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MONKEY ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeThe monkey belongs to the animals of the Yin group. According to the Eastern horoscope, this sign is ranked ninth. It controls the time interval from 15 to 17 hours. The most successful season that brings good luck to the Monkey is summer, and the peak period is August. Comparing the Chinese and European horoscopes, the Monkey corresponds to the sign of Leo. Its element is metal. The lucky color is purple. The most favorable plants and flowers for the Monkey will be cedar, sandalwood and elderberry. Among the favorable habitats of the Monkey, it is worth highlighting – the USA, Cambodia, Vietnam, Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, Portugal, Hungary.

Years of the Monkey sign in our century

  • 1908 February 2 – element of the year earth
  • 1920 February 20 – element of the year metal
  • 1932 February 6 – the element of the year water
  • 1944 January 25 – the element of the year tree
  • 1956 February 12 – the element of the year fire
  • 1968 January 30 – element of the year earth
  • 1980 February 16 – element of the year metal
  • 1992 February 4 – element of the year water
  • 2004 January 22 – the element of the year tree
  • 2016 February 8 – element of the year fire

Famous people who were born in the year of the Monkey:

MONKEY ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeAlistair Cook, Oleg Makarov, Ivan Diaghilev, Federico Fellini, Harry Truman, Marina Ladynina, Michelle Morgan, Neville Chamberlain, Omar Sheriff, Sergey Bondarchuk, Jonathan King, Anatoly Lepedevsky, Yuri Kremlev, John Updike, Alexander Dumas, son, George Boris Gorbatov, Pope John Paul II, Yuri Nagibin, Elizabeth Taylor, Igor Kio, Rostislav Plyatt, Georg Ots, Buster Kitton, David Oistrakh, Charles Dickens, Scott Fitzgerald, Herbert von Karoyan, Gianni Rodari, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Sparrow Leonardo da Vinci, Jack London, James Donnavan, Grigory Konovalov, Meros Merleau Ponty, Boris Polevoy, Byron, Edward Kennedy, Mick Jagger, Schopenhauer, Rod Stewart, Anton Chekhov, Marquis de Sade, Paul Gauguin, Boris Gorbatov, Linden Johnson, Nelson Rockefeller, Harry Houdini, Poincaré, Yuri Ozerov, Anna Magnani.

A monkey is a mixture of two opposing elements – Yin and Yang. The monkey embodies ingenuity and ingenuity, intelligence, is rarely dishonest. The Monkey owes her longevity to the ruler of the West, since the West has given her the fruit of immortality. Many Chinese people believe that the Monkey has lived for over a millennium. But the Chinese treat a monkey less than eighteen years old rather badly, and the Monkey is only getting more beautiful. The monkey turns into a baboon, and can come to the aid of a person at any time.

MONKEY ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeCalling the Monkey evil is not entirely correct, rather, she is a dodger and a rascal. With his behavior, the Monkey can not only confuse, but also puzz everyone enough. When the monkey jumps over the vines, one can observe the personification of the world of feelings. It is believed that through prolonged meditation, the Monkey is able to control his heart.

The inhabitants of the East consider the Monkeys to be the children of the Earth and the Sky. Moreover, in India, the Monkey is called Hanuman, because it is very perspicacious, dexterous and completely unpredictable. Hanuman serves God very well. Hanuman is endowed with very great power, but it is unacceptable for her to abuse her for her exploits. He obeys only his God.

According to the Eastern horoscope, this zodiac sign personifies the wind from the west. This is due to the sudden appearance of the Monkey, and the disappearance. The monkey is a real sorceress, she is the mistress of creative forces and instincts. The monkey lives in a completely irrational world. This is a real juggler. Thanks to clouded thoughts, the Monkey sometimes does not distinguish between good and evil. The monkey is too cunning, so you shouldn't be surprised if it steals something and hides from its pursuers.

At the end of the world, in China, there is a rock on which, since the inception of the world, sunlight and moonlight fell. At that moment, when the rock was completely filled with light, then she gave birth to an egg, completely consisting of stone. A strong wind managed to catch the egg, which rolled off the cliff and broke. The egg contained a stone Monkey. The Monkey had five organs. The monkey's movement was heavy, but she was able to learn to move around and collect fruits from trees for food. The monkey began to live in the mountains, and spent the night in the rocks. In daylight, she climbed rocks and made friends with gibbons.

One hot day, the Monkey went to a grove, through which a rapid and cool stream of air passed. The gibbons followed the monkey. Seeing clear water in the grove, the gibbons rushed to look for the source. The first of the explorers was the Monkey, at the bottom she saw a vast building, on which was the inscription: “A mountain of fruits and flowers, the promised world and a heavenly hole.” Having emerged the Monkey told everything to her friends. The Gibbons were so pleased that they began to dance. The monkey told her friends: “Let's go live in the palace, he will be able to protect us from constant rains and the scorching sun.” The Gibbons agreed and followed the Monkey. They began to live in an underwater palace. The monkey was their leader. The Gibbons called the Monkey the queen. Power, luxury and fame did not give the Monkey joy, she was very sad and gloomy. It was not the desire to grow old and die that was to blame. This mood prompted the monkey to go in search of immortality. The monkey was able to ride the wind, and sank to the very bottom of the hole, into the very azure of the sky. In the search for immortality, the body and mind of the Monkey changed, and she turned into a human. The described tale emphasizes the widespread idea of ​​the East – power and courage, this is nothing in comparison with the secrets of eternal life and death.

Depending on the person, its further development will be determined. Eastern sages not only praised the Monkey, attributing sobriety of thought and great intelligence, but endowed with the ability to stipulate, deceive, ascribe pretense, secrecy and inconstancy.

The sign of the Monkey and her life

MONKEY ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeThe childhood of the Monkey is very joyful. Monkeys are hardworking, cheerful, able to adapt to various circumstances.

In adolescence, the opposite happens. Life is full of confusion, all plans are crumbling. In their youth, the Monkeys have many changes and an unstable psyche. Change is mainly due to constant love affairs. In maturity, such problems go away, and calmness comes. In old age, Monkeys are calm, they are often lonely.

Features of the character of the Monkey

People born under this zodiac sign are distinguished by their singularity. They are distinguished by spirituality, great intelligence, playfulness and a great desire to have fun. The monkey is considered a real player, she perfectly manipulates her thoughts and leads others. Monkeys do not do everything with malice, but they also do not have honesty. Often, the Monkeys are not happy because of the constant orders in relation to others. But everything that happens does not come from their orders, as if by itself. Thanks to the ability to make wise and correct decisions, monkeys attract attention. They are very sociable. Communicating with them, there is a feeling that they can make contact with anyone, but this is far from the case. By nature, Monkeys are very selfish. Even righteous friendship can only be a mask. Monkeys do not trust anyone, it is above them.

This zodiac sign is distinguished by arrogance, but they can quickly adapt to changes, and reap all the benefits for themselves. This behavior is not uncommon for envy. The imagination is widespread, but the feeling of indifference is even more developed. Monkeys constantly change their masks, it is almost impossible to guess who is now, if he is a joyful person, if he is offended. All things Monkeys do with a mysterious and ironic grin. Most often, Monkeys are comical, joyful, but they do not allow anyone to go beyond the established framework. Can't stand familiarity.

MONKEY ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeCalling the Monkeys vain and idle people is a big mistake. Some of the intellectuals are present in them. Monkeys are learning new sciences with great zeal. Their erudition and knowledge of everything that happens in the world allows them to achieve great heights. They are well educated and well mannered. They are distinguished by an incredible memory, remembering every last bit is their credo. Relying on their memory, the Monkeys stop doing anything else, because they are sure that they remember everything.

Monkeys express their thoughts very easily. At the same time, they behave quite independently. This zodiac sign is distinguished by a nature full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. They cannot stand the monotony and routine. These people love it very much when everyone agrees with them, and when they ask for help. They show resourcefulness, make decisions instantly. Observing a given zodiac sign from the side, one may get the impression of some kind of help from them, Monkeys always come out dry from the water. Everything is within their reach, problems are solved easily, and most importantly dexterously. Sometimes persistence is lacking. They are independent and have a great mind. Almost always they say all sorts of nonsense, but they win in disputes, they find a weighty argument.

Originality and ingenuity are not alien to these people. Monkeys' problems are solved instantly. If these people decide to do something, then the work begins immediately, if it does not work out, the interest immediately disappears. Artistry is also at a high level, they can even take a Dragon prisoner, no matter how strong and dangerous he is.

Monkeys' love for diversity suggests that they have a negative attitude towards boring things. They show a genuine interest in almost everything. Due to the love of diversity, many seem to be superficial people, but this is not at all the case.

These people are born travelers, pry their nose into their own affairs, they love a constant change of scenery. Other people's problems are solved without asking, and very quickly. This is their biggest misfortune. The unpleasant sensations of the Monkey cause the ability to speak in an orderly tone, as well as absent-mindedness. From such factors, many people, including friends, turn away from the Monkeys. Confronting the Monkeys is useless, they always win.

When performing their plans, the Monkeys are especially intricate, they can both lie and start a double game. Moreover, it is very rare to reproach or catch them hot. Some of their representatives of this zodiac sign can put up with conscience to such an extent that they justify themselves and theft. By the way, all the Monkeys lie.

MONKEY ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeAny activity that the Monkeys are engaged in is liked by others. They attract people with their work. Monkeys constantly joke, they do not want to take anything seriously. This is all deceiving, because, alone, they suffer very much. The monkeys are not used to showing their weaknesses, so it is impossible to see them in a pessimistic mood. These people want to be admired, understood and loved deeply. Once they have discovered their secret, they may not succeed in life. Because of this, they always lie. In moments of depression, if they see a helping hand, they will accept it, and they will be grateful for life.

Each of the representatives of this zodiac sign is chivalrous and generous. It is with great difficulty that one succeeds in putting oneself in the shoes of others. They cannot correctly assess the current situation. Monkeys love to spend time with friends. At meetings with friends, they feel needed. They are inclined to eloquence, therefore they choose not military affairs, but literature. Inside the Monkey, two opposites are fighting, both youth and old age live in them. They follow their actions, they believe that everything should be original. Observant Monkeys will envy any Sherlock Holmes, nothing escapes their attention.

<< Table: zodiac signs of the Eastern horoscope


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