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DRAGON TYPES BY Eastern horoscope

The information below describes in detail the influence of the elements existing in the zodiacal circle on the typical representatives of the zodiac sign corresponding to the Eastern horoscope – the Dragon.

The five elements and the Year of the Dragon in our century

  • 1904 February 16 – the element of the year tree
  • 1916 February 3 – the element of the year fire
  • 1928 January 23 – the element of the year earth
  • 1940 February 8 – element of the year metal
  • 1952 January 27 – the element of the year water
  • 1964 February 13 – element of the year tree
  • 1976 January 31 – element of the year fire
  • 1988 February 17 – element of the year earth
  • 2000 February 5 – element of the year metal
  • 2012 January 23 – the element of the year water

Metal Dragon Mark

Metal Dragon MarkMetal belongs to strict and very sad metals, since it is not possible to add the presence of any spiritual qualities to its physical characteristics. Therefore, the imprint he puts on the Dragon is to endow this sign of the zodiac with rigidity and a desire to isolate himself from the world around him. This rigidity is felt by everyone around. Therefore, you should control your behavior in order to preserve the environment and avoid the loss of loved ones who may decide to stop communicating. We will present the zodiac sign of weakly expressed compassion for one's neighbor and the possibility of experiencing a large amount of experience of any plan that certainly affects the character. These are very dangerous moments that require competent use in order to minimize situations of a self-destructive plan.

The positive traits of the character of the dragon are the decisiveness of action in the need to achieve certain goals, as well as the presence of a large amount of vital energy, which leaves a positive imprint on the behavior of the representative of this zodiac sign. These people are very punctual and honest, and it is also impossible to bribe them not, in a word, not by business, which also forms a certain imprint on the attitude of people around to a person who was born according to the Chinese horoscope under the sign of the Dragon in the element of metal.

They also do not react to criticism that may be expressed against them, which makes such people invulnerable to any difficulties and intrigues of ill-wishers.

There is a certain harshness and categorical when expressing their point of view on a particular issue, which makes it possible to competently defend their own opinion, not based on pressure from the outside.

The favorite season of such people is autumn, with warm weather days. In which the state of health is on a certain rise, along with the mood and general state of the body. Lungs are some of the organs to look out for in terms of grooming. The use of green items in the interior and clothing has a positive effect on the general condition of such people.

 Water Dragon Mark

Water Dragon MarkThe water element for the dragon is the optimal place for a harmonious location, since it is in its element with the usual entourage. Arriving in the abyss of water, the dragon is gaining strength that he may need to achieve his goals in other elements, whether it is air and earth to him, is not important, since he has already received the necessary charge of energy, and he is ready to join the battle. Representatives of this zodiac sign should still understand that water can somewhat slow down the achievement of their goals, since this factor is one of the determining factors in certain situations. Therefore, according to the Chinese horoscope, it is necessary to try with all possible efforts to prevent such an influence and avoid situations that can negatively affect the whole picture of life as a whole.

These dragons are characterized by a calm and balanced character. In addition, these are very gallant people, leading a very measured and correct lifestyle. Intellectuals in their bright incarnation strive to demonstrate good manners, which they get at ease to all members of the environment. The Chinese horoscope indicates that such people have an excellent sense of style and sense of humor, which contributes to their easy living of the measured cycle.

A leader born under the sign of the zodiac leads his subordinates through possible difficulties with amazing ease and prudence, which is due to the main features inherent in such people.

There is also one nuance that must be taken into account, it lies in the inability to maintain the fuse and very quickly inflame all the necessary forces into trifles, which in turn can lead to certain difficulties in the process.

They adore winter and cold, because the state of health and excess of strength during this period reaches its apogee. The organs that need to be treated with particular concern are the gallbladder and kidneys, therefore, dieting is simply a necessary moment in the life of dragons born under water protection. The ideal pastime is to visit the pool at any time of the year in order to bring the body into excellent condition.

Sign of the Wood Dragon

Sign of the Wood DragonThe Chinese horoscope indicates that people born under the auspices of a tree dragon have an innate sense of style and look very elegant and well-groomed throughout their life cycle, which does not go unnoticed by the people around them. These representatives of the zodiac sign gravitate towards beauty and love all areas of art that symbolize and reveal their nature. Dragons born under the auspices of a tree begin to value and use their outer and inner worlds in a very productive way, starting from a certain stage of their existence in the world. At the same time, they are able to achieve the highest goals and remain the king of the position with the skillful use of talent.

A distinctive feature of the representatives of the zodiac sign is the courtesy and friendliness in relation to the people around them. They are not wasteful and know how to appreciate the things they have, since one of their character traits is frugality. Such people make excellent researchers and scientists striving to learn new things and discover the unknown.

Failures are overcome by them in the overwhelming percentage of cases. Because it is in their nature to bring what they started to its logical conclusion, and therefore, with the skillful use of the qualities of the natural plan, they make great masters of their craft, no matter what profile they are engaged in.

Spring is an excellent season suitable for tree dragons, they love dynamics in everything, and the weather is no exception, as they gravitate towards windy days, feeling very comfortable in such situations. In addition to the positive aspects, there is a vulnerable organ, which is the liver and urinary tract system. Therefore, it is required to avoid situations that can provoke a deterioration in the general condition, which should not be allowed if there is a desire to take an active position throughout the cycle.

Also, the nervous system needs close attention, and in order to maintain it in a proper calm state, methods of mental unloading should be used, which will help to avoid the occurrence of severe stress, which may not affect the representatives of the zodiac sign in the best way.

Fire Dragon Mark

Fire Dragon MarkThe element of fire patronizing this zodiac sign endows bright representatives with certain abilities and character traits that determine the principle of life position and help to choose their own path. There is also a strong imprint on the entire pattern of behavior. The Chinese horoscope, fully revealing the influence of the element on the representative of the sign, indicates the presence in the features of such elements as excessive aggressiveness and the easy achievement of a state of irritation. They also have the gift of clairvoyance, which Moni use, having the desire and desire to engage in such activities in personal interests.

These are frank people who can express an opinion about a particular person by looking into her eyes, they do not like to play around and lie, since such behavior seems alien and not natural to them. The representatives of the zodiac sign have a very wide stock of their own ambitions, which also directly affect all the behavior and life of dragons in human society.

If it is necessary to perform certain actions in order to defend their own interests on the way to achieving the goal, they do not see obstacles and use all available means.

It is noted that these are very hardworking people who show themselves well both for performing work that requires the application of significant physical efforts and doing mental work. These are very sociable people who easily get in touch. Some believe that their sociability has no boundaries, and therefore avoid tying up conversations on a certain topic, which can lead to long-term communication.

A distinctive feature of the representatives of the zodiac sign is also self-control, and the ability to harmoniously use forces, achieving relaxation due to the occurrence of possible stressful situations.

Dragons love summer and warm days. They tolerate high temperatures very well. But all should take care of the heart and intestines and avoid situations that can affect these organs in a negative way. Fire-type dragons are not indifferent to the color red and try to use it in all kinds of situations.

 Earth Dragon Mark

 Earth Dragon MarkEarth dragons are a very stable type of people who know exactly what they want and set clear and achievable goals for themselves. In the Chinese horoscope, the dragon, in principle, takes a significant place, as well as a number of other signs of the zodiac. A distinctive feature of earth dragons is the necessary amount of vitality and competent direction in order to achieve the most difficult and time-consuming goals, even if it is necessary to attract support from outside. This is an amazing sign of the zodiac , which gives its owner extensive opportunities for the implementation of the goals of a certain plan, which can, in a qualitative form, influence the course of life.

Representatives of tree dragons have no illusions about the world around them and they look at everything with a fresh eye and do not build any illusions associated with an unreal attitude to what is happening. This attitude largely contributes to their achievement of real results over a certain period.

They are materialists in a good sense of the word. They will not waste their savings in vain. There is a desire to carry out the preservation of their property and placement in secluded places in order to prevent situations associated with loss.

From them, parents who are unsurpassed in warmth and responsibility are obtained, since all the necessary skills are visible in the character traits as prescribed in the Chinese horoscope. They know how to maintain peace and quiet in their own family, with the exception of some cases when they can turn into despotic natures.

The end of the summer months and the presence of a certain amount of moisture in the air, contributing to the rise of strength, is considered the best time of the year for active activities. A positive moment is the need to spend free time in nature for an active occupation, be it a walk with children or work in the garden. Since there is a tendency to be overweight, maintaining activity throughout the entire cycle is simply necessary.

The gray-green color in clothes is insanely strong for them, since it brings maximum positive aspects with its presence to the state of mind of the tree dragon.



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