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Saturn in the sign of Leo

Saturn scares by creating difficulties in the location, but it is worth remembering that having overcome the limitations of the god of time, whose name the planet is named after, a person moves to a new stage of luck and wisdom. This will take patience, discipline, control over animal instincts and resignation in the face of circumstances that are difficult to change. Those with Saturn in Leo are the hardest to adapt to.

They are sure that they were created for a stately ascension to the throne in a shining crown and are terribly surprised that they need to work for the sake of recognition, and those around them do not take their talent and authority seriously at first sight. In their youth, the wards of the fiery Kronos show arrogance and snobbery, cutting off unnecessary people and admitting only bright and popular personalities to themselves, often devaluing the talents of others. After 15 years, retribution comes if such owners of Saturn do not learn how to love and make friends sincerely and unselfishly.

The influence of Saturn in Leo on fate

In solar Leo, the planet of power and law is in exile, which imposes fetters on creative ideas and self-expression. By nature, carriers of Saturn in Leo are endowed with talents in various fields, but mainly in acting and directing. These are the creators of new systems and trends in art.

If such individual manages to get a high position in politics, then the country will receive a dream ruler – a fair and artistic connoisseur of beauty, caring for the prosperity of  subjects, because the throne and tiara will satisfy the basic need to bathe in applause.

Unfortunately, Saturn casts an invisibility spell on the extraordinary talents of Leos: they are forced to watch the promotion of the less capable and beautiful, and  geniues remain in captivity of shyness and pride, which does not allow them to establish the necessary connections. Such people cannot hope to bring glory on a silver platter. Instead, it is better to examine the strengths and weaknesses of a difficult situation:

  • ambition, imperiousness in communication, a high sense of duty, for the sake of which people often sacrifice hobbies and pleasures;
  • painful self-esteem and the desire to show oneself from the best side, carefully hiding shortcomings and mistakes, which distorts the impression and creates a feeling of falsehood;
  • dependence on the recognition and approval of others – talents are shown only in a friendly atmosphere, and in a hostile and arrogant environment they are squeezed and lost;
  • high requirements for children, a desire to realize their ambitions through the glory of a child, which creates cold, tense relationships;
  • enmity and conflicts with bosses and colleagues, an inner feeling of superiority over others provokes envy and intrigue;
  • Difficulty with expressing sympathy and love, fear of rejection, kind words and confidential communication are replaced with material gifts.

The owners of Saturn in Leo need to avoid exceeding power and snobbery, because the more willingly they will help others and rejoice in other people’s successes, the more benefits they will let into their lives. With regard to creativity, children and money, it is necessary to abandon excessive seriousness and perfectionism, to trust intuition and love.

Saturn in Leo

Personal life of Saturn in Leo

Fiery Saturnians find it difficult to realize that it is customary to wear a laurel wreath on practitioners who demonstrate at least small, but results, than on those promising in the long term. They are able to love faithfully and passionately, but they need to see genuine admiration in the eyes of the chosen ones and feel like the one and only, and also be inspired for success by the confidence of a loved one in their talents.

In relations with children, these are strict parents who strive to fully develop the child, encouraging creativity. The owners of Saturn in Leo take their offspring to casting, vocal, sports and theater competitions from an early age and monitor strict adherence to the regime and rehearsals. The child’s success is perceived by them as their own.

Solar Saturnians will not be able to completely get rid of snobbery. Secretly considering themselves a representative of the elite and aristocracy, they not only behave like royalty, but also strive to get a prince or princess as their companions, which often complicates the process of marriage.

It’s easier for women: Saturn in Leo, especially in the 7th house, attracts respectable and wealthy men to them, although they are much older in age. Representatives of the stronger sex are afraid of losing their authority in impulses of passion, restrain emotions and feelings, often remaining unclaimed in their careers and love.

Important aspects with other planets

The harmonious development of the Saturn carriers in Leo directly depends on the state of the Sun and aspects with it. The connection of the planets gives confident leaders who do not flatter themselves at their own expense, but who know the value of numerous talents. They skillfully use artistry and charm, but stand on the principles of justice, especially if there is a positive aspect with Jupiter.

The square of Saturn with the Sun gives rise to complexes and idealization of one’s own imperfection. The man compares himself to his father and feels that he is losing. There is a fear of being bright and noticeable, and unfulfilled ambitions push for reckless actions and conflicts. This is harmonized with a good connection with the Moon, which gives support to the mother, but if there is no such aspect, then life will teach responsibility through painful events.

The mascot stones for Saturn in Leo are sardonyx (a type of onyx ) and tiger’s eye. The first gives courage to reveal all facets of giftedness, mutual understanding with children and enhancement of personal attractiveness, and the second helps to restrain jealousy, pessimism and recognize deception in time.

Additional description

People born with Saturn in Leo in the natal chart are endowed with the skills of a diplomat, organizer and leader. And all this along with a strong will. They are used to relying on their own strength, they are  rational and very active people. It can be difficult for them to express emotions and sympathy, so they seem cold and unloving to other people. Such individuals need love, but they don’t know how to give or receive it, so they isolate themselves from other people. Their love is driven by strong feelings of duty and responsibility. They demonstrate it by taking care of business and giving their loved ones material benefits instead of themselves, although they expect the opposite.

Among the negative sides endowed by Saturn in Leo, one can note cruelty, irascibility, jealousy and the fact that they can resort to deceit just to satisfy their own ambitions. In this regard, heart problems are possible. They must love themselves for being able to get things done on time and right.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Saturn in Leo:


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