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Sun in the sign of Taurus

Solar Taurus tend to be strong, calm, mindful, practical, demanding, decisive, persistent, tenacious, compassionate, and loyal. They love to do the work with their own hands, building something and seeing tangible and practical results from their efforts. Routine work does not bother them as long as there is a result and it serves a specific purpose.

Property and material values ​​usually play a significant role in the life of Taurus . This happens due to emotional insecurity, when it is impossible to see and touch the objects that belong to them. The strongest need for possession and enjoyment of those feelings that arise at the same time lead to the fact that Taurus become either extremely productive or extremely selfish. To a lesser extent, Taurus care about people as much as about the objects of their property – this leads to difficulties in relationships.
Sun in the sign of TaurusTaurus are people who work a little slower than most, but at the same time they always complete everything, no matter what they start. This makes them reliable, decent, attentive and unshakable. People of this sign will rather support what others have started than do something themselves. They can be brought in, but never nudged.

It takes an incredible amount of effort to piss off  Taurus, but if their patience goes over the edge, they become furious and no one is able to stop them. Just imagine an angry bull and it can show what Taurus are capable of when they go too far. Everyone knows the proverbs and sayings about an angry bull, and Taurus needs a very long time to cool down. The best way to calm them down is to just leave them alone. Whatever happens, Taurus need time to learn and think about some things. Don’t rush or pressure them.

Taurus are slow to change their beliefs, but once changing it is very difficult to get them back. People tend to feel safe around Taurus. In times of crisis, they tend to be cool and collected, while showing patience and the ability to come up with a practical solution to the problem. People under this sign hate to be sick and in pain.

Such people have a love of beauty and harmony, they can be very emotional, but along with this there is a strong fear of loss. Possessiveness, jealousy, laziness, stubbornness and extravagance are those feelings that usually accompany this fear, while it is absent if these people do not have a desire to possess something or someone.They need to learn to develop mental and spiritual abilities and let go of the desire to possess a person emotionally and physically. They must also discover true values ​​and learn detachment. Taurus should be able to let go of people and material things.

Celebrities with the Sun in Taurus:


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