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Ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house: all people are brothers

The planet that controls the Ascendant , and hence the 1st house , is considered the main factor influencing the development of the individual. This helps a lot to people who do not know how to reveal themselves and show the world their unique talents. Most often, such difficulties arise in the owners of the tense aspects of the planets in the 1st house. They are afraid of the negative reactions of others. However, knowing the position of the ruler of this sector, it is easier to understand in which topics the development of the personality is faster and brighter.

With the ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house, it depends on communication with like-minded people, being in the social circle desired by the native, and loneliness and attempts to move independently to the pinnacle of fame will not bring results. It is much better to find a community of people united by an idea that excites and inspires the native, and feel like part of a larger whole.

Influence of the ruler of the Ascendant in the 11th house

The ascendant influences the choice of style, demeanor and the image that a person wants to demonstrate to people. It may not fully correspond to the real inner world, but any owner of the horoscope wants to be perceived precisely according to the symbolism of the 1st house.

In addition to the sign on its cusp, the position of the ruler also brings certain colors. The 11th house is the symbolic patrimony of Aquarius and is under the auspices of Uranus.

A person is attracted by everything bright, unusual, non-standard. Most likely, in his youth he was fond of informal movements, he could join the fighters for the environment and animal rights, hippies, and at a low level of development he could well be imbued with the ideas of neo-Nazism. Most often, the owners of the ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house are still kind people who stand up for world peace. Their appearance is also greatly influenced by the social environment. If the moon or Venus is the planet-owner of the Ascendant, then most likely, the native shares the values of the circle of communication that is dear to him, and does not go on strike against him. Another thing is if they are in opposition to Uranus, Pluto or Saturn, here a person can choose an eccentric image, protesting against traditional values. The brightest representatives of this plan are ruled by Uranus, and there is no limit to their imagination for self-expression. It can be blue or pink hair, a nose ring, summer clothes in winter, or defiant behavior at school, college, even at work. Rarely is anyone distinguished by punctuality.

General influence of the ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house

It is believed that for the native, the most important thing in life is the embodiment of his desires and aspirations in practice. This is partly true, because he worries more than others if they are not fulfilled. For self-realization, it is very important to get into a group of like-minded people, turn on the energy of the general flow and go towards the goal with the support of people who can be completely trusted. If this is not the case, then the uranically bold projects of the owner of the horoscope remain flashes of his fantasies. Of course, there are exceptions if the Sun, Mars and Mercury are strong in the horoscope, but with their weak position, it is simply necessary to consolidate your intellectual power with the energy of the community, inspiring them with the same ideas.

For the wards of the ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house, relationships with their own children are also very important. They make the child their comrade-in-arms and like-minded person, often replacing friendship with other people with these relationships if they have not met a worthy environment.

A person invests a lot in the education and creative development of children, conveys his views and beliefs to them, and reacts very sharply if they try to separate or choose a different point of view.

Depending on the level of awareness of the native, the influence of the ruler of the Ascendant in the 11th house is expressed in 2 perspectives:

  • positive – the implementation of large-scale projects with the support of friends and colleagues. General sympathy, respect, rapid advancement on the social ladder, creative breakthroughs. The ability to foresee the future and create new trends.
  • the negative is a loner renegade in eternal conflict with society. His ideas cause bewilderment and rejection. Inability to create strong relationships, constant dismissal from work due to irresponsibility and frivolity.

With tense aspects, a person can become a victim of his environment or be captured by dangerous criminals.

How to increase the positive influence of the ruler of the 1st house in the 9th house

The native likes outrageousness and courage, so he is attracted to risky activities, and he also does not always know how to calculate the consequences, inspired by the shiny wrapper and promises of scammers. It is very important to have practical and sober-minded people in your environment who can bring him down from heaven to earth, otherwise he can invest all his funds in a financial pyramid or send them to scammers who send compassionate letters to social networks.

For personal development, it is not enough to assert oneself among friends, it is also important to engage in volunteer activities, launching social projects or taking an active part in them. Charity is very important, but again, the main thing is not to fall into the trap of deceivers. The core value of the native is freedom of opinion and self-expression, but he will have to learn to allow his children to follow their unique path as well, and not to imprison them in the system of his views and beliefs. It is important to avoid contacts with any extremist and sectarian organizations, because the mind of the native hardly perceives the “double bottom” of such an ideology and it is easy to recruit him with false postulates.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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