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HORSE ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeThe horse belongs to the Yang group. According to the Eastern horoscope, this is the 7th sign of the zodiac, and controls the time interval from 11 to 13 hours. Her season of good luck is summer, and the peak of this season is in June. According to the European zodiac sign, the Horse is equated to the sign of Gemini. Its element is Fire. The color that brings them prosperity and happiness is fiery scarlet. Plants and flowers that bring them good luck are palm, peony, orange tree, hawthorn, nasturtium. The best countries for a favorable life for people under the sign of the Horse: Indonesia, Algeria, Romania, Austria, Lebanon.

Years of the sign of the Horse in our century

  • 1906 January 25 – element of the year fire
  • 1918 February 11 – element of the year earth
  • 1930 January 30 – the element of the year metal
  • 1942 February 15 – the element of the year water
  • 1954 February 3 – element of the year tree
  • 1966 January 21 – element of the year fire
  • 1978 February 7 – element of the year earth
  • 1990 January 27 – element of the year metal
  • 2002 February 12 – element of the year water
  • 2014 January 31 – element of the year tree


James Baker, Neil Armstrong, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonard Bernstein, Ingmar Bergman, Aron Vergelis, Leonid Brezhnev, Oles Gonchar, Jean-Luc Godard, Musa Jalil, Georgy Danelia, Wolfgang Keppeng, Boris Yeltsin, Galina Kulikov, Leonid Leonid Cooper, Bob Geldof, Sean Conorie, Helmut Call, Douglas Hart, Paul McCartney, Ulyanov-Lenin, John Boynton, Isaac Newton, Sergei Korolev, Giacomo Puccini, Muslim Magomayev, Vasily Peskov, Eco Ota, Elena Potapova, Oleg Popeliniov, Rober , Fedor Reshetnikov, Andrey Starostin, Mohammed Sadat, Vitaly Sukhomlinsky, Stanley Stevens, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Andy Williams, John Travolta, Mark Tullius Cicero, Michael York, SHORSE ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeErgey Markov, Samuel Beckett, Rembrandt Harnes van Rijn, Buffalo Bill, Barnum, Dmitry Shostakovich, André Chenier, Maurice Denis, Duke of Delacroix, Leonard Finn, Maurice Druon, Caesar Franck, Charles Foucault, Louis Pasteur, Maeterlinck, Alexander Solzhenitsyn , Duke of Windsor, Vivaldi.

A horse is a great friend of man, a very harmonious connection has formed between them, the strongest which is possible only between an animal and a man. In ancient Greece, the mystical Centaur looked like the torso of a Horse, and the torso of a man. With the Horse, huge earthly spaces conquered to man, and there are many myths and legends about their relationship. Horses have different types of colors and suits, they carry heroes. Wild Horses also come across, and all because people could not completely conquer these animals.

The Horse differs from other animals in that it can present some surprises to a person, since it conceals a hidden power. By helping people on their dangerous adventures, she will not become completely open to humans. The horse came out of the depths of the earth, from the darkness, it is able to pick up the wanderers it meets on the way. In many cultures, the Horse personifies growth and grain, it was in the world of the dead, went through the cold, heat and cold, carrying the human burden of labor, keeping it in the bins. Therefore, the Horse is also a symbol of renewal.

Many rituals of the Irish and Celts were associated with the Horse – for example, they had a celebration of worshiping fire, peasants jumped on horses over a fire, and then a huge wooden Horse appeared, people sat on it and she also jumped over a burning fire and chased people, so they performed the ritual of the spirit of grain and war.

The Horse has a good reputation, unlike the Snake. She looks proudly, and is used to being at all the wars and battles that people organized, as well as at peaceful crops and harvests. The horse is a regular participant in sports. Many people love it, but not everyone dares to sit on it. After all, she can lick and throw off the saddle. Horses are smart and loyal. But in the event of danger, they lose their sense of proportion, and they become dangerous if not controlled.


People under the sign of a horse are happy if they were born in the winter – at this time, she does not have such a hot head. Youth in people of the sign of the Horse is intense. Because of what the desire to leave the family arises in her often, she wants to establish herself in the world and find freedom. This time is full of ups and downs, which is often frustrating and frustrating. Build your life well, people under the sign of a horse do not know how. It happens that she is unlucky in love and finances, and often she starts all over again.

Due to her perseverance in overcoming difficulties, by the age of maturity, she acquires peace and life balance. Old age, with them, almost always passes calmly.


People born under the sign of the Horse always look very good, they are sexy and know how to dress fashionably. They are noble and proud, behave very dignified, but their appearance is often deceiving, they often lack composure. They can live under the influence of emotions and feelings. They love nature, are sociable, they are often considered the soul of the company. These people are sociable, have a subtle sense of humor and when they want to be able to please. They are popular and attract the attention of others. From the Horse's side, they inspire the impression of courageous people who are able to endure many difficulties. They are very self-confident and unshakable.

But everything that was described above is considered only an outer shell, and behind it is fear, anxiety and vulnerability. People under the sign of the Horse do not like criticism and even the slightest reproach in their direction can easily hurt them. The contempt of their enemies can shatter their confidence. They really need approval and praise, otherwise they may fall, and it all depends on their environment. If someone leaves them, it completely unsettles them, and if you don't talk to her for a long time, she immediately loses control of herself, because silence is worse for them than torture, she needs to talk.

HORSE ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeIt is often, fickle people, their changes in mood, harm them in communication. These are people who rush to extremes, from side to side. They are often visited by pessimistic thoughts of doubts that they are not good for anything, and it is difficult for them to prove the opposite. People under the sign of the Horse must have constant confidence that she is the smartest, only then she will become viable.

These people are active and impatient. They rush towards the target with great speed, but also change direction often. In their souls, they often have a fear of failure, both in their personal lives and in their profession. They consider even the smallest problems and troubles to be a great tragedy. These people are maximalists who can easily rush into the seething stream of life with their heads, and they have no time for doubts. A slip for them, death is like. In deeds and actions, they often want to find oblivion, so that they never think about obstacles, they strive only forward at a gallop. These people are very straightforward and do not like to bend their souls. Everything they do is sincere and noble. But as a couple, they are intolerant, they do not want to enter someone else's position, thus often hurting others.

HORSE ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeThey love crowds, attend concerts, theaters, meetings and various competitions, very often they are excellent athletes. Funny, funny, and usually always, everyone loves them. People under the sign of a horse know how to compliment and know how to delicately deliver a conversation. Horses make friends very easily, but they are often just friends. But it can be difficult to argue with them, they love discussions, but they often lack patience. Often, she just simply does not allow her mouth to open, her tactics are attacks. And if suddenly an opponent began to contradict her, she, in a fit of blind anger, can completely tarnish her reputation. But these people are able to predict the moves and arguments of the opponent, therefore, they always have the last word. They know how to win and often have great authority.

People under the sign of the Horse often do not realize what to do in a given situation – whether to follow according to their imagination, or to act on their momentary whim. As a rule, they do not allow themselves to think too much, these are personalities with a crazy head and hot blood, they are quick-tempered, and because of which they often lose friends, who have seen their outbursts of anger, often change their opinion about them. To say that they are mediocre is not true; rather, they just lack depth. Horses do not have the talent to be an organizer, but they are quick-witted. When they start a conversation, they themselves do not realize how they will finish, but intuitively finish everything as it should, thereby simply disarming the interlocutor, from the outside it looks like manipulation and use of others, but people under the sign of the Horse do it without malicious intent.

HORSE ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeThey are hot and generous, but at heart they are pessimistic, so they often need support and support. From the outside, they look confident, but internally they do not believe in themselves, they seek balance and support in others. Loneliness is not for them, they simply will not survive in it. People of the sign of the Horse are natural born political personalities, and this path can bring them great satisfaction.

Horses are complete egoists. Anyone who stuns in their way will bitterly regret, since their goals are absolute, and they will rarely be interested in other people's problems.

People under the sign of the Horse are a mixture of emotional dependence and physical freedom. They can only gain strength and confidence if they combine their communication needs with the vein of others. But still Horses are very independent and prefer to find their own path and only then the Horse achieves success. And it is better when they left their parental home early and began an independent life.

<< Table: zodiac signs of the Eastern horoscope


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