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SNAKE ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeThe snake belongs to the Yang group. In the Eastern horoscope, this is the sixth sign. The sign of the Serpent controls the time interval from 9 to 11 am. Her season is spring, it brings her good luck in everything, and the peak of this period is May. In the European Zodiac, the Serpent corresponds to Taurus. Its element is Fire. The color that brings her prosperity and happiness is green and red. Plants and flowers that bring her good luck – thistle, fern, heather and all kinds of plants that grow among the stones. The best countries for Snakes to live are Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, South CIS, Peru.

Years of the sign of the Snake in our century

  • 1905 February 4 – element of the year tree
  • 1917 January 23 – the element of the year fire
  • 1929 February 10 – element of the year earth
  • 1941 January 27 – the element of the year metal
  • 1953 February 14 – element of the year water
  • 1965 February 2 – element of the year tree
  • 1977 February 18 – the element of the year fire
  • 1989 February 6 – element of the year earth
  • 2001 January 24 – element of the year metal
  • 2013 February 10 – element of the year water


Muhammad Ali, Antonio Bernie, Heinrich Belle, Pavel Virsky, Jean Vigo, Nonna Gaprindashvili, Indira Gandhi, Vasily Grossman, Vladislav Gomulko, Lyudmila Zykina, Dmitry Zorin, Grigory Kozintsev, John Kennedy, Ferdinand Markoe, Alexey Kozolevsky, Art , Vera Panova, Gemal-Abdel, Tigran Petrosyan, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Christian Dior, Maria Smirnova, Bob Hawk, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jesse Jackson, Anriy Matisse, Mao-Tse-Dun, Pablo Picasso, Aristotle Garbossis, Gretele Onassis Edgar Allan, Charles Darwin, Giacomo Casanova, André Gide, Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Baudelaire, Gustave Flaubert, Johannes Brahms, Audrey Hepburn, Bela Bartok, Anna Pavlova, Gustave Dora, Denis Diderot, Johann Wolfgang, Dmitry Dostoevsky, Heinrich Heine , Luther King, Louis Philippe.

In Christian culture, the sign of the Snake has a bad reputation, but in the East, the complete opposite of the Snake is revered and loved for its wisdom, benevolence and ingenuity. If, for example, in Japan, when a woman wants to pay a compliment, she is told that you look like a Snake, then in the West it is considered an insult. The flexible and silent Serpent is a master of grace and trickery. It is present in all legends, and causes conflicting feelings: desire and anxiety, antipathy and sympathy. The snake is a mysterious companion of the unknown. She is the personification, of the highest degree of initiation, into the great mysteries of knowledge. In Eastern and Indian Yoga, as well as in Tibetan Buddhism, it symbolizes – the flow of Kundalini energy, going from the root of the spine to the head. This energy unites the path of life with the spiritual.

SNAKE ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeA snake can reveal mysterious dreams to a person, sending him to mysterious worlds and also unexpectedly catch him by surprise. The sacred goddess Ophidia was depicted in the form of a snake – this is the god of the sea and the earth, an evil demon living in mud, in swamps, in water. She came to us from the dark depths of our subconscious, filling our dreams with fantasies. She is associated with the culture of ancient China as the founding father of the Chinese emperor.

When the world consisted of chaos, and everything was not organized between heaven and earth, Pan-Ku was born. Thanks to Pan-Ku, the earth was warmed by the sun, stars and planets were born, the moon shone. But our planet was empty until Nu-Wa appeared. He was very handsome, unusually intelligent, and his body was in the form of a Snake with the head of a man. Crawling on the ground, Nu —Va was intoxicated with millions of smells, and he made them the scents of life. With his tail, he dug the earth and kneaded all this mass, until he created a creature whose body was like a monkey, and the head of a man. This is how the very first Chinese emperor was born.

There are many different legends about the Snake in the world. In Tibet there is a symbol of the Snake, it grabs itself by the tail, which means eternal renewal. In the Book of the Dead in Tibetan mythology it is written: “I am Sata, the Serpent living in the far corners of our planet, I am born, I die, I am renewed and every day I become younger.” In all religions, the Snake means a symbol of wisdom, and is also a source of excitement. Who will not be afraid of the Snake and will not back down? There are no such daredevils, because a person's reaction to a snake is disgust and fear, and if it is also poisonous, then disgust and fear for it are endless.

If you drop superstitious fear and start observing the Snake, then you can see aesthetics and beauty in it. It is a brilliant and delicate animal, paralyzing and poisonous, endowed with magical powers. In the Bible, the Serpent brought chaos to life by tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden, but let's not forget that this is the appearance in which Satan was. This is all appearance, because of her we condemn the Snake, her appearance is a very heavy burden. The same analogy from the Bible has been used in Chinese mythology. She is depicted in it as the Serpent Seducer, who possesses the strongest hypnosis, which is difficult to resist. The snake is the only sign of the zodiac, which is difficult to resist, it has an inner light, you cannot fail to see it.


People of the sign of the Snake are happy if they were born in a hot summer. They love wild and dry spaces under sunny skies. A snake born on a hot lunch hour will be happier than a snake born on a cold night. If she was born in winter, and even on the night of severe frosts, then various dangers will lie in wait for her in life. She feels great in the heat and does not like rains and cold weather.

The Snake usually has a happy childhood, but only in a good and warm family. Her youth also passes without problems, but as she matures, she has various troubles on the emotional plane and various temptations.

In old age, the Snake gains wisdom, but the fire of love always remains, and can bring them a lot of anxiety.


People born under the zodiac sign of the Snake are well-mannered and elegant people. They look sophisticated and have something exciting about them. They are polite, very outgoing and always welcoming. Snakes are adorable and romantic in society they always attract attention. They have a great sense of humor, great interlocutors, so they focus on themselves. They know how to talk with people, attracting them with their mystery. Thoughtful reflection and good looks are well combined in these people, which makes them simply irresistible. These are extravagant people who have their own taste and love to dress beautifully.

SNAKE ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopePeople under the sign of the Snake have the ability to educate, they grasp everything instantly. These people are intelligent, deep and thoughtful. By nature, they are thinkers and philosophers. People under the sign of the Snake are very fond of reading and make good use of their knowledge. These people get great pleasure in sharing knowledge and thoughts in heated discussions, while they need dialogue like air, and their interlocutors are very pleasant. They have a rare deep mind, they are very quick-witted and always give wise answers. Their judgments cannot be said to be superficial.

People of the Snake do not like anger, avoid noisy people and vulgarity. They are very fond of music, very much in need of a standing ovation and adore honors, and when they are earned, they are very proud of themselves. Snakes will never waste time gossiping.

At birth, snakes have an inner gift of intuition that borders on clairvoyance. They see people through and penetrate into their subconsciousness. They trust their inner instincts more, pay attention to their own sympathies and feelings, and not to facts and other people's opinions. They often learn from their own mistakes, but rarely make mistakes.

SNAKE ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeIn life, people born under the sign of the Snake behave peacefully, calmly, love stability and harmony. They can easily adapt to any environment and quickly settle down. They have an iron will that protects them without hesitation and makes them fight for their moral and material goals. In this case, they know how to react instantly, show their poisonous teeth. Snakes are not very fond of unnecessary body movements, and therefore, if possible, they doze.

They know how to work very efficiently and quickly, they do not like to postpone work until tomorrow what they can do today. They value their time very much, and when they have a free minute, they devote it to their favorite activities. These people consider their favorite pastime: repairing, rearranging things, resting outside the city, after finishing their business, they can sleep for a long time. But, if they set a goal for themselves, they can remove any obstacles. They make decisions instantly, and, as a rule, they do not change them anymore.

Snake people are considered very lucky, they do not like to lose and often win. Failure is considered by them as a personal insult. These people are excellent advisors and often come to the rescue. It happens that because of the desire to help or do something good, they become a little intrusive. Despite the fact that they love to help people, they do not want to voluntarily part with their money. Snakes love money and are very afraid of losing it. Snake sign chinese horoscopeTheir worst character trait is their tendency to go overboard and exaggerate. When they render a service to someone, they think they can control that person, and that, they can turn their own virtue into evil. Their disadvantage is that they do not listen at all to the advice and recommendations of others.

With a negative life coincidence, people under the sign of the Snake can engage in appropriating other people's ideas, and on occasion they can lie. They do not like criticism and controversy and are very touchy. In extreme situations, the Snake can be aggressive and vindictive.

<< Table: zodiac signs of the Eastern horoscope


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