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Description of lunar days (days)

1st lunar dayDescription of lunar days

The symbols are: the lamp, Pallas Athena, the altar of Hecate, the lamp. On such a lunar day, it is not recommended to do some kind of group work. It would be nice to go back to your beginning, remember your childhood, reflect on your actions, analyze your life. You can also take the time to read historical literature. We can say that this is the day of creative endeavors. It is advised not to take on new things on the 1st  day of the moon, but at the same time planning them is allowed and even very welcome. From the point of view of medicine, this is a day that has a connection with the face of the head and the brain, so there is no need to abuse alcohol or spicy or hot food, and indeed to overwork. Physiologically, there is a dense knocking down of internal organs and such a day is quite difficult for a person.

To increase the effect of individual work, you need contact with nature, advice from friends or relatives, you can turn to books. During this period, any overload, grandiose plans or risky events are also dangerous. The implementation of such plans will be in jeopardy. There is a high likelihood of exacerbations of chronic diseases. On the 1st lunar day, deceptions, wrong actions, indulging someone can have an extremely negative effect on your creative plans, business development.

<< More description and characteristics – 1 lunar day

2nd lunar dayDescription of lunar days

The symbols are: mouth, cornucopia, mouth. It is recommended on such a day to do gastric lavage, start a diet. And in no case should you show your anger. You need to develop generosity. In such a period, it would be good to start a set of physical exercises or cognition of some kind of information cycle. As for medicine, on this lunar day it is worth paying close attention to the oral cavity, the upper part of the sky, teeth.

The first half of the lunar day is favorable . At the same time, you should not devote others to your personal plans that you have planned, otherwise the 2nd half of the lunar day may negatively affect the implementation of everything you have planned. It is very good in the 1st half of a lunar day to ask the authorities to make new contacts.

<< More description and characteristics – 2 lunar days

 3rd lunar day.lunar calendar description of lunar days

The symbol of the lunar day: a leopard or leopard preparing to jump.This lunar day is marked by pressure, aggression and active struggle. Passive people on the 3rd lunar day become very vulnerable, as various astral attacks occur on them. People of this kind on this lunar day become suspicious, suspicious, insidious. You should direct all your astral energy to self-defense. This day is considered the most suitable day for martial arts training. It is also good to sharpen knives, work with metal, and in ancient times things were cast from silver on this day. It is recommended to spend time in the sauna and steam up. People, on this lunar day, should also pay special attention to a part of the back of the head and ears. If oil spills on that day, it means leaving your path. The most suitable stones for wearing on this lunar day : ruby, jaspilite,aventurine , pyrite.

The first half of this lunar day can bring trouble. A sense of aggression, ambition is exacerbated, quarrels between parents and children, spouses, partners are possible. The manifestation of negativity and anger can ruin your mood for quite a long time. The second half of the day will be more favorable. Efficiency will increase, favorable contacts are possible, practical and scientific activities will intensify. It is worth paying attention to any suggestions, as they, at this time, will be able to give a positive effect.

<< More description and characteristics – 3 lunar days

4th lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

He is commemorated to choose between good and evil deeds. The symbol is the Tree of Knowledge. It will be best to be with yourself on this day. Unfortunately, such a day is the first among the unfavorable ones. But at the same time it is endowed with a dual characteristic, it is both a positive and a negative day at the same time. At this time, you should not make quick decisions, it is better to think over everything ten times, and only then make a decision. Teamwork is not recommended, you cannot cut trees, pick flowers. It is advised to walk more in the forest on such a day, you can spin, loose threads. They say that people who were born on this lunar day have some kind of cosmic secret, but at the same time they must learn it themselves. Recommended stones on this day: amazonite, green jade, sardonyx.

The first half of the lunar day is favorable . You will gain peace of mind and your ability to connect will increase. Also, this day will have a positive effect on trading, increasing the chances of successfully pulling off risky events. But already the second half of the day may begin to slow down positive trends, but if you have sufficient diplomacy, then you will be able to avoid the intrigues and conflicts of your rivals.

<< More description and characteristics – 4 lunar days

5th lunar daylunar day today

The symbol of the lunar day is the Unicorn . It means loyalty to your principles, duty. It is necessary to pay great attention to food on this lunar day. Because it is this time that is symbolized with the beginning of the assimilation of food and its transformation. It is better to prefer dairy products and prohibit the consumption of animal foods. It's good to go somewhere on such a day, to do the picking, drying and tincture of herbs. You can't starve and fuss.

The first half of a given lunar day is not entirely favorable. Confusion and indecision increase, self-confidence decreases. Many people in the first half of the day will need the ability and ability to resist negative influences from outside. It will take a lot of consciousness. In the first half of a lunar day, contacts with partners and bosses will be difficult. At the same time, the second half of the lunar day will be conducive to gaining the support of bosses, new colleagues or friends. This lunar day means an increase in a person's sexual potential, which means that communication with the opposite sex will be successful.

<< More description and characteristics – 5 lunar day

6th lunar daylunar day today

The symbol of this lunar day is the crane. This lunar day promotes the assimilation of cosmic energy, the acquisition of Grace, verbal and mental work. This day associates love and forgiveness. A good sign on this day is the melodic ringing and clouds in the sky, but a completely clear sky or overcast with clouds means a lack of harmony in the whole world.

Such a lunar day is very favorable, it allows you to show all your abilities. The ability to materialize, luck increases, new plans and thoughts appear that can change your life for the better. Even during this period, the gift of foresight is strengthened, intuition is manifested more strongly, the activation of scientific and social activities is observed. However, in contacts you need to be restrained, since excessive pressure or complete tactlessness can reduce the effectiveness of your actions.

<< More description and characteristics – 6 lunar day

7th lunar daycharacteristic of lunar days

The symbol is a rooster. This lunar day is dedicated to Sraoshi – the Avestan deity. This is a day of verbal magic, prayer, adventure and serious provocation. Communication with the spirits of the elements will be desirable. It is forbidden at this time to tear paper, pull out teeth, eat eggs and chicken meat, lie, gossip, break dishes. During this period, you can begin to get rid of the words-parasites. If on this day you dream of a fighting rooster, this means a disaster for the person himself.

The first half of the lunar day will be favorable, it will give an opportunity to implement your plans and ideas conceived the day before. The ability to complete cases increases, new partners and patrons may appear, support from relatives will be felt, and trust from others will increase. The second half of the day will require a person to be more organized and responsible, perhaps there will be some inconsistencies and unnecessary fuss. Otherwise, the created positive tendencies cannot be fully realized.

<< More description and characteristics – 7 lunar day

8th lunar daycharacteristic of lunar days

The symbol of the day is Phoenix. This lunar day can be called a day of purification, repentance, absolution and alchemy. At this time, it is also good to fast and cleanse the intestines, as well as to make medicines for all diseases. In no case should you be selfish and licentious.

This period is difficult, because you still have unresolved problems, but old goals and plans will require you to spend much more time on them. It is necessary to try to attract new employees and partners to your plans. At this time, relationships in the team can change, so you must be restrained and prudent. Also, this period of time is characterized by a transition to a new stage of development, which means that you will need to be able to change your tactics in behavior in time.

<< More description and characteristics – 8 lunar day

9th lunar daycharacteristic of 9 - lunar day

The symbol is a bat. This day is considered satanic. He brings with him various illusions, bad signs and deceptions that need to be analyzed and comprehended. On this lunar day , poisoning can also occur, torment nightmares at night. It is also necessary to cleanse yourself of astral and physical slags, engage in strength exercises and forgive offenders. It is also not very recommended to look in the mirror, it would be a bad sign to break the mirror on such a day. Spilled milk is also a bad sign (if the mother loses milk that day, the child may be punished). A good sign during this period will be a cactus that has bloomed.

This is a period of disharmony. And this is due to delusions, deceptions and various complications. You may be tempted to avoid problems and avoid responsibility. You may also feel dissatisfied with your surroundings. At the same time, spiritual people will be able to get rid of the old on this day and begin a new period of spiritual renewal. There is also a danger of conflicts with children, relatives and old partners.

<< More description and characteristics – 9 lunar day

10th lunar daycharacteristic 10 - lunar day

The symbol of the lunar day is a fountain. This is the day of finding previously unknown sources of energy, turning on karmic memory, self-deepening, and rest. On such a lunar day, you can do meditation in order to determine the line of life for yourself, strengthen your home, family, reflect on your family tree. It is advisable to go to the bathhouse at this time. It is recommended to start any construction. Also, on this lunar day, one cannot be superficial and selfish.

A suitable period for changing the form of activity and for engaging in individual and collective creativity. Relationships on the love front will be very effective, as well as spiritual searches and your professional success. You can safely take on everything new, start construction, hold meetings, and indeed begin to implement any new plans.

<< More description and characteristics – 10 lunar day

11th lunar day11 lunar day characteristic

The symbol is a fiery sword. In terms of energy, it is the most powerful of the lunar days. Care must be taken when doing anything. During these days, you can clean yourself, after appropriate preparation, pray. It is better to avoid all kinds of physical activity and not engage in any serious business, especially if you are not cleansed and do not know something. This day you cannot cut anything, kill insects, and in general you should not come into contact with them. It would be a bad sign to drop knives or forks.

On the other hand, such a  lunar day brings the possibility of materializing almost all the positive moments that appeared at the very beginning of the monthly lunar cycle or on its good days. In parallel, all negative influences from previous periods are neutralized, and therefore all your deliberate actions will have many chances of success. Personal charm, sexual potential, vitality increase. In general, many things that begin on such a special day have the support of spiritual Hierarchies and success.

<< More description and characteristics – 11 lunar day

12th lunar daydescription of lunar days

The symbol of this lunar day is a bowl . During this period, you need to give alms, give gifts, respond and try to fulfill requests. At the same time, one should not cry, be angry, and eat rough food. If dishes break or liquid spills on this day, it will be a sign of suffering and loneliness.

This is an unfavorable lunar day , as the truth of plans and intentions is manifested. On this lunar day, a person is tested for honesty, endurance and fortitude. During this period, emotionality and sensuality increase. But love affairs and relationships can turn into quarrels, resentments and unfulfilled desires.

<< More description and characteristics – 12 lunar day

13th lunar daydescription of lunar days

Symbol – a wheel with a swastika inside clockwise. The energy of magic prevails on this day, the day is good for working with karma, there is a correction of the past, the accumulation of information and contacts. Contacts with other worlds can be made. This day it is good to make round talismans, spin threads, bake bread. It is also recommended to engage in cosmetic procedures and strain the stomach.

The first part of the lunar day will be very unfavorable. She will maintain the negative tendencies of the past day. But if a person can overcome the tests of pride, then he will have new opportunities that are associated with the strengthening of his aura. For this reason, in the afternoon of a lunar day, new prospects will open up for the manifestation of creativity. The possibility of achieving new goals increases.

<< More description and characteristics – 13 lunar day

14th lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

The symbol of this lunar day is the trumpet. These lunar days are well suited for starting a lot of new important things, for using information and various calls for something. All liquid that day is contaminated. Therefore, dry fasting and not very earnest prayers are recommended. Physical work and scripture studies are beneficial. Also on this day melancholy, sadness, grief are possible. It is contraindicated to practice magic, strain your eyes too much, use perfume and look in the mirror.

This lunar day , or rather its first half, will be favorable for moving your ideas to a completely new level. The bosses may note you, your undertakings and aspirations to improve the business, new partners and new connections may appear. Family relations, children's ties with parents, relations with relatives will be strengthened on such a day. The 2nd half of the day can drag you into unnecessary affairs and worries, and this will lead to a loss of energy and time, and possibly to overeating. A lot of sexual energy can also be wasted on this day.

<< More description and characteristics – 14 lunar day

15th lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

  The symbol is a snake. This day is considered satanic, during which astral battles, temptations of the flesh take place. It is necessary on this day to preserve justice and conquer your body. The dream that you dream the day before will be prophetic for a whole month. You cannot give in to temptations on this day, eat apples and quarrel. A dog is a good sign.

In the first half of a lunar day , difficulties may arise in professional and family relationships. The main problems will be created due to ambition and the desire to shift all responsibility and part of their work onto someone else. The second part of the day will allow you to realize everything you have conceived, but through other people and in other ways. New ideas and thoughts may arise.

<< More description and characteristics – 15 lunar day

16th lunar daydescription of lunar days

The symbol is a butterfly. This is one of the few clean days. During this day, harmony, justice, balance are observed. On this day, you need to know when to stop in everything, to maintain inner comfort. You can not show envy, anger, arrogant behavior and shouting are prohibited. Sexual relationships on this day are also contraindicated. It is not advisable to eat mushrooms and animal food. No need to kill birds. If you find dirt on your clothes, it means that you are spiritually unclean.

In general, this lunar day enhances the aura of each person. Such a lunar day can be considered auspicious, especially for creative and spiritual people. They can bring many of their plans to life and show their abilities and talents at the highest level. And cosmic influences can push weak-willed and lack of initiative people to renewal.

<< More description and characteristics – 16 lunar day

17th lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

The symbol is a bell. This lunar day is a day of accumulation, fertility, joy, inner freedom and an exit to your ideal love. This day is very suitable for marriage, marital relations, liberation and fun. On this day, female energy is transformed. It is advised to use warmed Cahors or cold dry wine. At the same time, drunkenness and brawling is strictly prohibited.

The first half of the lunar day allows you to use energy with maximum efficiency. Marital ties will improve, sexual energy will increase. Any creative process, your own business, is activated. Many people have increased intuition, a feeling of enlightenment comes. The 2nd half of the day will be unfavorable. Difficulties will arise in the implementation of plans and ideas. You need to be careful and careful in sexual intercourse. Conflicts can arise between lovers due to feelings of dissatisfaction.

<< More description and characteristics – 17 lunar day

18th lunar daydescription of lunar days

The symbol on this lunar day is a mirror. This is a completely passive day. The fall may occur due to unwillingness to fight instincts and seductions. You need to work with stupid thoughts, try to stop being selfish. It is good to go to the bathhouse on this lunar day, go hungry a little, cleanse the intestines, skin and do a massage. It is not recommended to sleep a lot, drink wine, smoke, eat meat. It will be better to use vegetable oil and nuts. Skin diseases and the opening of old wounds can be a sign of violation of cosmic laws.

The 1st half of the day will be characterized by disharmony. Aggression and unexpected problems can arise. Business connections, contacts, partners, colleagues and bosses may be difficult to turn away from you because of your selfishness and vanity. The second half of this day will help solve the problems that have arisen through negotiations. Diplomatic relations will be very effective, which will help to solve many insoluble problems.

<< More description and characteristics – 18 lunar day

19th lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

The symbol is a spider. This is a very dangerous and difficult lunar day . There is a danger of poisoning, black magic, spiritual intoxication. New plans and ideas may turn out to be a Devil's Trap. Moral cleansing should take place on this day, getting rid of pride and lies, and illusions, as well as other people's thoughts. It is on this lunar day that it will be useful to go around the whole house with candles, to sit by the fire. You can reduce the negativity of this difficult day with strong moral qualities, modesty and dedication.

In the first half of a lunar day , with the manifestation of patience and hard work, you can achieve the patronage of the authorities, pouring money from richer partners into your business. On this day, you also need to resolve the issue of raising the salary, try to improve your financial situation with the help of partners. Charm, onslaught, sexual potential increase. But already in the second half of the day you do not need to show pressure and excessive activity so much. Cunning and deceit, negative energy can cause you illness or serious problems.

<< More description and characteristics – 19 lunar day

20th lunar daycharacteristic of lunar days

The symbol is an eagle. This day is quite serious. It is associated with spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts and cognition of the cosmic law. This is the kind of moon day that is considered the most suitable for fasting, the study of spiritual texts and insights. It is better to spend this lunar day with your family at home. The eagle symbolizes a religious feat. On this day, you also need to overcome grumpiness, pride and arrogance. You should not engage in psychic treatment – this can quickly become depleted.

A very good day to start absolutely any business. It is good to start any business, because it will surely have success and good luck.

<< More description and characteristics – 20 lunar day

21st lunar daycharacteristic of lunar days

The horse is the symbol of this lunar day. This is a very creative and active lunar day . This day is characterized by voluntary sacrifice, courage, fearlessness and refusal of property. Group classes will be successful, you can swear loyalty. You have to be fair and honest. On this lunar day, the journey started, the transition to a new job will be successful. Exercise and water treatments, as well as time outdoors, are beneficial.

At this time, you can safely overcome the intrigues of ill-wishers and enemies. New contacts and business will be successful. The trips will be successful. Interesting offers will appear that will allow you to expand your business and improve your financial situation. Contacts with bosses, political and public figures will be well reflected.

<< More description and characteristics – 21 lunar days

22nd lunar daycharacteristic of lunar days

The symbol is an elephant. Day of wisdom, secret knowledge, world law and inviolability. During this lunar day , goals are achieved. It is also good for learning crafts, various sciences and getting to know your roots. It is useful to meditate on this day, you can find out the future, show generosity, teach others, transfer your experience. It is advised to eat a lot on this lunar day.

During this period, you can also renew yourself creatively and spiritually. Your colleagues and partners during this period will show altruism and selflessness, they will also be honest with you. Sexual performance is enhanced and a sense of fairness is heightened. Better relationships with partners, intuition will increase. It is also good to make an offer on these lunar days, try to achieve agreement or success for something.

<< More description and characteristics – 22 lunar day

23rd lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

Its symbol is a crocodile. This is one of the days of rampant vampires and all sorts of seduction. This lunar day is characterized by caution, abstinence, repentance and self-sacrifice. It is also associated with stalking, harassment, exile, and facing an angry mob. It is necessary to protect your home on this lunar day. It is also necessary to carry out cleaning, cleansing, sprinkling with holy water, fumigation with wild rosemary, cleansing the thresholds of the house with fire. It is recommended to consume dairy products. You can not show your anger, do operations, cut nails and hair, and also move a little.

This period is quite controversial. The conclusion of any contracts and commitments must be reviewed and rethought. On this day, it is better to postpone new projects and affairs. It will be much more useful and productive to complete what you started earlier. The second half of the lunar day is marked by the growth of one's own ambitions, because of which any patronage can be problematic. In relationships with partners, jealousy and envy may be present. You need to be very careful when expressing your feelings and thoughts, revealing your plans and hopes.

<< More description and characteristics – 23 lunar day

24th lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

The symbol is a bear. This is the lunar day of transformation and awakening. Perhaps a great power or revelation will descend on the person. On this day, it will be possible to subdue sexual energy, physical nature, treatment, conception. You need to engage in health promotion and raising the level of your spirituality. You can start building a temple or a house. On this day, punishment for sadists and rapists cannot be avoided.

In general, this day will be neutral. At the same time, it is better not to take risks and not start something new, it is better to continue your old business. Relations between spouses and partners may be at risk. Self-esteem, self-conceit and ambition increase during this period. Conflicts with partners and bosses are possible.

<< More description and characteristics – 24 lunar day

25th lunar daydescription of lunar days

The symbols of this lunar day are vessels with living and dead water. Moon day is rather passive, it allows you to focus on spiritual problems, gives you loneliness. It is necessary to get rid of toxins, to engage in therapeutic fasting. Clairaudience is a sign of slavish dependence on someone on this day.

The first half of the lunar day will be unfavorable – there is an effect of the negative trends of the past day. Chronic diseases manifest themselves, lethargy can be observed. Therefore, at this time it is better to pay attention to your health and engage in some kind of individual activity. But the second half will allow you to achieve your goals. Intuition will sharpen and there is a likelihood of support from higher people.

<< More description and characteristics – 25 lunar day

26th lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

The symbol is a toad. This can be said to be the critical day of the moon. It is associated with fasting, abstinence, knowledge of life and the removal of masks. It is desirable that on this lunar day, there was an exit to the traditions, the Teacher. But you need to refrain from vigorous activity, otherwise you can, especially in empty chatter, overspend a lot of your energy. You can face theft, rude materialism, hypocrisy on this lunar day . If on this day you meet a person with a full bucket or bag, this is a sign that life is going right. And, for example, lightning in a dream or in reality suggests that you have pride and vanity. And nothing should be done or started during this period. All undertakings will bring you one loss.

<< More description and characteristics – 26 lunar day

27th lunar daycharacteristic of lunar days

The symbol is a rod. These lunar days contribute to the acquisition of secret knowledge. This day is associated with meditation, healing, insight, prayers and verbal magic. It is allowed to travel and explore the world on this day. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, look in the mirror and fall into illusions. This is a very lucky day for everything. Great for planting, sowing and for communicating with older people. A person who was born on such a lunar day can become happy and fortunate, or weak and soft-bodied. Diseases are short-lived and not dangerous.

<< More description and characteristics – 27 lunar day

28th lunar daycharacteristic of lunar days

The lotus is the symbol of this day. It's a very good lunar day . Spiritual knowledge is gained, truths are comprehended. It is allowed to engage in clairvoyance, chakras, astral bodies, with dreams. You need to be in high spirits on this day, and also take control of your emotions. It is also allowed to do the usual things: make repairs, plant various plants, buy a house. In no case should you pick and cut flowers or give them, as well as fell trees.

Moon day will be successful for all your endeavors. It will also allow you to rethink the past and reduce feverishness and nervousness. It is necessary to listen to the wise advice of partners – this can help you to prevent the upcoming troubles.

<< More description and characteristics – 28 lunar day

29th lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

The symbol of this day is the octopus. Such a lunar day is very dangerous and satanic. It is symbolized by deception, illusions, astral fog and rampant demons. At this time, you need to be responsible, you need to resist Satanism, fast, abstain and repent. You can do, from ordinary matters, only the most important. It is necessary to drive away bad thoughts, cut off all false connections, fumigate the room, burn candles and it is still allowed to cleanse the body. Darkness and muddy water should be avoided whenever possible. From food, it is better to give preference to baked goods. The wrong way on this day will show you the call of the trumpet, screams, musical sounds. If this month is not the thirtieth, that is, the last, lunar day, then you can summarize.

This  lunar day is very unhappy for absolutely everyone and for everything. Nothing can be started, otherwise nothing will work out at all, there will be only losses and constant “headache”. Dreams on these lunar days can come true.

<< More description and characteristics – 29 lunar day

30th lunar daylunar calendar description of lunar days

The symbol is a golden swan. Day of love, repentance and forgiveness. You need to give up everything unnecessary, analyze your path and try to get rid of all your sins. It is necessary on this day to bring joy to people, to repay debts, to complete the work begun. You can cleanse the house by bringing talismans into it, work with stones. Rough food is not allowed. This day is suitable for summing up various results of the month and for sacrifices. The barking of dogs or dogs on this day indicates a mistake.

The first half will be unfavorable. On this lunar day, you need to try to dot the “and” to decide on all past relationships, deeds and plans. This is not the best time for contacts with new partners, but very successful for communication with relatives and old reliable partners. The second half of the day will be more favorable. The creative potential will increase, the strengthening of intuition and foresight will be observed. Dreams on this day are prophetic and provide an opportunity to change fate.

<< More description and characteristics – 30 lunar day

You can also calculate the Lunar Day for any date by clicking on the following link Lunar Calendar Online.


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