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DOG ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeThe dog is considered one of the animals of the Yin group. According to the Eastern horoscope, the dog goes under the eleventh number. It controls the time interval from 7 pm to 9 pm. The most successful season for people born under this sign is autumn, and the peak of this season is in September. If we draw an analogy with the European Zodiac, then the sign of the Dog will correspond to the sign of Libra. The fixed element is metal. The colors dark blue and black bring happiness and well-being. If we talk about flowers and plants, then it is worth saying that wild poppy, water lily, orange blossom can bring good luck to Dogs. Countries favorable for the Dog are Luxembourg, Korea, Viola, Angola, Costa Rica, Guiana and Guinea.

Years of the Dog sign in our century

  • 1910 February 10 – element of the year metal
  • 1922 January 28 – the element of the year water
  • 1934 February 14 – element of the year tree
  • 1946 February 2 – the element of the year fire
  • 1958 February 18 – element of the year earth
  • 1970 February 6 – element of the year metal
  • 1982 January 25 – the element of the year water
  • 1994 February 10 – element of the year tree
  • 2006 January 29 – the element of the year fire
  • 2018 February 16 – element of the year earth

 The following famous people were born in the Year of the Dog

DOG ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeJean Anouille, Brigitte Bardot, Yuri German, Socrates, Elvis Presley, Nikolay Dubov, Jean – Louis Barro, Tamara Milashkina, Peter Brook, Patriarch Pimen, Aristide Briand, Keith Bush, Grigory Rasputin, Carl Gustav XVI, Alexander Dumas — father, George Gershwin, Louis XVI, Michael Jackson, Tatiana Samoilova, Anatoly Papanov, Liza Minnelli, Ernest Hemingway, Sylvester Stallone, Gerhard Blucher, Golda Meyer, Lyudmila Pakhomova, Stephen King, Alexander Tvardovsky, Claude Debussuislavi, Louise , Bertold Brecht, Mother Teresa, Victor Hugo, Robert Stevenson, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Yuri Gagarin, Guy de Maupassant, Nikolay Basov, Gottfried Leibniz, Alphonse Lamartine, Akira Kurosawa, Rene Claire, Benjamin Franklin, Georges Borenizetz, Olga Bergoreniz, Olga Bergoreniz , Nikolay Ozerov, Vladimir Serov, Delilah, Madame de Lafayette, Lope de Vega, Saint Louis.

As has been known for quite some time, a dog is a man's friend who enjoys well-deserved respect and love. Often, people simply cannot put on their life without a nearby dog. For most people, they only cause sympathy. If we compare such pets as a dog and a cat, then the comparison always turns out to be not in favor of the cat, which, as you know, is a terrible egoist and is busy only with itself. The dog, in turn, is selflessly devoted to its owner, to whom it is ready to give all of itself without a trace.

According to the Eastern sages, people born under the sign of the Dog are born pessimists, and the state of anxiety and stress for them is a common and constant value. At the same time, Dogs will not be able to say for sure what gnaws at them and what they suffer from. Most likely, this is due to the inability to understand their own deep essence, because these animals are used to serving and the other state of affairs is alien to them. And life for them is only a transitional stage – a short moment, like a small bridge from one world to another.

DOG ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeAccording to eastern legends, the Dog is doomed to eternal wanderings between two worlds in gray anxiety, which is designated as the threshold of the dark regions of the soul. She is a caretaker who lives to protect. And, as a rule, no more is expected of them. And quite often they make an attempt to express their own despair, but the person does not notice this and remains deaf to their silent calls. The dog is forced to live without human understanding, due to the fact that their language is not available to us, and therefore they live at our feet, content with periodic mean caresses that occasionally fall to their lot.

During the day, these animals rest in peace, and at night they are again and again forced to become guides and companions in the invisible world. Gradually, the Dog got used to bowing under the weight of its past, because it is part of the underworld, a world where shadow and cold reign.

In the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, Dogs accompany the souls of the dead on their journey to the afterlife to the Supreme Court of Osiris, which is why in real life these animals howl at the moon and love to take a walk between the graves. Often they are made constant companions of the moon goddess – the goddess of dead people, as well as witches and sorcerers. In a variety of magical rituals, the dog should always be near the adept, in order to ward off a magical blow from him in case of anything.

You can also meet the Dog in the ancient Aztec Zodiac, where it is compared with the constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs, reminding people of the unchanging end of life and of the afterlife underworld. The dog here is a symbol of death, rebirth and dedication.

In Greek mythology, Cerberus guards the gateway to the kingdom of Hades. He lets the souls of the dead into the realm of the dead and does not allow them to return from there back to the human body.

And often you cannot envy the Dogs, the person to whom they are devoted to the depths of the soul, not only put them on a chain, but also put on a collar and a muzzle. The dog, on the other hand, acts as his protector even before the gods and always remains a faithful companion of his master. And it is for this reason that the Chinese sages have endowed the Dog with all the best qualities that can only be found in a person, thereby expressing their admiration. Sometimes, of course, the dog also feels envy – to the Dragon for his luck, to the Sheep for his ability to navigate the situation. And that is why we can conclude that Dogs can be dissatisfied. Luck and luck are a frequent companion of the Dog, but even after becoming rich and famous, and having tasted the sweet fruit of success, the Dog cannot get rid of the constant feeling of anxiety.


DOG ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeIf a Dog is born during the day, it will have constant luck and happiness. A dog born at night will be on guard for its entire life. It is quite difficult for them to relax and abstract from their worries. Often the life of a Dog is very unstable, however, this does not apply to their childhood, when parents act as defenders of their interests.

The Dog's youth is accompanied by unhappy love, and the mature years are accompanied by a constant fear of loss. Old age is the time when Dogs begin to regret their lived life and remember everything that they could not do. The only way that can make them happy is to teach Dogs from childhood to enjoy life here and now, every moment and new day.


As a rule, the appearance of dogs is different from other people, while there is one quality that unites them – they are all terribly restless. They are able to develop vigorous activity while solving all pressing problems. They are constantly in a hurry somewhere, are late, they are tormented by insomnia, and because of this they flutter their nerves once again. Such people work tirelessly and without respite, demanding the same from their subordinates, which is why they are considered real tyrants. Despite their selfless labor activity, they look at the world and those around them with skepticism.

Having been born into the world, a person under the sign of the Dog already has his own philosophy. They are constantly tormented by feelings of guilt and unfulfilled desires. They bravely and, holding their heads high, walk the path of life, trying to find moments for success on it. In order to understand the Dog, it is necessary to look into its subconscious, to find out what their inner world really is.

Particularly sociable, Dogs can hardly be called, but at the same time they are quite kind-hearted and interesting to others. They look at the world too soberly, while realizing both their weaknesses and the weaknesses of those close to them. Their humor seems overly dark, and they can make fun of what they consider to be upstarts and careerists.

Dogs are trusted, and for good reason. The people around go to them with their problems, since no one can better look at the situation from the outside, get into it and find the right way out. At the same time, they never refuse help, to those who really need it. They do not expect rewards for their good deeds, since it is the vocation of dogs to perform them. Most of the Dogs are disinterested and generous. If they think it's worth it, then they are ready to give everything and even sacrifice their interests and themselves.

DOG ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeIn the year of the Dog, people are born, freedom fighters. Any injustice and outright lie outrages them. Therefore, they do their best to defeat them. Because of their loyalty and nobility, very often they cannot adapt to the harshness of the world around them. They are ready to endure harshness, but they themselves refuse to live by the wolf's laws. Due to their suspicion of new acquaintances, they seem a little cowardly at first glance, but this is only at first.

A person under the sign of the Dog can always be trusted, but their pessimism can cause germs of suspicion towards them. These people do not tolerate surprises, impromptu and surprises, they firmly hold on to their past, meeting any changes and beginnings with hostility. Their perseverance can only be envied, while they always see the goal ahead, which they are achieving, no matter what.

Dogs do not tolerate large crowds of people, because of their anti-sociality, hidden deep in the soul. They give the impression of cold-blooded people to strangers, but, as a rule, this is only an appearance. This is due to the fact that they doubt everything, including their own feelings and the feelings of others.

<< Table: zodiac signs of the Eastern horoscope


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