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Feng Shui peonies

Feng Shui peoniesPeony can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It has a wonderful delicate aroma, bright catchy color, and it is difficult to confuse a peony with another garden plant. But not many people know that such an amazing representative of the flora has a deep meaning. If we turn to the oldest treatises on Feng Shui, then from them we learn that peonies symbolize the most important thing in our life – love and family well-being.

The secret power of a peony according to feng shui

Romance, passion, love, dizzying relationships are the subject of every person's dreams. But it doesn't always work out the way you want. A majestic peony can help in achieving the cherished harmony. According to the doctrine, this flower acts as a symbol of vivid ardent feelings, moral balance and understanding between a man and a woman. Feng Shui peonies – bring success and luck in marriage, clean energy and a positive mood.

The color of the peonies also matters a lot. If you want to add romance and tenderness to your life, then you should pay attention to pink peonies, if a storm of emotions and passion – to red ones. Lacking warm, trusting relationships – you need white people. Light yellow and cream peonies will bring stability, purple and blue – a sense of security. Peonies attract the stronger sex, increases the chances of finding a soul mate and getting married.

How to properly use the latent energy of peonies according to the theory of feng shui

Feng Shui peoniesFirst of all, it is recommended to use peonies in decorating and decorating an apartment or a private house. Specialists of the ancient Chinese science of feng shui advise to treat this matter with special zeal for single people who wish to improve their positions on the personal front.

The walls of your apartment will perfectly complement the paintings and images of a peony. If it is not possible to do this, you can restrict yourself to installing a background image with peonies on a computer or laptop screen. Out of competition, of course, are live peonies.

It is worth noting that if the cherished goal is achieved and a loved one is found, then it is better to stop attracting. Mysterious flowers also have hidden sides, unpredictability and uncontrollability. These side effects appear if you do not properly use the properties of a peony in Feng Shui. There should be measure in everything. Photos with peonies should not be constantly present in the interior. Long-term use is fraught with the opposite result, undesirable consequences.

For example, if you were planning to bring novelty and shake-up to family everyday life, then the unique power of the peony can push a man or woman to feats outside the dormitory, namely to infidelity, and as a result, divorce.

These are, of course, extreme cases. If peonies do not decorate the room for a long time, they definitely benefit. Every day is filled with lightness, romance, complexes, quarrels, misunderstandings are forgotten like a bad dream.

 The place of peonies in the interior according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui peoniesIt is necessary to arrange peonies according to Feng Shui in an apartment taking into account the goal that is being pursued. Lonely young girls should decorate the entrance to the bedroom with a beautiful and bright image of a bouquet of peonies. To shake up the relationship, married couples are encouraged to decorate the living room.

If you are the owner of a country house, then everything is much simpler. It is enough to make a flower bed with peonies in the love zone of the southwestern part of the courtyard according to the Feng Shui principle. Thus, the flower energy of the peony also works outside the room.

It is worth noting that peonies do not tolerate neighborhood with some objects. First of all, this concerns water, namely decorative fountains, large floor vases with fresh flowers, as well as aquariums. Feng Shui experts argue that water reduces the effectiveness of peonies.

All means are good to achieve happiness.

In women's magazines, you can also see special rituals using peonies. Those who really want to get married are advised to pick a flower in someone else's flower bed and make an infusion of its petals as follows: pour the peony petals with hot boiled water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse your hair with warm infusion. It is recommended to tell the peony all your experiences and ask him to bring the long-awaited happiness. Doubtful advice, but in any case, rinsing your hair is considered useful and definitely will not do harm.

Thus, all means are good to achieve the cherished happiness. This also applies to peonies. A trifle like a peonies screensaver on a computer or a picture in a living room can please with unexpected positive results. Feng Shui science calls the most important principle of belief in yourself and what you are doing. Decorating the apartment with images of peonies in Feng Shui , you will take the right step towards family hearth, home comfort and unquenchable love.


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