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PIG (KABAN) ZODIAC SIGNPig (Boar) according to the Eastern horoscope belongs to the animals of the Yin group. The sign of the Pig (Boar) is the twelfth in the eastern zodiac. It is generally accepted that he controls the time interval from 9 pm to 11 pm. Autumn is considered to be a particularly successful season for this sign, and the apogee period falls on November. If we compare the European and Eastern zodiac, then the boar will correspond to Scorpio. Water is the fixed element of the Pig (boar). Well-being, happiness and good luck are brought to them by the colors of the field and blue. Among flowers and plants, Boars are able to provide luck in all endeavors – acacia, hazel and lavender. Favorable countries for people of this sign to live are Denmark, Pakistan, Malaysia, Israel, Argentina, Burma, Brazil.

Years of the sign of the Pig (Boar) in our century

  • 1911 January 30 – the element of the year metal
  • 1923 February 16 – the element of the year water
  • 1935 February 4 – the element of the year tree
  • 1947 January 22 – the element of the year fire
  • 1959 February 8 – element of the year earth
  • 1971 January 27 – the element of the year metal
  • 1983 February 13 – element of the year water
  • 1995 January 31 – element of the year tree
  • 2007 February 18 – element of the year fire
  • 2019 February 5 – element of the year earth

 The following famous people were born under the sign of the Pig (Boar)

Oliver Cromwell, Vladimir Nabokov, Georges Pompidou, Mark Bernes, Steven Spielberg, Fred Astor, Cagliostro, Françoise Sagan, Melvin Calvin, Albert Osborne, Alain Delon, Todor Zhivkov, Marcel Marceau, Joseph Balsamo, Hector Berlioz, Dalai-Lama, Mikhail Tal , Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Van Dyck, Thomas Mann, Velasquez, Ralph Waldo, John McKenrow, John Ellington, Prosper Merimee, Rasul Gamzatov, Herve Bazin, Boris Pokrovsky, Lavrenty Beria, Jean Paul Marat, Arkady Raikin, Otto von Bismarck Albert Schweitzer, Blaise Pascal, Max Rothschild, George Rockefeller, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Paul Cezanne, Bernard Lowe Montgomery, Elton John, Saddam Hussein, Alfred Hitchcock, John Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Carl Jung, Emerson.

PIG (KABAN) ZODIAC SIGNIn the countries of the East, the Boar (Pig) is considered to be the owner of the yard, a symbol of passion, naivety and pleasure. At the same time, it is often difficult to recognize who is in front of you at the moment a noble boar or an ordinary pig-piggy bank. Ferocity and promiscuity are the hallmarks of the boar. In front of them, you can only feel helpless and unarmed, his presence excites the imagination, and his wealth beckons and delights. More often than not, the boar is wild and elusive, which is why it is lonely. This animal is capable of being both wild and unbridled, feeding on acorns and trampling crops and fields, and maybe a tame pig, accustomed to living in abundance in a warm barn.

Pigs (Boars) are divided into black and white, and a wide variety of legends have been written about them. Moreover, the boar is always depicted as a loner. In Druidic myths, a huge spiritual power is contained in a wild boar, and hunting these animals is fraught with mortal risk and terribly dangerous, since the hunter is not chasing an animal, but an earthly embodiment of the spirit.

According to Christian beliefs, the Pig (Boar) is notorious due to the fact that this image is identified with a demon who has taken possession of lust. But in China, the Boar is the personification of courage, nobility and prosperity.

In Japan, the supreme god of war was depicted as a Pig. There was even a legend about him in verse – once a priest of one of the gods decided to kill the emperor and take over the throne. But in order to carry out his plan, he needed to kill the guard. But the guard was able to escape – he hid in a herd of grazing boars, which, seeing the priest, turned him to flight.

In Celtic beliefs, the boar is given one of the main roles. This happened due to the fact that the main occupation of the Celts was just hunting for wild boars. According to one of the myths, the Celtic people fled from enemies to the islands, where, in order not to die of hunger, they had to slaughter seven piglets, and the next morning, they miraculously revived again.

There is another legend, the main character in it is the White Boar, who, according to popular belief, knew the way to a beautiful country, and everyone who wanted to get there was chasing after him. But the White Pig knew how to stand up for himself, he took the form of a beautiful Virgin and led the hunters into the forest, where a terrible death overtook them.

A wild boar is always a lonely person in the middle of a vast economy. European peoples, as a rule, have a vague idea of ​​the true purpose of the Boar and its depth of essence, so they see it as a fat pig, which the only thing that can do is wallow all day in slurry. The French even have a custom – they hunt these animals in late autumn, so that the meat of this wild animal would be on the tables at the New Year's celebration. At the same time, one can discern a sacred connection between European cuisine and the Chinese horoscope – the boar must be killed in the old year, so that good luck would smile in the new one and prosperity would come.

But there is one thing – the boar is still a pig, and, having once learned the charm of a dirty, but such a wonderful puddle, the boar will no longer be able to leave it and will remain floundering in it for life.


New Year is not the best time for the birth of Pigs (Boars), they can simply be eaten on this holiday as a treat. Pigs will be happy in life only if their birthday does not fall on traditional holidays. Their childhood, as a rule, is quite happy and calm, and is held under the care and patronage of relatives and friends. Youth for boars is a time of emotional turmoil and difficulties. The first half of life can be characterized as calm and even, but in the second half various difficulties and problems fall. By their nature, as already mentioned, Pigs are lonely, as a result of which they are very secretive by nature, and they simply will not guess to ask for help, preferring to do everything on their own. At the same time, those around them may not guess about what hell the life of the Pig (Boars) has turned into.

At maturity for these animals comes the time of family difficulties, therefore it is very important to achieve stability, trust and love in marital relations, if this can be done, then old age will be calm and prosperous.


PIG (KABAN) ZODIAC SIGNPeople born under the sign of the Pig (Boar) are quite good-natured and peaceful people who avoid worries, they often see a calm and prosperous life as the ultimate goal of their path. That is why, if you create conditions for an unbearable life, you can bring the Pigs to complete hermitage. They love luxury and a beautiful life, which is why they are materialists to the core. According to Chinese astrology, Pigs are the most conscientious animals that represent honesty and justice. In fact, they are altruists with a mass of emotions, feelings and experiences, constantly thinking about the harmony and essence of being. Often they are quite optimistic about themselves and the people around them.

People Pigs (Boars) are always gallant gentlemen and courteous men. Try to follow their own code of honor under all circumstances. But if driven, they can become dangerous predators. If the prey, in their opinion, turns out to be too weak, they devour it without hesitation. While remaining very gullible and naive. Sometimes their naivety is perceived by others as obvious stupidity. The roots of their gullibility lie in the desire to see only good in a person, while not noticing negative qualities. We can say that they live in their own world, which are always ready to rush to defend if necessary.

One of the most striking virtuous traits in Pigs is their ability, despite the vileness of the world around them, to show sympathy and empathy, never labeling a person and not making categorical conclusions.

People under the sign of the Pig (Boar) openly despise disputes and conflicts, trying to avoid them in every possible way. They are always open to negotiation and compromise. That is why they are considered weak, but they frankly don't give a damn about that. They believe that something good can always and everywhere be found, although sometimes such an attitude can cause delusion and subsequent disappointment in the people around them.

The boar is even able to take pity on the criminal, giving him shelter and protection. In their struggle for justice, they can reach extreme fanaticism, and at such moments they are dangerous to the people around them. But with all this, they have a kind and sensitive heart. They are simply created to bring goodness and make the world a better place. They are able to easily understand a new situation for them and adapt to it. Boars adore noisy companies and are very sociable people, but they cannot stand ostentatiousness and excessive pretentiousness. Very often, the Pig prefers to remain silent than to speak out and be misunderstood, therefore in public they are increasingly silent, although in one-on-one conversations they are able to chat incessantly and will turn out to be pleasant and cheerful interlocutors.

The Pig (Boar) is very similar to the Monkey with its thirst for knowledge. He reads a lot, but, as a rule, randomly, according to the principle, if only he liked it. Therefore, at first glance, they may seem to be very intelligent and versatile people, but upon closer examination it turns out that their knowledge is rather superficial. Often they try to do several things at the same time, which is why they cannot fully understand the whole essence of the idea and fully grasp it.

The boar is very easy to deceive, and he knows about it and takes it calmly. Although there are times when the Pigs eventually get tired of being gullible simpletons and become overly suspicious and distrustful. Sometimes their weaknesses play into their hands, and the Chinese sages are sure that the boar is a cunning animal that can wait a long time, thereby lulling the enemy's vigilance.

People under the sign of the Pig (Boar) are able to become good friends, always ready to help their neighbor, but they are completely unprepared to face anger and betrayal. Burnt once, these animals will forget how to trust, and would rather leave a loved one forever than be able to forgive him.

Such people do not have a penchant for competition, so they always remain impartial. At the same time, they are often not sure that they are doing the right thing and will doubt to the last, constantly asking themselves the question – is it necessary? They lie only if it is necessary to protect themselves or their loved ones. Despite their sharp mind, they are easily deceived, especially when it comes to financial matters. Pigs are always ready to confirm any words they say with facts and real actions. They are heavy on the rise, but if they have made up their minds and set a goal for themselves, they will go straight ahead and cannot be stopped.

<< Table: zodiac signs of the Eastern horoscope


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