Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces > Moon Astrology

Transit Moon in Cancer – maternal tenderness

The moon, passing through the constellation Cancer, highlights the emotional beginning of the subconscious, filling it with yin energies. Intuition is sharpened, the desire to patronize, care, love and help, spend time with the family, call parents and review children’s photos.

Those living in other countries feel acute nostalgia and browse the websites of airlines in search of tickets. The planet in the native element of Water enriches life with vivid experiences that you want to share with your loved ones – a romantic candlelight dinner, a trip to a significant place, pleasant surprises will come in handy.

With tense aspects, suspiciousness awakens. Fears, safely hidden in the depths of the soul, excite the imagination and are perceived as clues to intuition, although in reality they are mind games that do not allow developing and moving forward. A warm friendly attitude subconsciously feels correct, corresponding to the vibrations of the Dog Moon, which scammers successfully use: they rub themselves into trust, pretending to be friends. You can not open your heart to unfamiliar people or those who betrayed in the past.

Career and finance

You can work through the tense aspects of the transit moon in Cancer through the provision of signs of attention and respect for women, parents, children. Despite the fact that the most difficult tasks are now being successfully solved thanks to personal influence, financial profit is reduced to zero: in the men’s business, transactions are canceled due to sudden insults, quarrels, and omissions. It is better to preserve existing savings than to aim at increasing capital.

Areas where you can succeed are restaurant business (especially beer bars and liquor stores), hotel business, production of pools and food. The moon favors female professions:

  • kindergarten teachers, obstetricians, gynecologists;
  • family doctors, pediatricians, psychologists;
  • owners of children’s goods stores and dairy farms;
  • cosmetologists, make-up artists, stylists.

A man-boss can be approached with a request for a vacation or a salary increase, settling conflicts with colleagues, since the stronger sex has a rare desire to take care of the weak and offended. Investments in renovation and purchase of real estate are favorable. Transit Moon in Cancer will love taking care of the house – buying new pillows, wallpaper, flowers in pots to create comfort. This will soften the nervousness and suspicion that periodically appear in the soul.

Love and health

Wounded people risk the nervous system by getting involved in quarrels, because now quarrels and harsh words are perceived exaggeratedly. You should not break off relations with your beloved because of a careless word, but it is difficult to keep an even emotional background, because you want guardianship, care, attention more than ever. If the partner is cold, busy with business issues, then the trace of such behavior will remain for a long time.

Women become pregnant easily, but the mammary glands, pelvic organs, nervous and lymphatic systems become vulnerable. Men experience pressure drops, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, prostate. There is a strong temptation to cheer yourself up with delicious high-calorie foods, but this is fraught with instant weight gain.

On the transit moon in Cancer, astrologers recommend treating:

  • teeth – fill, put veneers, implants;
  • internal organs (except for the gastrointestinal tract) – to cleanse from salts, toxins;
  • legs, knees, hands – operations, physiotherapy;
  • spine, skin rashes, joints.

Children need hugs and heart-to-heart conversations, participation in household chores – cooking goodies and cleaning with their mother. A positive example of warm relations between parents will instill the ability to take care of pets, to do nice things for grandparents. Reprimands and remarks will be received with hostility, it is important to make requests softly.

Favorable and negative period

On the transit moon in Cancer, an esoteric connection with the family is strengthened – they attend church, light candles for the health of living relatives and for the peace of those long gone. If the names of the great-grandfathers are unknown, you can simply pray, thinking about them. A simple call to parents or an unexpected visit to them with a gift clears karma and activates internal resources.

The time is favorable for:

  • baths, saunas, water sports and competitions;
  • litigation concerning family matters and guardianship authorities;
  • poetic and literary work, creative evenings, communication with like-minded people;
  • sea ​​and river travel, walks by the lake, fishing;
  • purchase and sale of real estate and land, antiques, livestock, poultry;
  • planting vegetables, flowers, melons and gourds, watering and weeding;
  • water procedures – baths with mineral salts, herbs;
  • development of extrasensory talents, exercises to expand consciousness;
  • holding family holidays;
  • return or claim debt.

Chronic fatigue sufferers with constant workload will find it useful to stay at home with an interesting book, sleep and relax in the bathroom. Such a day will energize the next decade.

Astrologers advise against:

  • lend and borrow money, arrange loans in banks;
  • cutting hair, drinking alcohol and energy drinks;
  • cut off fruit trees, bushes, preserve fruit;
  • eat salty and spicy foods;
  • use sharp tools – knives, saws, axes.

Negative aspects threaten with drowning and injuries from cloven-hoofed animals and snakes.

Vasilisa Vishneva


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