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Saturn in the 2nd house of the relocation chart

A person is always afraid that not only positive changes await him at a new place of residence, but also unpleasant surprises. Without a relocation chart, it is difficult to predict how everything will turn out, because for some people the desired metropolis will become a springboard to a new bright life, while others will be de-energized, deprive them of the joy of life, and involve them in dangerous whirlpools. In the horoscope of moving, the sources of good luck and possible limiters are clearly visible.

Saturn is just famous for its ability to take away, narrow down opportunities and teach humility. However, this does not always bring trouble. If the planet is harmonious and well aspected, then the diligence and diligence of the native will be rewarded according to their deserts, and the aspects can be worked out. Saturn in the 2nd house of the relocation chart affects the money and energy resources of the cardholder, and there are a lot of subtleties here that are important to know in order not to be left without all this.

Features of the transition of Saturn to the 2nd house of the relocation chart

It is very convenient to accuse Saturn of limiting sources of income and the desire to earn money in principle. Yes, very often an ordinary person feels the need to save, but if the planet is not affected, there is a natural desire to save and increase capital.

In addition, the 2nd house is also responsible for the state of the physical body, places of work that can bring income, and the level of immunity.

At the same time, it is important to remember that the natal chart always stands in 1st place, so the way the 2nd house is presented in it will affect the person first of all, and only then the Saturnian energy will be added.

The relocation horoscope is best viewed together with the natal, which means that the house from which Saturn moved to the 2nd house of the local chart is of great importance.

The grid of houses shifts both clockwise and counterclockwise, respectively, most often the planet of karma moves to the 2nd sector from the nearest 12, 1, 3, 4.

In the first case, a person will face difficulties in implementing their creative projects. This does not mean that he will not be able to monetize them, but he will have to be patient and believe in success. Prayer and purposeful actions to promote your business will help here.

The movement from the 1st house to the 2nd will lead to the need to change in order to earn the desired amount of money. Instead of being a modest performer, the native will have to sit down to plan his future and, again, go step by step towards financial goals: save, invest, insure property, invest in precious metals.

The transition from the 3rd house will create a situation where reliable high-ranking people will become a source of income, and securities will be a promising investment. It is best to buy shares of proven old companies, although a lot depends on the aspects. Senior relatives and colleagues will become a pass for the native to the world of prosperity.

The movement from the 4th house to the 2nd hints at real estate as a source of funds, especially if the native is somehow connected with it in his main activity, but it is also possible to receive an inheritance, connect to the family business, both to the relatives of the native and just a different kind.

Of course, negative aspects will introduce obstacles and problems in these processes, but patience and perseverance will help to overcome them.

Saturn in the 2nd house relocation and finance charts

In most situations, the planet really limits the financial flow of energy, but only in the case when the native violates the Saturnian rules of the game: spends money on nonsense or exclusively for pleasure, does not save for the future and for the purchase of his own home.

Saturn is closely related to the topic of real estate, and even in the case when he moves from the 4th house or rules it, and at the same time the native does not have his own living space, the planet makes it very clear that the funds are going the wrong way. They are just getting smaller. A person is fired, deprived of a bonus.

Nevertheless, if part of the income is invested, saved up for something necessary and important, harmonious Saturn, on the contrary, begins to increase the financial flow. A person who respects his ambitions, ambition and diligence, who knows how to plan the workflow from beginning to end, will certainly succeed.

The afflicted Saturn introduces some obstacles in the process of accumulation of funds, but only to teach the native to respect the material.

Saturn in the 2nd house relocation and health charts

Very often, a person notes a decrease in vitality, the appearance of pain in the joints and muscles, begins to freeze even in the hot season. If there are still problems with the teeth, then this is a sure sign of an imbalance in the planet.

Saturn loves hardening, intense, but even loads, for example, when you need to walk 10 km daily, as well as regular intake of vitamins, proper nutrition.

Of the sports, calm Pilates, yoga, qigong are suitable, which relieve excessive tension from the spine and strengthen the joints.

The negative influence of Saturn in the 2nd house

Even a very wealthy person with Saturn struck in the 2nd house of the moving horoscope begins to undergo not the most positive changes: losses, sanctions, damage to goods, rupture of relations with partners, meanness of competitors. All this often leads to bankruptcy.

Of course, this does not happen immediately after the move, but it will not work to relax. At the cost of incredible efforts, you can stay afloat, but this will certainly affect your health and vitality.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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