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Everyone is well aware of the existence of the twelve signs of the zodiac, but few of us know that there are five more different elements of the element that give the sign additional character traits and behavioral features of their owner. Today we will talk about the changes that they make to the sign using the example of the Rat.

Five elements and the year of the Rat in our century

  • 1900 January 31 – element of the year metal
  • 1912 February 18 – element of the year water
  • 1924 February 5 – element of the year tree
  • 1936 January 24 – element of the year fire
  • 1948 February 10 – element of the year earth
  • 1960 January 28 – element of the year metal
  • 1972 February 15 – element of the year water
  • 1984 February 2 – element of the year tree
  • 1996 February 19 – element of the year fire
  • 2008 February 7 – element of the year earth

Metal (iron) Rat

Metal Rat Chinese horoscopeMetal appeared as a result of the contact of the western sky with the Earth. Metal personified the cold autumn wind from the harsh steppes, which is looking for a space for itself to exist. People born under this zodiac sign tend to have a strong build and strong bone. The hair of people born under this sign has extraordinary hardness and is extremely straight, but over the years it begins to thin out profusely. They have powerful limbs and a rough jaw, eyes and skin are often dark in color, and their nose is quite straight.

Those Rats who were born under the influence of the element of metal have a sharp mind and exquisite taste. They make their homes cozy and very comfortable. Such rats are welcoming in receiving guests and will gladly visit a refined society themselves. An innate sense of these people about the affairs of the financial sector, as well as an understanding of investing their finances, is their distinguishing feature. Basically, people born under the sign of the “metal rat” are very self-confident in life (although there are shy individuals). And the dedication with which they treat their family and friends is simply admirable.

Metal rats are harsh and unambiguous, as well as sharp-tongued in handling, which is sometimes not to the liking of others. They have a stubborn character. Although the line of their observation of destruction and creation is very thin, their thoughts lead them to an incomprehensible sense of melancholy and deep sadness. Trying to find balance in their lives, they often find themselves on the verge of loneliness and can completely withdraw into themselves.

Metal Rats, thanks to their endless energy and great eloquence, are not afraid of the difficulties and difficulties in life. Their qualities and talents find their best application in the legislative field, because these Rats love to give orders, judge and resolve disputes. They are wonderful organizers, but the straightforwardness inherent in “Metal Rats” sometimes repels and frightens the people around them, so they are advised to at least occasionally relax and allow them to dream. Sometimes they behave unpredictably, which can lead to their isolation from society and they should seriously think about how to hide or soften some facets of their character. If the Metal Rat deprives itself of too much in achieving its goal, it will inevitably fall into its own trap.

Autumn weather has the best effect on their mood, and the dry climate has a beneficial effect on their health. “Metal Rats” should pay special attention to their lungs, as well as the small intestine, because these are their most vulnerable organs. They love to joke their food, and give the greatest preference to dishes made from horse meat and oats. They should spend time outdoors as often as possible and devote time to breathing exercises, doing this to prevent lung diseases.

The white color of the Metal Rat is a symbol of their success and prosperity.

Water rat

Metal Rat Chinese horoscopeIn the northern outskirts of the heavens, a cold arose, which appeared in the form of snow on the earth. This is how the element of Water appeared. Water is a symbol of life and a source of fertility, but it can also manifest itself in the form of blowing deadly cold ice. Such contradictory properties of water manifested themselves in a very original way in people born under its authority. The “Water Rats” have a rounded oval face and slightly protruding eyes, fragile and thick hair, tender skin, and an elongated fragile torso. They have gentle and very weak hands.

If the “Water Rat” is more dominated by the cold side of water – ice, they get cold and insensitive manners. They have almost no passion, but only cold calculation, which, incidentally, is a guarantee of a peaceful existence. This type of Rats is boring in dealing with people and crying in life. They can feel sorry for themselves for a long time and mourn their wounded nature.

Calmness and peacefulness of character of this type of people, which is characteristic of “Water Rats”, allows them to win the sympathy of people familiar with him. An excellent ability of this type of rat is the ability to calm down any aggressor and prevent conflict situations. What does the element of Water contribute to, which makes the Rat less fearful and aggressive? In their work, they have no equal, and they can find themselves in almost any profession, since they are not afraid of any difficulties that arise on their way. In practice, they are cold-blooded and quick-witted and protect the interests of the public as well as their own interests.

“Water Rats” should not hesitate in their actions and as soon as possible destroy the wall of ice, which it is often surrounded by. Therefore, it is worth fighting in order to show others your true face.

They are serious and formulate their thoughts precisely and very clearly, which convinces others that they are right. A well-developed intellect and innate insight, as well as an impatient craving for knowledge and study, makes this type of Rat, perhaps, the most gifted among other people. However, the desire to find as many friends as possible, so as not to be alone, sometimes brings them together with unreliable people, which is why they often suffer.

Possessing poor concentration, listening to the “Water Rats” should not strive for two birds with one stone, but it is best to focus on one thing, otherwise they risk being left, as they say, “at a broken trough.” Thanks to the potential that this type of people has, they have the opportunity to become famous writers and poets. But due to innate qualities, as well as different characters, their literary future will be able to manifest itself only in a small number of “Water Rats”.

In winter and in cold weather, the “Water Rat” feels most comfortable and experiences a huge surge of energy. They should be convinced to pay special attention to kidney disease, as it is their weakest organ. As regrettable as it may sound, but it is the “Water Rats” that are strongly susceptible to diseases of the urolithiasis, pathological kidney disease, and colic in the abdomen. In cooking, they prefer salty dishes. They have a special predisposition to pork and pea foods.

The color that symbolizes the “Water Rat” and brings it prosperity and success is blue.

 Wood (Wood) Rat

Metal Rat Chinese horoscopeA strong east wind brought life-giving power and warmth from heaven to earth – this is how the Tree was born. This element adds balance to its owner. It represents the beginning of spring and a fresh climate. Those born under the sign of the “Wood Rat” are tall and slender, but they have weak bones. Their skin is dark-skinned, their eyes are simply perfect, and their hair is unusually lush. They have beautiful lips, delicate legs and arms, and just velvety skin. One can only dream about the “Wood Rat”, because they are true seducers and the most beautiful among other types of Rats. It is also worth noting that people who were born under this sign are considered extraordinarily lucky.

Such people love to live in harmony and beauty, they are very elegant and sophisticated. Wood Release endows its owner with charm and creativity in contrast to qualities such as the desire to destroy with unstoppable force.

They, possessing an innate irascibility, sometimes simply do not notice the measure of their own dignity. Their aggressiveness is not something that does not hold back, and whims are often simply limitless.

They, however, successfully suppress their aggression and try to do everything without haste and with the utmost caution. When they are perplexed by life, they are capable of improvisation and the creative use of their innate talent. Such Rats will feel comfortable, both working in the field and creating poems and poems, they are characterized by the versatility and balance of their elements.

Wanderlust and immense imagination pushes them towards art, and a great sense of humor will only help if they want to become writers. “Tree Rats” have a stormy perception of everything that happens, but sometimes because of this, their character can change. They are natural speakers and use their gift to fight for freedom and justice. They just need to try themselves in the political arena, because this is the best way for them to realize their potential.

Wood Rats are characterized by an open and friendly character, which attracts their colleagues and loved ones to them. The flexible and perspicacious mind of these Rats pushes them to try themselves in something new. They are afraid of instability in their lives, but this is unlikely due to their intelligence.

Spring and its fresh breeze are considered the most favorable for such people. It is in the spring that they feel themselves on the rise of their vitality and emotions, because their element Wood begins to bloom. Renal and urolithiasis are common diseases for these people. I prefer poultry dishes and rye bread in the Wood Rats meal. They also like acidic foods and foods, but you need to try to exclude acidic foods from the diet, and take care of their already vulnerable liver. They should not abuse alcohol either, there is a high probability of cirrhosis of the liver, as well as alcoholism.

Green is their color of life, success and prosperity, as well as the patron saint of the Wood Rats.

Fire Rat

Metal Rat Chinese horoscopeThe fire appeared after the heat originated in the southern part of the sky and, falling to the Earth, impregnated it. The warm and sultry weather of the sky is what Fire likes. In alliance with the Rat Fire, there is a huge creative potential for its owner and uncontrollable destruction. “Fire Rats” are endowed with an aquiline nose and a slightly widened face in the lower part, which clearly does not like the Rats, because they tend to please people. Most of the women are red-haired with bright scarlet lips and a fiery passionate character.

 The insatiable supply of energy that the “Fire Rats” are endowed with simply does not allow them to sit in one place for a long time and constantly requires them to take active action. Such people always strive for adventure and want to be always in the center of events, regardless of whether it is a new project or another adventure. They have a very unusual mindset and they hate it when someone tries to control or command them. The Fire Rats try to express their thoughts directly, but their inherent creative impulse can sometimes lead them far. Such Rats are hardy by nature and can achieve a lot.

One of the disadvantages of people born under the sign of “Fire Rat” is a tendency to destruction and sometimes attacks of unjustified aggression happen to them, so sometimes they should be feared. The specificity of the combination of Fire and the Rat is one certainty – this is either victory or death, and there can be no compromises! They are very far-sighted and quick-witted and because of this, they do not tolerate when someone tries to challenge their leadership. The Fire Rats make excellent military men, due to their inherent belligerence, craving for destruction and command. But in the field of art they will do little, belligerence does not reserve the right to create. Do not try to imitate them, it may end badly for you.

 Not bad enduring hot and sultry climate, such people feel more confident in the summer. Most of all, “Fire Rats” should be afraid of heart and intestinal diseases. They love spicy, well-spiced dishes. However, for them, this is by no means useful. They give particular preference to dishes made from rice or lamb. Sudden jumps in atmospheric pressure are very dangerous for them and should be avoided at the right time, because of possible heart problems.

Good luck, success and happiness in life “Fire Rats” can bring red color.

 Earth rat

Metal Rat Chinese horoscopeThe earth appeared when moisture fell down from the firmament. The earth is characterized by the summer sun and the beginning cold breeze of autumn. The earth is a symbol of home and life.

Earth Rats often show a tendency to deep thought, which can sometimes harm them. They constantly need to move up and achieve goals, otherwise they may simply die from a simple routine and everyday life. They are impenetrable pragmatists and egoists. They are the embodiment of fruitfulness in business and realists in life, but they are not without great cunning. Earth Rats are cautious economists and good entrepreneurs. Such people have good families, and in these families they are leaders, because they do not like when they try to challenge their leadership.

These rats need constant activity and movement, otherwise they will disappear. Their wisdom sometimes suppresses feelings of temptation and passion. In their affairs, Earth Rats try not to hesitate, since slowness gives them stress and irritability.

These people combine tremendous cunning and composure, which allows them to avoid danger and risk, even though they are constantly trying to build up their capital. Earth Rats very confidently and persistently move towards the task, negating the influence of accidents and unpleasant incidents. Although, in comparison with other species, Earth Rats have less propensity for adventurism, this is more than compensated for by prudence and perseverance in performing any task. They will not take risks until they have thoroughly studied and checked everything, and only then they will get down to business.

They do not skimp on gifts and in every possible way show their love and care for loved ones. But their excessive attention to their appearance, which serves only for playing to the audience, may seem pretentious and redundant.

They feel the greatest rise in strength at the end of summer, when the air becomes more humid and the imminent arrival of spring is felt. The organs that are most susceptible to diseases in Earth Rats are the stomach and spleen (which is associated with their strong passion for sweet foods). They give the greatest preference to dishes and beef and corn. Because of their passion for sweets, Earth Rats are often obese and therefore they need an active lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Yellow color is a symbol of well-being and success for the Earth Rat.



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