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Ascendant in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn Rising

The Ascendant in Capricorn (top of the 1st house) forms a complex character, the severity of which directly depends on the spiritual growth of individuals – stubbornness and rigidity in communication must be translated into confidence and determination. Obstacles do not exist for such people, and overcoming difficulties is one of their favorite hobbies. They are born in an environment of increased severity associated with a difficult pregnancy or the age of the mother (usually over 25 years old).

The owners of the Ascendant in Capricorn are realists who stand firmly on the ground. For them, a high position in society is paramount, for which they work tirelessly and limit themselves in entertainment and shopping. Having achieved all goals, they will reward their patience with the purchase of real estate and land. Restrained in emotions and distrustful natives can relax and throw off the protective shell only in a cozy home environment.

Appearance and behavior

The key character traits of the ascending Capricorn are strength and ambition on the verge of vanity. People in this position can be on the sidelines for a long time, but sitting in the boss’s chair, they flourish, showing the true face of the master, at whose command the subordinates begin to grab stars from the sky, which certainly benefits the common cause.

Cold-blooded and judicious individuals consider the violent manifestation of emotions to be weakness and are able to maintain an icy expression on their faces, although volcanic passions are raging in their souls. The owners of the Ascendant in Capricorn are easily recognizable by their domineering gaze, shaded by the Arctic cold, and their amazing youthfulness: they look better with age than in their youth.

Depending on the strength of Saturn’s position in appearance and behavior, certain traits will be expressed:

  • yellowish skin tone, triangular face type;
  • bushy eyebrows, women often have “antennae” above the upper lip;
  • eyes are small, piercing and serious look, visually making  teenagers older than their ages;
  • wide nose bridge, massive chin, large nose;
  • lips of medium size, slightly pursed;
  • the hair is straight and smooth, they prefer to comb it back, revealing the forehead;
  • the habit of interlocking fingers or propping up one cheek while talking;
  • sit motionless, in advance taking a comfortable and familiar posture, aesthetically pleasing from the side;
  • the clothes are practical, austere classics, expensive and a little old-fashioned.

Having achieved material well-being, the Saturnians will not rest on their laurels, but will continue to set new goals, in the achievement of which they see the meaning of life. With the defeat of Saturn, difficulties in expressing feelings appear: it is difficult to fall in love, the violent emotions of a partner are annoying.

Ascending Capricorn in the female horoscope

Since childhood, Lady Perfection has been accustomed to being the best student in the class or the leader among her peers. She is not particularly sociable and earned credibility through academic achievements, high status of parents and strength of character. With age, the authority of the owner of the Ascendant in Capricorn increases, especially if she fulfills her dream of life – she will receive a profession that brings money and prestige in society.

Her incredible willpower, discipline, hard work and a structured approach to problem solving help her become a significant figure in society, but also form an excellent student complex and a fear of making a mistake, finding herself in a stupid situation in front of everyone. A girl with an Ascendant in Capricorn does not strive for a marriage of convenience, but cannot imagine herself next to a man lower in status or earnings.

Even if this Snow Queen fell passionately in love, she will never show feelings first, but on the contrary, she will pretend that she is indifferent to her chosen one. A kind family man with an ascendant in Cancer, allowing his wife to dominate, can warm her heart. The Capricorn Rising Woman is a domineering mother who invests all her efforts and resources in the education of children, but rarely speaks words of love. Celebrities – Monica Bellucci, Meg Ryan, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth II.

Capricorn ascending in the male horoscope

Confident and determined, he embodies the archetype of masculinity: reliable, loyal, and smart. Since childhood, he is focused on leadership and easily achieves it in his studies and social life. Technical disciplines lend themselves especially well to the analytical mind of the owner of the Ascendant in Capricorn. The native’s only drawback is jealousy of the chosen one and rivals in the professional sphere. A wounded ambition often leads to nervous breakdowns, which can be overcome by finding a tempting goal.

The Capricorn rising man does not stop there, despite the conservatism of his beliefs and loyalty to his beloved. He is inspired by the movement forward to even more brilliant success. A native rarely shows the depth of feelings in a relationship, and if he is not sure of reciprocity, then he will be completely cold and arrogant. He prefers to prove love by ensuring material well-being and loyalty, and not with beautiful words, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by the ascending Virgo, Taurus and Cancer. He is also a wonderful father, ready to help and support the child in all endeavors. Celebrities – Sean Connery, Dustin Hoffman, Anthony Hopkins.

Professional success

It is easiest for the owners of the Ascendant in Capricorn to realize leadership in the political, administrative and financial spheres. Prosperity and pleasure in work will also come in agriculture, architecture, mining and research. With a harmonious Venus and the Moon, success is possible in the field of medicine, cinema, theater and literature.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the Ascendant in Capricorn:


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