced Alamak can become proud and consider himself better than others.

This is fraught with the cessation of development, because a person believes that he is already good, why should he continue to work on himself, create new works, develop intellectually. You may become addicted to delicious food. Excess weight, lack of new skills, laziness can negate all past successes and achievements of the card owner.

Alamak conjunction with other planets

Depending on the position of the star and its aspects, one can identify certain areas that will manifest themselves more clearly than others in a person’s life. The exact connection with the planets is of great importance:

Sun: high position through work in show business, television, politics, sports. Man was born for glory and knows how to enjoy it.

Moon: the native is the people’s favorite. He may be a deputy, a writer, an actor or a doctor, but he is always perceived as a dear and loved person.

Mercury and Venus: popularity due to personal charm and the ability to maintain many useful business connections.

Merging with the Ascendant and the MC traditionally promises fame and quick success; with the cusp of the 7th house – a happy marriage for love. However, intense aspects to these points bring problems and difficulties in the themes of fame and relationships. The native will have to overcome various obstacles and challenges.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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