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Taurus and Cancer – sign compatibility

The compatibility of Taurus and Cancer  of the zodiac signs is average. Such a union can become successful or fall apart after a couple of weeks. It all depends on them. Both signs are completely different, and can make each other's life the happiest and at the same moment can ruin it so that it will leave a mark for many years.

Taurus and Cancer - sign compatibilityThe relationship between Taurus and Cancer is often harmonious. The stubborn nature and emotionality of Cancer suppresses the selfishness and calmness of Taurus. Devotion and loyalty to him greatly inspires Cancers, from this they feel confident next to them. Signs will find agreement on any issue: with regard to the family budget or what to do in the evenings.

The compatibility of the signs Taurus and Cancer in marriage is considered extremely high. In most cases, it all starts with a school friendship or a strong sexual attraction, over time, from which the signs decide to enter into a legal marriage. With each other, they are able to develop and fully enjoy life, because the relationship has already been tested more than once. In life together, it is difficult for them at first to adapt to their partner's habits, but a strong desire to get to know their loved one better will prevail. Over the years, they will become copies of each other, repeating all the habits. They will have common life priorities and common goals, which will help them live in peace for many years. The only drawback in such a marriage is the presence of jealousy in it. Both Taurus and Cancer are well aware of the words devotion, loyalty, but they are both strong owners, and any manifestation of freedom can bring them out.

In general, the combination of Taurus and Cancer is very successful, because they find in each other exactly what they have long dreamed of. In love, in marriage, in friendship, in working relationships, they get along well, because Cancer in Taurus sees, first of all, a like-minded person, and he admires his constancy and calm character. He can always be entrusted with the most intimate, and he will never betray. These signs will not have absolute mutual understanding, but it is easy for them to agree on basic issues. With their stubborn persistent character, Cancer will always achieve anything from a pessimistic Taurus, and persuade him to agree with his own opinion. Only he can soften his selfishness, and correct some of the shortcomings. So both signs create the most comfortable conditions for living together.

Taurus man – Cancer woman compatibility

Taurus are not used to rushing things, so they fall in love gradually, so that once – and for life. If they meet a Cancer woman on their way, they consider her the embodiment of a real woman, and are ready to spend a lot of energy to achieve her. If she does not spoil his mood with her love for freedom, then his devotion and loyalty will be long. Both signs have such a feature that if they grab onto something, then they will work for a long time on the task at hand, without giving up.

Taurus and Cancer - sign compatibilityTaurus treats jealousy thoroughly. Without a reason, he will never be jealous, but if even the slightest suspicion of treason appears, he will begin to be capricious and defend his property. The Cancer woman is also very jealous. Sometimes, with her suspicion and groundless distrust, she can get very tired of Taurus.

In general, a Taurus man is able to give Cancer the love she dreamed of. It will become a stone stable wall for her. She will respect his patience and reliability.

Male cancer female taurus compatibility

A Taurus woman has always dreamed of a serious, stable relationship. Therefore, she takes the choice of a partner very seriously. She enjoys Cancer's long courtship, which can last for several years. Gradually, she gets used to him, looks closely, and only later is definitely ready for a serious relationship. If she decided, it means that she will never give up on her choice and will begin to act. During this time, she managed to fully study Cancer, and she knows how to make him happy.

A Cancer man will always see his mother in Taurus. He will obey her, help around the house and listen to every opinion. He will become completely loyal to her as long as she will “babysit” him. Sometimes he will test the patience of a Taurus, be capricious and behave like a child. But, patience is a hallmark of the character of all Taurus, which will be ideal for such a couple.

Taurus and Cancer love compatibility

In bed with Taurus and Cancer, compatibility is very high, they are perfect for each other. Not only sexual satisfaction is important to both signs, but also the fact that they are making love with a worthy, desired partner. It is important for them to feel significant and important in bed, and this is exactly the place where Cancer is ready to completely surrender to another, to transfer his power to him. Taurus knows exactly what Cancer needs in closeness and helps him to open up.

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