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Venus in the 1st house of the relocation chart

The planets in a person’s chart change their location after he moves. The relocation chart clearly shows what will become a sphere of self-realization, where thoughts will rush, what will be a winning sphere of action, or vice versa, will pull you down. If the chart is drawn up correctly, the degrees and signs of the planets remain the same, but the houses change, which means that a person will have to act differently than he is used to in order to succeed.

When Venus moves into the 1st house , a person will not go unnoticed. The planet of love, beauty, charisma and charm more than endows its ward with these qualities. At the same time, he begins to love himself, appreciate his talents, and if there are negative aspects, this can turn on narcissism, selfishness and destroy previous relationships with those who were dear.

Features of the transition of Venus to the 1st house of the relocation chart

The house cusps move clockwise, which makes the transition of planets from one to another a rather logical process of development, but moving in the opposite direction seems to throw a person back into the past, he wants to fulfill those dreams of youth that inspired and excited the imagination in ancient times, and if the native is still young, then thanks to a new charge of energy, he is really able to conquer the world, especially when Venus, a symbol of small happiness, comes to the 1st house.

Most often, if the owner of the card does not move too far, the planet of love is shifted to 1 house from the 12th or 2nd side.

In the first case, a person literally blossoms, attracts all eyes to himself, as if the sun comes out from behind the clouds. Suddenly, everyone sees different talents in him, notice external virtues, and manifestation for the opposite sex becomes one of the special advantages. The fact is that Venus in the 12th house of natal always endows the ward with some shyness, complexes in communication, a person does not see advantages in himself or perceives himself distortedly, for example, he does not like the shape of his lips or ears, women worry about too small or large breasts, despite the fact that it is they who see it hypertrophied. Now all this seems like nonsense, because a person is aware of his uniqueness, originality, and most importantly, he is gaining the courage to declare himself as a creative person.

The transition of Venus to the 1st house of the relocation map from the 2nd also encourages you to look at your inner world, start playing sports, and lead a healthy lifestyle. A person understands that his body and beauty are a real resource, thanks to which he can fulfill his desires. His speech becomes more courteous, just as when moving from the 3rd house, he understands that only through his efforts he will attract wealth and material wealth, which also correlates in meaning with the transition of Venus from the 4th house. Any topic is now solved through the ability to use personal charm and a system of one’s own values.

Venus in 1st house love and relocation charts

The first thing that the owner of the card notes in his behavior after the move is courage in communicating with the opposite sex. Of course, in the presence of negative aspects, certain distortions are possible, but most often the native exalts himself too aggressively and exaggerates his merits, and does not belittle them.

If before the move he was a modest and shy person, now others say that he is even too intrusive, and this is also a consequence of the struggle with internal fears.

With the harmonious position of Venus, external beauty is enhanced, inner radiance and sex appeal appear. This is a very favorable position for single people who have been looking for a soul mate for a long time.

However, the location Venus in the 1st house will also help those who are looking for a promotion, it is not for nothing that, along with Jupiter, it is considered the planet of happiness and good luck. With this position, all the projects and proposals of a person will be noticed, as well as he himself will be in good standing with his superiors.

Venus in the 1st house relocation charts and appearance

Of course, the most striking changes in appearance are seen in women, especially if the planet of love is located in Leo, Taurus, Libra and Pisces. The femininity of forms and softness of movements are becoming a hallmark of the newly-minted Venusians, and even if they used to prefer a sporty style, now there is a desire to wear dresses, jewelry, loose long hair.

Men also begin to take care of themselves more, dress stylishly, show increased signs of attention to the representatives of the opposite sex, and start a lot of novels.

If Venus is in a fall or exile, the person often embarks on all sorts of sensual adventures, as he is very attracted to the physical side of the relationship.

In any aspects with Jupiter, weight gain is possible due to the Venusian addiction to the pleasure of delicious food.

The negative influence of Venus in the 1st house of relocation

At a low level of development, a person ceases to be interested in everything that is not connected with his person. He becomes a real narcissist, while often falling into a feeling of his own insignificance, if someone did not appreciate his uniqueness or made it clear that he is not at all as beautiful as he thinks.

Such a person needs to constantly assert himself at the expense of conquered hearts, earned money, recognizing himself as an expert, but the fact is that he becomes insatiable. No matter how much admiration you get, it’s not enough. Any oversight includes inner insignificance. Therefore, here it is simply necessary to work out these issues with a psychologist.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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