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Burning of the Moon in the natal chart

Any aspect in astrology is lived by different people in their own way, depending on the level of awareness and development. For one, the burning of the Moon is a huge minus that blocks self-development and parenthood, for the other, it is a bold breakthrough of blocked feelings and beyond abilities in the emotional sphere.

Burning is considered the position of the planet within 8 degrees from or to the Sun. Those born on the New Moon experience this to the fullest.

The task of the owners of the horoscope is to take the energy of confidence and self-sufficiency and build it into their nervous system, which can be very difficult. It is difficult for such individiuals to believe that their super power lies in the realm of feelings, especially if the Moon is in earth signs. Such people seem emotionally dry and too restrained, they try to protect themselves from strong and sometimes even unbearable experiences.

Three types of burning of the Moon

The mind of the native creates a barrier between itself and the sensory perception of the world. In severe cases, it completely suppresses emotions, which provokes the psychosomatics of various diseases. It is extremely difficult to get rid of them, because such people exclude the influence of unbearable emotions on health, and this is the reason.

Inside there is an endless struggle with attempts to logically decompose sensations into cause and effect, but without allowing yourself to feel freely, the entire spectrum of experiences does not converge with one another.

Love, anger, passion, even gratitude, the desire to care and comfort cause panic fear.

Men are afraid to feel these emotions in relation to women, they become withdrawn and do not let even the one that they like close to their hearts.

Women, blocking the very essence of their nature through the moon, become cruel, cold, exhausted and cynical. It is difficult for them to get pregnant, and there are no warm trusting relationships with children. They feel like bad mothers and wives, but don’t know how to change it.

Of course, much depends on the type of burning of the Moon and its personal power: in exaltation, abode, fall or exile.

There are 3 types of position of the Moon near the Sun:

1. The degree of the Moon is greater than the solar, but does not exceed 8. The planet burns up in front of the star. In this case, the people themselves understand that they block the manifestation of their emotions, but quite consciously learn restraint, although they do not understand why.

2. The Moon burns out behind the Sun, its degree is less. In this situation, the owners of the horoscope are dominated by an unconscious, overwhelming feeling, and they are unable to influence what is happening. Coldness, indifference to other people’s sorrows, narcissism and lack of maternal instinct can be explained by the past of the family, where relations between women were violated, but in reality people have no power over this blockage.

3. The Moon is in the center of the Sun, and it endows its emotions with strength and power. The individuals with such a position of the Moon are superbly self-controlled, can be emotionally powerful or reserved, and influence other people by reading their feelings and expectations. This is Kazimi’s position. The Moon is the Sun’s favorite here. From a vulnerable  personality, the native turns into the master of emotions.

In any case, the owners of the burnt Moon prefer to wear masks, hiding true feelings, and sometimes they themselves do not understand who they really are. Also in such charts, the Ascendant is clearly manifested as a social image. It overlaps the Sun sign and reinforces the condition of the Moon, even if it is the second case of burning, creating callous and indifferent people.

Karmic roots of the burnt Moon

In a past life, the owners of the natal chart treated women badly. There were problems and scandals with their mothers, with their wives (in the male horoscope), their own parental function was distorted. Children were abandoned to the mercy of fate, or they did not give birth out of fear. In a man’s chart, this can mean forcing women to have an abortion.

In addition, such people manipulated other people’s feelings, using them to achieve personal goals, or just for fun. They skillfully pressed on pain points in someone else’s soul, and now they have been deprived of the opportunity to feel and thus influence fate. Now they have become students in regards to emotions, trying to figure out what is good and what is bad.

Burnt Moon Compensator

It is as if the owners of the burnt Moon build an invisible wall between themselves and the people around them, carefully protecting themselves from unnecessary worries, and eventually realize that this leads to loneliness, because they are considered indifferent and uninteresting. And then the desire to discover the inner world wakes up in them, which can be painful and difficult, and most importantly, a long process.

At first, the world of emotions seems unbearable, but this is an illusion. The main thing is to find a friendly environment that will support even tiny bursts of their emotions and creative inclinations.

It is very important to establish good relationships with  mother, grandmother, wife, or at least forgive each one, realizing that they are, to a certain extent, guides to blocked and tangled tangles of generic feelings.

Much later, if done right, empathy and compassion awaken, and all problems with expressing emotions disappear.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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