Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

12 lunar day for a vegetable garden, garden and plants

On the  12th lunar day, it is advisable to engage in quiet, less active work. It is not advisable to start new businesses that require active investment of energy.

The day is considered the most suitable for summer work. The actively growing Moon endows all types of cultivated plants with its strength and lively energy. Under the strong influence of the Moon , the strength of the Earth's biofield is still weakened, and garden crops continue to intensively absorb moisture and useful minerals from the soil. And therefore, plants must be provided with sufficient watering and substantial feeding with useful substances.

By this time, the fruits of many plants have gained the maximum amount of vitamins. Therefore, today is a good time to harvest a variety of fruit crops that are not used for winter storage.

During the period of vigorous growth of the moon, it is best to do winter harvesting of precisely those vegetables for which fruits ripening above the soil surface are suitable for food.
12 lunar day for the garden

The 12 lunar day is a favorable day for planting the following plants in the soil:

• fertile vegetables;

• berry bushes;

• fruit trees;

• picking greens.

It is also a good period for loosening the earth, grafting, cutting off strawberry whiskers, removing, thinning, harvesting seeds, replanting plants. Great care must be taken when pruning fruit-bearing trees, as severely damaged plants can quickly die. When the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius , plants cannot be transplanted.


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