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11 lunar day for a vegetable garden, a garden and plants

On the eleventh day of the Moon, plants begin to intensively gain the energetic strength of the Earth's luminary and approach the peak activity of their growth.

Fruit crops actively accumulate various beneficial nutritional vitamins in their tops, so today it is best to start harvesting fruit crops that ripen above the earth's surface.

11 Lunar day is quite favorable for:

• Sowing;

• Transplantation;

• Fortifications;

• Removal;

• Circumcision;

• Plant nutrition.

11 lunar day for the garden
Today, it is desirable to plant exactly those fruit crops, the fruits of which ripen above the ground in the upper part of the plant culture. It can be cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and other crops. It is also recommended to till the soil, it is preferable to carry out its loosening and fertilization.

Based on the fact that under the influence of the growing moon, many plants consume much more liquid than usual, careful watering should be carried out.

On the 11th day of the Moon, the root system of all plants reacts painfully to various manipulations, and if you accidentally hit them with a rake during any gardening work, a huge risk of death of the whole plant prevails. Today, you should not engage in pruning fruit trees, cleaning tops and fallen leaves.


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