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Selena (White Moon) in Virgo – unconditional love and intelligence

In addition to the Ascending Node, the path of karmic redemption of sins and the application of innate talents is shown by the White Moon, which is also called Selena or Lulu. It balances the influence of Lilith and shows in which area the native has accumulated the most good deeds. It is there that the star road to success and prosperity now shines, subject to the development and manifestation of the highest qualities of the sign where the White Moon is located.

In Virgo, she is unusually strong, gives a lot, but in return requires dedication, support for the suffering, tireless improvement of intellect and kindness of heart, everything that a person deserves the powerful protection of a guardian angel in the field of health and medicine, education and career, complex and meticulous affairs. However, you will need to constantly maintain a high level of moral purity in order to preserve the benefits.

The saving influence of the White Moon

The native’s past incarnation was not easy, he fully endured humiliation and injustice from stronger opponents, but with Christian patience he endured difficulties, helping those who were even worse: healed, consoled, shared food and clothes. It could be help that was invisible to others or heroic deeds in a concentration camp or a city besieged by enemies, but in the end they saved souls and lives, pacifying and bringing them to a more conscious level of consciousness.

At the mere appearance of a native in society, one feels the crystal purity of the aura and the radiance of noble thoughts in his eyes. Embodying the ideal in practice, he is able to change the consciousness of millions, as Antoine Saint-Exupery did with his little story about a prince from a distant planet or Leonardo da Vinci with masterpieces of art. The White Moon in Virgo endows a person with gifts and character traits that help to realize them:

  • nobility of soul, sharp intellect, modesty and innate refined manners;
  • the ability to notice the smallest details and recreate the big picture, which helps in work, personal life and in times of danger;
  • excellent memory, analytical thinking, a combination of intuition and logic: it is almost impossible to deceive the carrier of Lulu in Virgo;
  • material wealth and success in the field of information and computer technologies, media, medicine and pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicine, landscape design, linguistics, literature, healing (especially herbal medicine);
  • a happy marriage for love and the favor of the authorities;
  • craving for constant spiritual growth through religion and reading books on psychology, a tendency to self-restraint and sacrifice – memories of experiences in a past life.

Solar Virgos are a mirror of the native – by their spiritual and material state, it is easy to determine at what level of development the White Moon is now, and what needs to be corrected in your worldview. It is especially important to show respect for women of all ages.

Three levels of karmic manifestation

The source of cosmic energy that cleans from negativity is the earth and trees. It’s best to have your own garden and grow your own plants, but even a barefoot walk in the park will refresh and cheer you up. Lulu manifests itself in ordinary life at one of three levels of karma, every seven years, bestowing grace or weakening the degree of protection (if atrocities were committed):

1. The lowest – luck accompanies a person when visiting doctors and turning to specialists of any direction: the correct diagnosis is made, timely assistance is provided, the necessary certificate is issued. A large selection of partners for marriage with a developed intellect and promising career plans. Diseases and dangerous situations pass by, the bosses appreciate, and colleagues and households perform unpleasant duties, allowing the owner of the White Moon in Virgo to do things that are interesting to him personally. You cannot fall into selfishness and be proud of exclusivity, avoiding hard work, otherwise you will have to go only to it over time.

2. Medium – easy recovery from diseases and strong immunity, happy family, exciting work and the sympathy of others. The native understands the responsibility to society, wanting to make a valuable contribution to improving the lives of many on a practical and intellectual level. The desire to help, heal, bring joy and radiate goodness around him brings him to the third level.

3. The Highest – a doctor from God or a healer who knows how to transform the pain of the world into good, passing the negative through himself with infinite patience and love. He does not expect rewards, but simply follows the calling to bring divine light into the world, eliminating darkness.

The owner of Selena in Virgo receives help and support from doctors, traditional healers, employees of information departments, subconsciously feeling a kindred spirit.

Important aspects with planets

For the constellation Virgo, the dominant planets are Mercury and Proserpine, therefore, favorable aspects with them facilitate the task of the native. Trine or sextile with the messenger of the gods gives an ingenious mind and bright thoughts aimed at charity and improvement, and a positive configuration with Proserpina allows you to move the world consciousness to a new round of progress, creating an improved healing system, technical inventions or computer programs.

The connection and favorable aspects with the Sun, Moon and Venus will help to complete the karmic task, and squares with Saturn, Mars, Lilith and Pluto mean unfinished problems of past lives, forcing the native to limit himself in the blessings of life, endure the attacks of enemies and resist evil.

Vasilisa Vishneva

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