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Pars of Fortune in the 8th house

This person will achieve great joy because of what will be given to him by others. Value systems that seem to transcend the personal structure will ultimately perform at their best. This person is constantly shown a “different path”, where he makes new discoveries for himself. He studies the values ​​of others, seeking to understand what other people value so highly. The more he can discover and apply these external values ​​to his life, the richer his experience becomes. His own values, especially those that seem to have outlived their usefulness, can be revisited and given new life in the light of this external stimulus. This person is now learning how important flexibility is.

In order not to hinder this growth, the Part of Impartial Consciousness in the 2nd house must show that all values ​​considered personal are not a person's own values. Rather, it is an objective expression of the nature of desires to acquire and possess. Second / eighth house polarity is a powerful tug of war between what a person must hold on to and what needs to be dropped. Real and eternal values ​​should be the most expensive human property. That which has outlived its usefulness and meaning must be discarded. This is a difficult lesson.

Through the Pars of Fortune in the 8th house, other people show a person everything that burdens him, as well as those values ​​that are higher than any transient desires. Everything that has no value will be destroyed by those who love it, freeing up space for a Part of Impartial Consciousness in the 2nd house to express the real values ​​that the divine nature intended for a person.

Perhaps more than in any other zodiac position, this person must subdue his ego so that the Pars of Fortune in the 8th house works for his benefit. He seeks to obtain an inheritance. Whether it comes in the form of money, ideas, new values, enrichment of sexual experience, or conscious satisfaction of the essence of his existence, he must understand that he is not an island in himself.

Since the greatest personal good fortune will always come through the other person, he must learn to be humble and know that the values ​​he wants to express may be less valuable than those given to him by others. For this reason, he should not be the owner of his values. Rather, he must allow himself to be open to the flow of values ​​and ideas that may seem foreign to his principles, but in fact bring him the joy of soul rebirth.

Author: Martin Schulman

Pars of Fortune in the natal chart


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