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In addition to the twelve signs in the Eastern horoscope, there are also five elements, they reduce or enhance the influence of this sign. We will describe these influences of the elements on the sign of the Tiger below.

Five elements and the Year of the Tiger in our century

  • 1902 February 8 – element of the year water
  • 1914 January 26 – the element of the year tree
  • 1926 February 13 – the element of the year fire
  • 1938 January 31 – element of the year earth
  • 1950 February 17 – element of the year metal
  • 1962 February 5 – element of the year water
  • 1974 January 23 – the element of the year tree
  • 1986 February 9 – element of the year fire
  • 1998 January 28 – element of the year earth
  • 2010 February 14 – element of the year metal


METAL TIGER SIGNA person born under the sign of the metal Tiger is between the ability to realize their plans and destruction. He is energetic, but does not show particularly strong emotions. The metal sign makes him a little angular, he has a bad sense of humor, such a Tiger can easily be drawn into a mystical sect. These people are beautifully built, with a strong physical body. Coarse hair, straight nose, sensual lips. They emanate from primary beauty.

Metal is a symbol of energy. He endows a person with the ability of a lawyer and the resourcefulness of a lawyer. These people are used to being first and hate to be even the luckiest clerks. The sign of Metal does not recognize any nuances, it always goes ahead, its tendencies to tear, capture, and destroy.

The metal sign of the Tiger knows how to create an external impression, and many respect him for this. Metal Tigers are friendly and open in nature, ambitious in many ways. It happens that they change their plans, but they will never retreat until they reach the goal. They are often too impatient, and when something goes wrong, they get nervous.

They prefer autumn and dry climates. The most vulnerable organ of the body is the lungs. Such people love spicy, but dishes of beef and peas suit them best. They adore ecstasy and asceticism. They need to monitor their breathing and its circulation. Fresh air is good for them to strengthen the lungs.

Their color of inspiration is golden.


WATER TIGER SIGNWater Tigers are kind-hearted, calm and intelligent. They know how to listen to their interlocutor. And this gift of communication is caused by their versatile talent to convince the people around him. Aquatic Tigers know how to achieve their goals. These people know how to keep balance at critical moments in their lives, although sometimes they are indecisive. They are good leaders and do it with pleasure, easily controlling their own passions. These people are endowed with caution, humanity and strong energy. People under the sign of the Water Tiger have a penchant for mysticism; they are the leaders of political and asocial struggle. They are humanistic and always flexible. They make good family men, but they also like to invade other people's territories. Also, they are gifted with good imagination and can prove themselves as talented speakers.

People under the sign of the Water Tiger take themselves too seriously and have many different interests. They are ready to explore distant lands, to realize their fantasies, otherwise they will feel bad. Their energy is in full swing, so it would not hurt them to restrain themselves and their impulses and try not to dance in a minefield.

They do very well in cold weather and their happiest season is winter. The vulnerable organ is the kidneys. People under the sign of the Aquatic Tiger love salty food, but for them it is better to eat fish and legumes. These people need constant movement and should avoid sedentary work. Water tones them up – this is the best way for them to recharge.

The color of luck and happiness is brown.


WOODEN TIGER SIGNPeople under the sign of the Tree Tiger look quite peaceful, but in their souls there is an involuntary impulsiveness. Their strange behavior is sometimes confusing. These people are calm and give the impression of a carefree person. But this is their mask, behind which hides constant anxiety. They must not take themselves by surprise, otherwise they will fail. They need to improvise and embody their ingenuity, their creativity enlightens and soothes. They are deeply in love with freedom, they should not be afraid of the stage, since the crowd cannot take their eyes off them, because they are always and completely surrendered to the inspiration that often visits them. People under the sign of the Tree Tiger love to joke and have a good sense of humor.

These Arboreal Tigers are not as independent as their other types of tiger sign, and tend to work together for a common purpose. These people often change their plans, are easily confused and this upsets them greatly. Usually they are loved and respected, they have a large circle of friends. People under the sign of the Tree Tiger are often busy in an active social life.

They love spring and do well in windy conditions. Their weak organ is the liver. They love sour food, but it is better for them to eat dishes from rice and meat, pork is better. The tiger is passionate and angry, and it happens that it helps him, but you should not abuse it, constant anxiety will ruin his nervous system.

The color that always brings good luck and happiness is lemon.


FIRE TIGER SIGNThis type of Fire Tiger is explosive in nature. Since fire symbolizes cruelty, war and clairvoyance. It is good that the two elements Yin and Yang predominate in the sign of the Tiger – and this saves him from destruction. As a predator, he always remains loyal, sober and active – this is the royal Tiger, he is endowed with virtuosity, unless he becomes a circus performer. Fire brings destruction, but also purifying light. The earth does not feed him, water does not water, does not harden the metal. These Tigers are warriors in life, protesting against the general order, artists. They should not play with fire, because they risk being burned and burned. Moderation is needed in everything.

People under the sign of the Fire Tiger take on everything with great enthusiasm and on a grand scale. They love action and are always ready to strive for the goal that took possession of them. They have all the qualities of a leader and they have the ability to infect others with their ideas, they are optimistic and generous in everything. And just like all Tigers, they have the gift of convincing eloquence.

Their season is summer, and they feel better in hot weather. The vulnerable organ is the heart, they need to constantly monitor it, since the Tigers live in full force. You must always slow down, otherwise the risk of getting a heart attack is very high. They prefer a bitter taste, but dishes made from chichevits and meat, preferably lamb, are suitable for them.

The color that always brings good luck and happiness is orange.


EARTH TIGER SIGNPeople under the sign of the Terrestrial Tiger are balanced and reasonable, always stand firmly on the ground, have a large circle of friends and constantly monitor their appearance. Accustomed to acting with great caution, before starting something, they will study their position in detail. They try to always act honestly, they are ready to reach heights in a certain area, and are not distracted by other things. Very often people under the sign of the Terrestrial Tiger are very deep in a certain area that they do not listen to others. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they have developed intuition, especially in business. They have a strong sense of ownership, achieve their goals not immediately, but through constant effort. This type of Tiger can easily let the entrance through his cunning and blackmail. They are brilliant financiers and clever businessmen, but in the family there are despots. Women of the Tiger sign have an extraordinary charm, which resembles a vampire woman. By the time they get older, they usually do well.

Although Tigers love to storm fortresses, they need to be wary of this and expand their horizons. They cannot spend a long time without movement, often come out of the shell, otherwise the earthly tiger can turn into a cat. Movement and travel are vital for him.

The best time for them is August, when the climate becomes more humid. Weak spots – limbs and spleen. They love sweets a lot, but they should eat less. From meat it is better to give preference to horse meat. Deciding to relax, they transform into a tame cat. They need to maintain their shape, and exercise, and in no case overeat, eat more raw fruits and vegetables.

The color that always brings good luck and happiness is bright yellow.



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