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Feng Shui bedroom

Many people dream of creating a love nest in feng shui bedrooms, as it is fashionable, stylish and original. But not everyone knows the laws and meanings of ancient philosophy, the correct order of placing objects and things in a room, and also how it all interacts with each other.

The influence of Feng Shui on the human aura is very great. Some tips below will help you create a cozy feng shui bedroom atmosphere . If you seriously decide to change your life, then at least partially rely on the most important advice.

Feng Shui bedroom

Feng Shui bedroom – photo

According to the laws of feng shui, it is advisable to place the bedroom in the quietest and most peaceful room, in no case near the kitchen, bath or front door. The shape of the bedroom should preferably be rectangular or square. Pay special attention to the walls, they must be clean, without stains, the wallpaper is carefully glued. It is desirable that the ceiling in the room be perfectly flat and clean, without slopes and beams.

Feng Shui bedroom - photo

Feng Shui bedroom – photo

The chandelier must be kept clean, all bulbs must be working. If you cannot keep a bulky chandelier clean, buy a small one, it will also be a wonderful decoration for your bedroom. Having completed the general arrangement, we will consider the principles of choosing and placing furniture. Feng Shui dictates the minimum amount of furniture in the bedroom.

Feng Shui bedroom - photo

Feng Shui bedroom – photo

Be sure to keep the closet clean, calmly get rid of things that you have not used for a long time. The table or bedside table that you may have near the bed should be below the mattress so that energy has free access to you while you sleep. Decorate your bedroom in feng shui with different red items. After all, red is passion. He brings happiness. But don't overdo it, remember that red is also irritable.
Remove all fresh flowers from the bedroom. You cannot allow their energy to interfere in your life. The principle is simple – there should be only two people in the bedroom at night.
Anything that has something to do with water should also be removed. Water leads to sleepless nights.
Pay special attention to the bed. Its location is very important, and affects both the financial situation of the family and its family values. The best option for the location of the bed is with the headboard against the wall, so that there is free access from both sides for each spouse.

Feng Shui bedroom recommendations

  • – The bed is positioned so that you sleep with your feet to the door. Negative associations are inevitable here. The most correct solution for you in this situation will be a screen or curtain. Hang it between the bed and the door. If it looks ridiculous, and will spoil the interior of the room, then, best of all, put a large indoor flower.
  • – There is a mirror in the room, and the bed is reflected in it – a sign of bad feng shui in the bedroom. Chances are good, adultery. This applies to both spouses. If it is not possible to move the bed, remove the mirror somewhere.
  • – You sleep with your feet or head towards the toilet, it is a source of negative energy. The head and legs are the “entrance” for energy. If it is not possible to rearrange the bed, you must put a crystal between the wall and your bed.
  • – The head of the bed is next to the window. All the energy that enters the apartment, good and bad, hits your head. If it is not possible to rearrange the bed, install a crystal on the windowsill or, best of all, hang a Dreamcatcher amulet. This will create a favorable flow of Chi energy in the bedroom.
  • – You sleep on two beds together, or on one sleeping area, albeit with two mattresses. You will never have long family relationships, your intimate married life will be inactive or even fade away. You need to sleep on one bed and one large mattress.
Feng Shui bedroom - photo

Feng Shui bedroom – photo

Remember, creating good feng shui in the bedroom, you should at least briefly familiarize yourself with the philosophical foundations of this teaching , so that the rules used bring real harmony into your bedroom.


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