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Venus in the 8th house of the relocation chart

It is the personal planets in the moving horoscope that show what will happen to a person in the first years after a change of residence. Venus is a symbol of good luck in love and money, and it also determines the main values of the native. When she moves into the 8th house , it turns out that financial history comes first. The planet of small happiness also alleviates the stress of moving and allows you to quickly adapt to change.

However, if there are negative aspects, it is better for the owner of the horoscope to save his reputation, which can be spoiled by a sudden outbreak of sexuality and the desire to live better than anyone. Under their influence, the native can even go to the crime, if only to shine and conquer with his mere appearance. The Achilles’ heel of the cardholder is jealousy and an insatiable need to be richer than others.

Features of the transition of Venus to the 8th house of the relocation chart

Usually people tense up at the sight of the appearance in the 8th house of a particular planet, since this already activates the zone associated with crises, stress and even fatal threats to life.

However, Venus in the horoscope of relocation acts as a mitigating factor. It smooths out the nervousness and problems caused by the move, and also, in the absence of a strong defeat from other planets, becomes a magnet for money.

It is also important to look from which house of natal she moves to the local 8th house, since her influence on it does not disappear, but now she will have to perform karmic tasks mainly through the relocation map.

House cusps move both clockwise and counterclockwise, which means that most often Venus moves to the 8th sector from the nearest 6, 7 and 9, 10, but the farther the native leaves, the more mixing options from other points.

The transition of the planet of love from the 6th natal house is usually associated with solving pressing issues in a new place: opening an individual entrepreneur, working in a tax office or frequent contacts with this service, hiring, where a person manages other people’s money, or solving household needs: buying furniture, home repairs with high energy consumption. A health issue can also be successfully completed: a successful operation or a course of treatment.

The transition from the 7th natal house suggests marriage or the beginning of one’s own consulting activities, promises victory over enemies or competitors, from the 9th – a profitable foreign contract, tours, work in a foreign company or diplomatic consulate.

A person’s outlook on life can also change dramatically, priorities in values change, since the 8th house transforms Venus, and if it moves from the 10th natal sector, career changes can be expected. With a strong and harmonious planet, they will be desirable and pleasant, but the negative aspects, on the contrary, introduce a lot of problems and obstacles, and if Venus has moved from the 6th to the 8th, you need to carefully choose a doctor and, if possible, avoid plastic surgery, or calculate for this day with harmonious transits.

Venus in 8th house relocation charts and money

One of the floors of the 8th sector is responsible for other people’s finances, otherwise called the money of the whole world. The native has the key to cash flows, but along with this comes the need to harmonize the other floor: taxes, investments, joint investments. If a person did not understand this before moving, then he is unlikely to be able to join the ranks of the rich.

However, it is important to remember that the planets do not turn on instantly upon arrival at a new place of residence, and it is useful to spend time learning how to manage and control money. Perhaps the very activity of the native suggests growth in this area.

This period of life will be very successful for bank managers, brokers, accountants, individual entrepreneurs who open their business in partnership.

Also profit is expected from psychotherapists, private detectives, surgeons, cosmetologists, nutritionists, lawyers, diplomats, astrologers and psychologists.

In some cases, this position of Venus symbolizes the receipt of a large inheritance.

Venus in the 8th house relocation and love charts

At a new place of residence, there is a chance to meet a life-changing love, or to reanimate a faded relationship. Venus in the locational 8th house is a real energy injection of passion.

The native will note increasing sensuality, sexuality, the desire to please, seduce and enjoy admiring glances from the outside. This is equally important for both men and women.

If Venus rules the 7th house, then the old feelings and attraction to a marriage partner will wake up, or it will be possible to meet someone who will affect not only the heart, but also the energy of the body. In any case, romantic sensual adventures are guaranteed.

The negative influence of Venus in the 8th house of the relocation chart

There are a number of warnings about the danger points that must be considered when moving. If Venus is in conjunction with Pluto, there is a possibility of a complete revision of life values for the better, but negative aspects with it can bring a real threat to the security of the native associated with money or partnership.

But the connection with Saturn or Lilith, not to mention squares and oppositions, warns of financial restrictions and distortion of the worldview, which will subsequently lead to monetary losses and even forced isolation if there is a connection with the 12th house.

At a low level of development, there is a fixation on financial growth, when money is at the forefront at the expense of relationships and health.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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