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Selena (White Moon) in Libra – divine peacemakers

The White Moon, a highlighted fictitious point in the horoscope, was discovered relatively recently, but it is no coincidence that astrologers single out it – Selena or Lulu is a symbol of a guardian angel and an indicator of the area of ​​life where the greatest number of good deeds from past incarnations have been accumulated. The White Moon in Libra is harmonious and strong, its owners are elegant, benevolent, have a delicate artistic taste, love beauty and grace.

In the past, they reconciled warring parties, resisted gossips and schemers, probably themselves acted as a fair judge, maintaining a balance between the forces of Darkness and Light, so now they quietly enjoy a safe business partnership, a happy family life and the support of law enforcement agencies. However, we must not forget that Selena in Libra checks the compliance of a person with the highest qualities of the location sign every seven years, and in the case of sinful acts weakens the protection.

The saving influence of the White Moon

A conscious choice of the role of a peacemaker while observing earthly and cosmic laws of justice, refusal of condemnation and gossip will help to preserve and increase light karma for posterity. The bearer of the White Moon in Libra possesses the innate qualities of a diplomat and a politician and skillfully owns the word, which tempts him to use gifts for a selfish purpose, because it costs nothing to confuse the interlocutor and get a benefit with cunning, but such actions lead to the loss of Lulu’s bonuses:

  • the ability to maintain dignity and composure in a difficult situation and to reconcile the warring parties, and sometimes the presence or look of a native is enough;
  • friendly environment, warm family atmosphere, reliable business partners;
  • a fair assessment of the native’s creativity and professional merits, correct court decisions in case of contact with the law enforcement system;
  • protection from gossip, evil eyes, slander, and prayers and appeals to the Higher powers instantly receive positive answers in the real world;
  • success in jurisprudence, in diplomatic and government positions, in the field of art, theater, architecture, trade and creation of jewelry, perfume, cosmetics and works of art, public relations and advertising;
  • support and support from a life partner who knows how to encourage and inspire.

If the owner of the White Moon in Libra fights for ideals by violent means, destroys enemies instead of reconciliation and search for a solution that satisfies everyone, reacts painfully to criticism, then he has problems with the law, diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland and genitals.

Three levels of karmic manifestation

Higher powers communicate with the native through the representatives of solar Libra: according to the level of their spiritual development, one can determine at what level of karma Selena is and correct the character traits that they mirror. Lulu manifests herself in real life on three main levels:

1. Lower – Higher powers instantly suppress lies, intrigues and machinations for their own benefit, which an unconscious bearer of the White Moon in Libra can embark on, and if he persists, he will be put under trial in order to get on the path of knowing the truth. With harmonious behavior, a person is lucky in legal litigation and hearings, marriage is concluded with a like-minded person in love, friends and business partners are faithful and reliable.

2. Medium – having received the benefits of the first level, the native follows the destiny and helps others to solve problems with the law with knowledge, support, advice, reconciles the warring ones on his own initiative, feeling a surge of energy and warmth in his soul. He brings beauty and harmony to the world, trying to be perfect internally and externally, softening the tense situation with one appearance. A life partner takes on household chores and concerns, providing an opportunity for social activities. The ability to be a righteous judge without negative assessment leads to the third stage.

3. Higher – the restoration of harmony in the world through professional diplomatic work in the upper echelons of power for the sake of the ideas of humanism or esoteric prayer practices to support the forces of light.

The source of energy of the owner of Selena in Libra is the element of air in symbolic terms – light inspiring communication in a beautiful setting. Visiting art exhibitions and contemplating cultural masterpieces removes negativity and depression.

Important aspects with planets

The rulers of Libra are Venus and Chiron. Harmonious aspects with them allow you to arouse the sympathy and disposition of others, in order to then receive the support of public opinion in defending justice, the ability to feel the enemy’s pain points and heal them, to understand the opposite point of view and the psychological subtext of actions.

For the fulfillment of the destiny, the positive aspect with Saturn is also important, allowing you to restrain emotions and maintain the objectivity of a judicial assessment, and for a confident substantiation of arguments – with Mercury. Dangerous squares and oppositions with Pluto, Lilith and Mars provoking violent actions for the sake of a higher goal and the emergence of dangerous enemies in the process.

Vasilisa Vishneva

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