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27 lunar day for a vegetable garden, a garden and plants

In the 27 th lunar day should be in harmony with each other is the best knowledge and intuition. The energy of this day is quite saturated, and on this day you can understand what plants are missing, as well as analyze the situation and help them develop. In the near future, plants in need should be transplanted without fail.

27 lunar day for a vegetable garden, orchardOn this day, you can safely go to work in the garden, here you can also carry out the processing of plants, mainly their upper part, namely, to vaccinate and make the necessary pruning. It is impossible on the 27th day of the Moon to engage in pinching and diving of roots, since at this time any root system will react painfully to all damage. It is for the same reason that extreme care should be taken when handling instruments.

During this time, it will be beneficial if you can get rid of pests and weeds, as well as can sow and plant new plants, which usually grow underground.


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