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Rat and love

Rat and love Chinese horoscopeAll people born under the sign of the rat love secrets and mystery from childhood. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having matured, they continue to believe in ghosts and can get involved in the occult sciences. The gloomy and dark environment attracts and beckons them. A trip to an ancient castle or a dilapidated observatory brings them wild delight.

Rat women are just perfect housewives. The order, cleanliness and comfort, combined with rare jewelry, as well as a certain mystery, this is what you will see, once you decide to visit them.

First acquaintance with the Rat

Rat men are straightforward in communication, which does not deprive them of romance and mysterious mystery. In communicating with them, do not forget that everything they say is quite serious, jokes are rare for this sign, they try to think over almost every word they say.

Rat women are trusting and emotional, and their mood can change quickly and in a conversation with them you need to weigh well all the words you say. One careless word can hurt them badly. Remember, behind the beautiful appearance of a rat woman, for the most part, far-sightedness and prudence are hiding, so do not flatter yourself too much, looking at the outer shell.

In love, Rats expect recklessness from their chosen one and are ready to completely surrender to their soul mate and fulfill any request coming from a loved one. Rats can give unforgettable moments of love and romance to their chosen one. They are very passionate in bed.

If the Rat cheated on its partner, she had a very good reason for this, because they value the family hearth. But the feeling of guilt and remorse, in the end, will make her confess to treason and ask for forgiveness. The Rat does not tolerate deception and will respond to it with harsh measures, and in the event of a complete end of the relationship, the Rat will completely shift the blame for the breakup onto its former partner.

Having decided to give the Rat, choose something unusual and extraordinary as a gift. And it is not at all necessary that your gift has practical properties, the main thing is strangeness and exoticism.

Remember, Rats love mystery and unusualness, so when inviting them somewhere, try to choose mystical places. And in cases when you decide to say goodbye to the Rat, you can invite them to your meticulous relatives (Rats simply hate it).

 Rat in a love relationship

Rat in loveThe increased emotionality and passion of Rats in the love field makes life with them exciting and varied. They are very charismatic and attract to themselves with an incomprehensible, one might say, “magnetic force.” But the need for new sensations and the hatred of everyday routine can force the Rat to embark on an adventurous adventure. That sometimes ends in loneliness for them. Often, because of this, they consider themselves a victim and do not seek to take the first step to remedy the situation. For this reason, most likely the relationship is destroyed forever.

Showing immense dedication and generosity in love, in reality they still remain selfish. And when they find themselves in a difficult situation, they do not get lost and quickly move from a defensive position to an attacking person. They are sometimes ready to endure a lot for the sake of love, the only thing they cannot endure is the lack of passion.

Having found a common language and understanding with them, you can expect infinite loyalty from the Rats, but if you disappoint them, you can lose forever. Do not try to point out their shortcomings and mistakes, they skillfully parry the situation and paint everything in a completely different light, leaving you to blame. Remember the Rat is very difficult to outwit, because they have an excellent instinct.

The apparent seriousness in Rats disappears when they experience sparking and mutual feelings. It is a very exciting and varied life companion.

 Rat and Sex

In view of the activity inherent in this sign and the energy of passions seething in them, the Rats strive for intimacy. And in case of failure, they experience it very hard and hard. Their attractiveness and inner charm helps the rat to communicate with the other sex. Unfortunately, the need for variety and an uncontrollable thirst for sex can push the Rat to cheating and looking for new intimate relationships. Choosing a new partner for themselves, they do not think much about the possible consequences of such an act, and after that they always greatly regret the deed they did.

Rat and Sex Chinese HoroscopeIn order to gain favor with a rat, it is enough just to show good humor and passion. Passing with extraordinary ease from one partner to another, Rats try to maintain good relations with their past partners. Perhaps the Rats are not fully capable of deep affection and this explains this behavior.

They try to find a partner with whom they could conduct various sexual experiments and discover something new for themselves. The need for entertainment and variety does not allow the Rats to stay in one place for a long time. But if you give the Rat passion, they are ready to endure any other hardships.

 The rat and its family life

Try not to interfere in the personal affairs of the Rats, they do not like this very much and try themselves, do not fumble in the affairs of others. And phrases like “What will others say about you?” and completely infuriate them. They themselves establish a clear routine in their family, and they do it clearly and from a position that is not devoid of imagination. All responsibilities are distributed and arranged on the shelves and everything goes strictly according to the planned plan, although from the outside it may seem that anarchy reigns in the family, but this is not so. Rats are excellent parents, they use their examples to prompt and raise a child, trying to surround them with care and affection. With the help of their insight, they can sort out the thoughts and actions of their children and will always help if necessary.

A difficult relationship between a Rat and a child can arise if he was born in the year of the Horse, Snake or Tiger, due to the independence and the need for independence of these children. Children born in the year of the Dog will face strong mutual misunderstanding on the part of the Rat parent. And a child born in the year of the Dragon can completely subordinate the parent – the Rat to his will.



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