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Cancer and Libra – sign compatibility

The union of these two signs is the relationship between Air and Water. It can be playful, stormy, or downright unpredictable. It is unimaginably difficult to achieve harmony for Cancer and Libra, but both partners receive such a valuable reward that all the wounds inflicted on each other during the “grinding” process are forgotten.

Cancer and Libra - sign compatibilityCancer and Libra compatibility is primarily based on reaching a compromise. At the moment when the partners learn to give up a little so zealously defended positions, fate will give their union real happiness. Both Cancer and Libra want to find understanding in the eyes of a partner, but do not try to understand their chosen one themselves. But this is the key to winning a little love war.

Cancer is a rather difficult sign from an emotional point of view. His sensual world is rich and unpredictable. He is periodically dominated by memories or a premonition of happiness or misfortune. He often reflects, suffers from depression and cries for no reason. This behavior can drive everyone crazy. Cancer and Libra compatibility is characterized by the fact that Libra is a very gentle and tolerant sign. If an understanding is achieved between partners, Libra will be able to calmly relate to the mood swings of their other half, and during periods of serenity of Cancer, an idyll reigns between them, supported by an excellent sense of humor of both partners.

Among other things, the compatibility of the signs of Cancer and Libra is based on the fact that Cancer is a lunar sign, and Libra is ruled by Venus. Moon and Venus are friendly in their calmness. Libra is kind enough to understand Cancer's emotions, but at the same time very logical to confidently walk through life. In a relationship, Libra is guided by a partner, while Cancer is primarily concerned about his own state. This is the reason for the frequent strife between them. Another problem of such a union is the sometimes deadly truthfulness of Libra and the extreme rejection of any criticism by Cancer. Their life positions do not agree on the money issue either. Libra treats everything material more easily. They love to relax, often go to parties. Thus, they balance their soft nature, because that is why they are Libra. For Cancers, the priority is stability, and the ease of the partner they do not understand at all. When Cancer loses financial and emotional stability at the same time, it is unrecognizable. The moon sign becomes so aggressive that it is impossible to be around. The balance should maneuver, avoiding bends on its side. Then peace in the family will be ensured. Of all the signs of the zodiac, it is Libra that is called upon to balance the fickle sensuality of Cancer, to bring peace to his life. And Cancers, in turn, will give Libra the ability to dream and enjoy life. When analyzing the compatibility of Cancer and Libra, it should be remembered that they have a lot in common. Both of them are sentimental, endowed with wonderful imaginations and can be very fond of each other. The balance should maneuver, avoiding bends on its side. Then peace in the family will be ensured. Of all the signs of the zodiac, it is Libra that is called upon to balance the fickle sensuality of Cancer, to bring peace to his life. And Cancers, in turn, will give Libra the ability to dream and enjoy life. When analyzing the compatibility of Cancer and Libra, it should be remembered that they have a lot in common. Both of them are sentimental, endowed with wonderful imaginations and can be very fond of each other. The balance should maneuver, avoiding bends on its side. Then peace in the family will be ensured. Of all the signs of the zodiac, it is Libra that is called upon to balance the fickle sensuality of Cancer, to bring peace to his life. And Cancers, in turn, will give Libra the ability to dream and enjoy life. When analyzing the compatibility of Cancer and Libra, it should be remembered that they have a lot in common. Both of them are sentimental, endowed with wonderful imaginations and can be very fond of each other.

Cancer and Libra Sexual Compatibility

Insecure Cancer is impressed by the sociability and lightness of Libra. With his mysteriousness and dreaminess, he skillfully lures a partner in the network, and excellent love relationships develop between the signs. Sexual compatibility of the signs Cancer and Libra is not built on unbridled passion, but on the tenderness and sensitive attitude of partners to each other. It is a pity that the outer side of life interferes with their sexual harmony. The representative of the Libra sign, logical to the marrow of his bones, is not always able to adequately respond to the behavior of Cancer, who lives strictly according to his own, unknown laws.

Compatibility: Cancer man and Libra woman

The Libra woman is simply created for a love relationship. She is femininity itself. Venus gave her so much charm that it's hard for a Cancer man to resist.

Cancer and Libra - sign compatibilityIn addition, she is intellectually developed enough to be interesting to her partner. They find themselves together under the influence of an inexplicable attraction. The Cancer man for Libra is an amazing companion. He attracts her with his gallantry, sensuality and mystery. Next to Cancer, the Libra woman feels her protection from the roughness of the outside world. Of course, there are many negative aspects that arise in the life of these partners together. Libra does not always understand the secrecy of the chosen one, and may misinterpret it. And Cancers do not like the excessive extravagance inherent in the Libra woman in her pursuit of beauty and perfection.

There is only one recipe for happiness for such a couple – to concentrate all your attention on the merits of the partner, without stopping to sort out the relationship and grievances, since in the absence of external stimuli this union is ideal.

Compatibility: Cancer woman – Libra man

Such a union has everything necessary to achieve harmony. The Cancer woman is the perfect wife. A more caring, affectionate and gentle wife of Libra cannot be found. If a representative of the Cancer sign falls in love with a Libra man, she will surround him with care and devote all of herself to a single goal – so that her beloved is happy, calm, healthy, full, warm, etc. The Libra man is gentle enough to calmly relate to some of the dreaminess of his chosen one … But at the same time, he thinks soberly, has logic and strives to achieve the set goals, which are irreplaceable qualities for a husband and father.

Cancer and Libra business compatibility

Cooperation between these signs is quite possible, unless the partners are painfully sensitive to each other's negative emotions. At times, between Cancer and Libra, coldness, alienation and even some aggression can slip. As in love relationships, the business compatibility of the signs of Cancer and Libra can be very fruitful if they learn to see the positive sides in a partner, without getting hung up on excessive emotionality.

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