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Sun in the 9th house

The owners of the Sun in the Ninth house of the horoscope are distinguished by a broad outlook, show interest in various worldview concepts and philosophical systems of views. Such people are most often noble, progressive and fair. Even if they do not believe in God, they are well versed in religion and can enlighten others on many spiritual issues.

In order to expand their horizons, people with the Sun in the 9th house travel around the world and get  acquainted with foreign cultures. In travel, their personality develops. Individuals seem to go beyond their ideas of reality and understand that people in other countries can live differently and have completely different values. So these natives becomes more tolerant and diplomatic. They learn to think globally, and often those around them consider this enlightened and highly cultured people as their teachers.

Having accumulated knowledge and experience, these owners of the Sun in the 9th house can feel comfortable in the role of a mentor, teacher, researcher, religious figure. They know how to abstract from everyday things and penetrate into the deep essence of objects, people, phenomena. They do not just go to work, start a family, perform some actions and deeds. They clearly know what the meaning of the life is and, as a rule, achieve a lot on the way. They can convey their vision of the future to people who turn to them for help and advice.

People with a given location of the Sun are interested in issues of morality, ethics and law. They think in broad terms and think about how the actions of one person can affect the life of an entire society. They can make  good lawyers, judges, etc.

If the Sun in the horoscope is harmonious, then people easily learn. Over time, they accumulate many awards, certificates and diplomas, but one can hardly imagine that these owners of a horoscope will ever stop self-education.

If the luminary in the birth chart is damaged by other planets, then these individuals can get involved in disputes and discussions of an ideological nature, feel distrust of religious institutions, and be inconsistent in their studies. Such people should not be allowed a superficial acquaintance with the subjects being studied. It is also necessary to avoid the state of an eternal student, because one day the baggage of knowledge must be accumulated, and knowledge must be transferred to students.

Sun in the 9th house in various zodiac signs

The sun in the signs of Fire indicates the ability to spread and propagate various teachings, and the air sign will communicate people’s curiosity and their desire to explore everything around. The Water Sun will arouse interest in psychology, religion, esoterics, and the luminary in earthly signs – in the exact, applied and financial sciences.

Sun in the 9th house in a man’s birth chart

The sun in the 9th house of the horoscope inclines to playing sports and leading a healthy lifestyle. Contests, Olympiads and competitions make the life of the owner of the horoscope interesting and exciting. Victories help him to achieve such qualities as healthy ambition, self-confidence, determination and optimism.

Sun in the 9th house in a woman’s birth chart

The sun in this case is a marriage indicator for a woman. The luminary in the 9th house of the horoscope will tell about an energetic, disruptive, athletic, enterprising and educated man. For the hostess of the horoscope, it is important that the partner has a similar worldview and strives to develop spiritually. In life together, there will be many travels and trips. It is also possible to marry a foreigner, a person who has come from afar or a representative of another culture.

Lilia Garipova

Celebrities with the Sun in 9th House:


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