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Sun in the sign of Leo

Solar Leos are proud, courageous, gentle, strong, generous, cheerful, optimistic, ambitious, loyal and cheerful. Although there are also negative sides. They can be overly demanding, impatient, oppressive, lazy, narcissistic, and deaf to other people’s words. They do whatever gives them plenty of room for creativity, leadership, and organization. Such people appear strong on the outside, but most Leos are sensitive on the inside and easily hurt. When this happens, they can lash out at the offender, because their pride is hurt.

Leos are undoubtedly not without acting talent, and they enjoy telling stories, being the center of attention, having a good time and putting on a real show. Bad and cruel actions are not for them, but they will not hesitate and will use force if necessary. No matter what they do, Leos are confident that they are acting in the other person’s best interest.

If Leos are angry, they immediately get used to the role of the king, “take the throne” and quickly put the enemy or offender in place. Leos literally roar at people when they are furious. But when their tirade is over, they forgive, forget and never harbor resentment.

Sun in the sign of Leo
At their best, Leos are loving, joyful and optimistic personalities who can bring light to the lives of others. They are extremely generous. Money seeps through their fingers like sand. And they have no idea where everything is going.

Usually Leos have excellent health with strong life-giving powers. When they are sick, they often have a fever. They rarely suffer from depression, but if this happens, they simply become depressed. Fortunately, they recover quickly, so soon sunny, happy days come again for them, despite the fact that their hearts are broken. It is difficult for Leos to overcome this. And this kind of thing can lead to real heart problems.

Leos should admire their partner. If this is not the case, then family life will not last long. And of course, people under this sign need to feel appreciated.

Celebrities with the Sun in Leo:


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