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Moon and money

Moon and moneyOf course, everyone at least once in his life wondered why some people have money, while others do not. For some, everything is given, as they say, “on a silver platter,” while others have to work hard to buy the essentials. 
To solve the riddle of money, you need to answer the question: what is money? These are not coins or bills. Money is pure energy, independent of the category of good and evil. This is a spontaneous phenomenon that is in perpetual motion and is present everywhere, like air. It is impossible to conquer it, to catch it, but it is possible to use this energy for your own benefit, as the energy of wind or water is used in power plants.

Moon and money energy

First of all, you need to believe that the energy of money can be tamed, otherwise where are so many rich_ people in the world. True, the usual methods do not work here. You can exhaust yourself at work as much as you want, but there will be no money. Constant stress and activity on the verge of your strengths and capabilities will not make you richer. It is much more efficient to be at the right time in the right place. That is, to study the movement of money energy, which is controlled by … the Moon.
Yes, it is the Moon that governs the ebb and flow of money. Each lunar day carries a certain energy, directing which in the right direction, you can achieve a lot.
It is the Moon that will help find an energy flow that attracts wealth to us and protects us from unnecessary expenses and monetary losses. She will do most of the work herself. Only desire is required of us. How much we wish also depends on how soon your dream will come true.
Moon and moneyDo not think that the desire for money is sinful. This is a delusion, and a delusion is quite harmful, since it puts boundaries in front of us, does not allow us to earn decently, and, accordingly, live. By and large, money allows us to feel free, because thanks to wealth we can freely study, develop creatively, visit various countries, communicate with interesting people and help other people, and not think about how to feed ourselves and our family, reach out to the next salary. Therefore, a decent prosperity is good. Every person should strive for this. Wish for money, want it strongly, strongly, only then will it come to you!
The moon will be your helm … The rituals and rituals that help to materialize the energy of abundance scattered in space into quite tangible amounts and things will serve as tools. At the same time, you do not need to master laborious spiritual practices, summon spirits or comprehend the basics of witchcraft. To calculate the lunar day , use our lunar calendar.

All the recommendations are easy to implement in our daily life, moreover, it is easier than ever to make them part of our usual activities: eating, drinking tea, washing, hair and skin care, cleaning the apartment and just relaxing. The rituals offered in this book use the energy of natural elements – Earth, Air, Water, Fire, which is constantly around us and it is easy to call for help. In addition, here we will turn to the pearls of folk wisdom: conspiracies, prayers, mini-meditations, spells of stones, water, wind, trees, herbs, and candles. By choosing what is closer to you, or by doing everything, you will succeed in any case. This book will help you not only attract money into your life, but also save what you have acquired.


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