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Pars of Fortune in the 12th house

The Pars of Fortune in the 12th house indicates that a person will achieve great happiness and joy through harmony with his inner self. In this way man satisfies the desire to understand the invisible forces that set the universe in motion. Our inner “I” is actually the same as the One “I” – the whole universe. From this one reality all individual realities originate. The Part of Fortune in the 12th house gives a person the opportunity to discover the unity of these separate realities and the truth of the existence of the One Reality.

Part of the Impartial Consciousness in the 6th house enables a person to function in the “everyday world” with its visible limitations, while at the same time realizing the common unity of events and circumstances through the Pars of Fortune in the 12th house. There is a need to look beyond these so-called constraints and avoid identification with actions, roles, events, or situations. They must be seen as necessary for the plane of the impartial self.

The 6th House Part of Impartial Consciousness enables a person to see the parts of any situation, how they work together, and what they achieve when they function as a whole. The Pars of Fortune in the 12th house gives him the opportunity to see all this on a “cosmic” or universal scale, that is, a person sees the way in which these seemingly separate sets of circumstances and events are related to each other.

Negative attitudes from colleagues, for example, can be overcome by realizing that negative conditions arise when a person selfishly seeks to experience only positive circumstances. Since all situations are impersonal and neutral, there are no negative and positive situations, unless we consider them as such. This understanding represents the “correct” action of the sixth / twelfth house axis. Here the Mercurial powers of observation and the Neptunian powers of compassionate love and understanding come together to transcend the ordinary perception of life. Transient events, feelings and ideas are considered as they are – fleeting and transient, and the perception of life becomes wide and deep, free from the visible effects of external influences.

However, the benefits of such a Parsa Fortune position are not always obvious. Indeed, until a person truly allows himself to move with events and emotions and let them go without identifying with them, the subtle understanding of life and truth will be completely missed. The idea of ​​service and compassion reflected in the sixth and twelfth houses is not really understood by most of us. We usually see this only within the limited experience of our ministry or our feelings of compassion. However, there is a non-personal aspect of these two great principles that underlies the entire created world. The Creator always serves us and has unlimited compassionate love for all of us. Few of us have ever experienced this, even fewer people believe that it is.

Through the Pars of Fortune in the 12th house and a Part of the Impartial Consciousness in the 6th house, desire and vision reach the world with great unselfish love. Here we see the culmination of all previous positions in the houses of the Parsa Fortune and the Part of the Impartial Consciousness. The cycle and purpose emerged and ended. The scene is set for a new cycle and a higher goal.

This man is fortunate enough to have the “keys to the kingdom” if he is willing to use them. Quiet periods of contemplation, meditation and solitude do much to replenish one's strength and help a person remember the great truths of life and nature. It's good if they become part of his life.

This is a special position of Parsa Fortune, since it contains a promise to bring a person closer to God. An understanding of life's trials in the external world leads to an awareness of the inner divine beauty of all life. When a person begins to feel the essence of everything, he begins to connect with the source of inner strength. Then he floats in a stream of illumination, bathing in the inner light that is available to everyone.

For the Pars of Fortune to work without hindrance, an individual must not block its unlimited nature, thinking of himself or his life as having finite limitations. The twelfth house is called the home of escape from life. This is not necessarily the case. It is an escape from the inner prison in which a person lives if he experiences a limited reality that does not go beyond what is seen, perceived or felt as personal emotions. This prison becomes even worse if a person fills limited feelings with people, circumstances or situations that tie him to more people and circumstances, until his life becomes an endless chain of obligations. The twelfth house transcends this, giving a person the opportunity to know that in his soul he is free, that everything is really one and that we can know a great truth. What joy can be greater than the attainment of this realization? What greater satisfaction can a person experience than knowing that all his true needs will always be cared for, because he is one with the great giver!

Author: Martin Schulman

Pars of Fortune in the natal chart


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