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Second House of the horoscope “Point of Opportunities”

The second house of the horoscope is traditionally called the house of money, income and property. Its analysis is of particular importance in business astrology. In a broader sense, the second house means everything that we possess. These are energy and natural resources of people, due to which they acquire a certain financial status.

2nd house and its characteristics

The second house of the horoscope will describe not only the material values ​​that  people own, but also their natural talents and abilities, using which, with certain efforts, they acquire material wealth.

By analyzing the signs and planets in the second house, people can get an idea of ​​whether they know how to make money, or if it is difficult for them to do it due to laziness or lack of motivation. From the analysis, they can understand how to relate to the topic of finance in general, and what methods and techniques to use to gain financial well-being.

Since Venus is the planet associated in meaning with the 2nd house, the subject’s assessment of real desires and capabilities is of great importance in the formation of an attitude towards money. First, there is an awareness of their basic needs: safety, comfort, freedom of action, etc. Such individuals begin to understand that they truly value ​​life, and try to surround themselves with the objects that they need for a calm, stable, measured and prosperous existence.

As soon as values ​​change, their being also changes. They build a new life, satisfying other needs and based on a new perception of the world.

The 2nd house gives people a sense of their own worth. Realizing themselves in society, they increase their own self-esteem. The feeling that people own their own things gives confidence in the future. It often happens that the more expensive personal items are and the greater their number, the higher the person’s opinion of themselves.

Focusing only on earthly values, natives can fall into a trap. If, by chance or under the influence of force majeure, they lose everything they have acquired, then the mental stability of them is violated. Attachment to things carries a great risk, because they can lose them at any time.

The way out is to form strong spiritual values ​​in oneself, based on which, people will be able to withstand any cataclysms and at the same time not lose a sense of their own worth and dignity.

That is why they need to study the elements of the 2nd house. Astrological analysis will make it possible to understand the rich natural potential and constantly work on its development and improvement. Knowing about talents of people and the ability to present them to society will give them the most important thing – confidence in themselves and in their future.

House value in compatibility analysis

Assessing the impact on the second house is important when analyzing the relationship of both marriage and business partners. It will be good if the good planets of one partner (the Sun, Jupiter and Venus) fall into the 2nd house of the horoscope of the other partner. This will expand financial capabilities, strengthen the business acumen and provide inspiration for creating the material well-being of the family.

If the weak, evil, afflicted and energy-consuming luminaries of the partner fall into the second house of a person, then losses are possible in such an alliance. For example, the owner of an affected and weak Moon will interfere with the native’s business activity. In his presence, the owner of the 2nd house will be lazy and apathetic. Saturn, falling into the 2nd house of the partner, will provoke long and regular spending, which is also undesirable when conducting a joint business.

Lilia Garipova


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