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COCK ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeThe sign of the Rooster belongs to the animals of the Yang group. According to the Eastern horoscope, this sign is tenth. The time interval that this sign rules is from 17 to 19 hours. The most successful season that brings good luck to the Rooster is autumn, and the peak period is September. Comparing the Eastern and European horoscopes, the Rooster corresponds to the sign of Virgo. Its element is metal. The color of luck is yellow. The most favorable plants and flowers for the Rooster will be an orange tree, a palm tree, a gentian and a hawthorn. Among the favorable habitats of the Rooster, it is worth highlighting – Paraguay, Haiti, Ghana, Austria, England.

Years of the sign of the Rooster in our century

  • 1909 January 22 – element of the year earth
  • 1921 February 8 – element of the year metal
  • 1933 January 26 – the element of the year water
  • 1945 February 13 – element of the year tree
  • 1957 January 31 – the element of the year fire
  • 1969 February 17 – element of the year earth
  • 1981 February 5 – element of the year metal
  • 1993 January 23 – element of the year water
  • 2005 February 9 – element of the year tree
  • 2017 January 28 – element of the year fire

Famous people who were born in the year of the Rooster

COCK ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeAndrei Sakharov, Yoko Ono, Vladimir Belyaev, Yves Montand, Duke of Edinburgh, Yuri Nikulin, Catherine the Great II, Queen Victoria, Martti Larni, Jean de Lafontaine, Peter Ustinov, Marcel Carne, Giuseppe Verdi, James Jones, Eugene Paton, Katharine Hepburn, Maria Medici, Johann Strauss, André Maurois, Vadim Kozhevnikov, Bella Rudenko, Lev Ginzburg, Cardinal Richelieu, Erol Flint, Benjamin Goodman, Philip Augustus, Goebbels, Dolly Parthens, Claude Bernard, Juliet Mazina, Rabindranath Tahoruko, Enrico Vagrom Leonid Vereshchagin, Fenimore Cooper, Jean Paul Belmondo, Stanislav Lem, John Colette, Neil Miller.

It is believed that Roosters began to spread from the Scandinavian countries. The first progenitor of roosters was the Gallic Rooster. There are no legends associated with this rooster, it appeared as a symbol. In France, when there was a revolution, the Rooster was for people a symbol of the Revolutionaries. Why Rooster? It’s simple, everyone knows how stubborn and belligerent the rooster has. Many believe that the Rooster personifies the sun, because a star appears in the sky from his singing. So in India, the Rooster personifies the energy of the sun, and in Japan the birth of the first light. But in China, the Rooster is considered a symbol of good deeds. The Rooster in the Chinese horoscope is considered a harbinger of good, when moving, the Rooster lures the spirits of good, and its comb resembles a famous Chinese master. The Rooster’s spurs speak of courage and military talent. The Rooster’s donut symbolizes kindness and nobility, it is the Rooster who has the duty to distribute food among all his subjects. Roosters inspire superstitious fear and trust, because with their cry the dawn will come to our planet.

The rooster is a symbol of life and an image of a patron saint. With its morning cry, this zodiac sign proclaims the beginning of the day, thereby dispersing evil spirits from the darkness. Everyone knows that vampires, sorcerers and witches perform their rituals before dawn, before the rooster cries. According to the Chinese horoscope, it is the Rooster that personifies hope, light and youth.

A large number of Roosters can be found in the world. Each of the species has its own unique color, and different lengths of feathers. This zodiac sign is always casual and businesslike. Sometimes it confesses that the Rooster looks at a person not as a master, but at his servant. Before the advent of alarm clocks in the world, roosters played this role. Although in some distant villages, the Rooster continues to wake people up with his morning cry.

COCK ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeRoosters keep order. In the event that the chickens are in any danger, the Rooster immediately rushes to protect them. The rooster never tolerates rivals. When faced with an enemy, the Rooster continues to fight until the last breath, they will not retreat. The rooster has the ability of a very cunning criminal. Due to its eccentricity and conformism, the Rooster is considered a rather strange animal. Perhaps because of this, in fairy tales, many fairies were turned into Roosters.

The life of people under the sign of the Rooster according to the Eastern horoscope

In the life of the Rooster, there can be no great success. This is due to the fact that this zodiac sign experiences a large number of ups and downs, both at work and in love. Wealth will alternate with poverty.

A rooster born in spring will have less bragging rights. During the periods from childhood to maturity, the Rooster will be burdened with problems, thanks to which he will either rise or fall. During these periods, happiness will be followed by failure. They will either be surrounded by friends or all alone. Often, such a bad situation changes after the onset of the second half of life. Roosters get a good position in society, find a pleasant job. The life of this zodiac sign becomes calm. They live to a happy and ripe old age.

Features of the character of people under the sign of the Rooster

COCK ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeRoosters are quite versatile personalities. They are actively involved in virtually all activities. When they pay attention to Petukhov, they become more flamboyant, beautifully dressed and elegant. They show good taste in everything. The ability to present yourself is the hallmark of all Roosters. Putting things in order for them is also very important, everyone is asleep, and the Roosters are already working. Meanwhile, Roosters are rarely satisfied with themselves. When communicating with them, each interlocutor feels liberated. They are relaxed and do not pay attention to the assessments of others.

Petukhov’s education allows them to maintain a conversation, on almost any topic, any interlocutor can be proud of their society. Roosters prefer to show their knowledge on display. From the point of view of psychology, not everyone will be able to understand the true intentions of the Roosters. Each of the Roosters perfectly understands the value of his words, and does not reveal his weaknesses to anyone. But the essence of the Rooster is completely different, they are fragile creatures that do not want to be revealed in public.

Roosters are selfish, and do not tolerate when something does not go according to their plan. They only care about their own well-being and peace of mind, and they find this to be normal. With all this, Roosters are completely indifferent to the states of other people. Roosters love to bring things to the end, while they do not tolerate interference in their own affairs, and do not interfere with others. Roosters are very difficult to deceive, they are very distrustful. At heart, Roosters are deeply conservative, and this is expressed both in family relationships and in politics. They believe that they are infallible and right.

Moreover, Roosters are sentimental and very sensitive. Roosters are appreciated by many people, because they can always come to the rescue. They are helpful and kind, if they want to, they are happy to carry out assignments. But at the slightest suspicion, they respond with big negativity and unwillingness to help.

There is no need to ask Petukhov about his personal life, they themselves, if they wish, can tell everything. Roosters have a habit of expressing whatever they think. That is why Roosters are often forgiven for tactless remarks. But there are also times of misunderstanding that lead to disagreements. Such frankness can be considered a form of selfishness.

COCK ZODIAC SIGN Chinese horoscopeMany look to Roosters for advice. At the same time, the Rooster does not seek advice from anyone, he himself will weigh everything and make the necessary decision. It is with great difficulty that they accept someone else’s help, often against the background of this, complications in the relationship occur. They cannot stand the feeling of dependence.

This zodiac sign has a high level of originality. It happens that Roosters withdraw into themselves, while they do not tell anyone the reasons. Many people born in this zodiac sign dream of big castles, imagine themselves as heroes.

It happens that Petukhov wants to travel. At the same time, safety for them is at the highest level. They look in the face of danger quite boldly, the Rooster in the Chinese horoscope is the most daring sign of the zodiac. People under the sign of the Rooster die smiling because they believe that the best is yet to come.

<< Table: zodiac signs of the Eastern horoscope


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