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Conception of a child according to the lunar calendar

Conception of a child according to the lunar calendarSince the beginning of human history, the moon has attracted people with its mystery and enchanted with its beauty, delighting with its power over all life on Earth. In almost all cultures and religions, both ancient and modern, the Moon is worshiped, prayed, invoked with requests and given gifts. Humans have long noticed the relationship between events, health, crops, animal behavior and the luminous disk of the moon in the sky. Modern science already knows a lot about the influence of the moon on our planet and all living things.

So scientists have established the influence of the Moon on the water level in reservoirs, flora, the emotional state of people, life biorhythms, menstrual cycles in women and the likelihood of conceiving a child. In particular, scientific studies of the 60s of the last century determined that a woman's ability to conceive increases when the distance between the Sun and the Moon becomes the same as at the time of her birth. And the availability of information about which zodiac sign is in these days the moon, you can predict the sex of the child. The accuracy of this method is approximately 85-90%. This is because conception does not necessarily occur at the moment of intimacy. Fertilization can occur within three days of proximity, depending on natural cycles. During this time, the Moon can already pass into another sign, which will affect the sex of the child being born.

However, observations show that at the time of conception of girls, the Moon should be in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces.

And boys are born under the moon under the signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

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The lunar day on which the child was conceived is as important as the day of his birth. The position of the moon and the day on the lunar cycle at the time of conception determine the future character of a nascent person, his fate, inclinations and predispositions. Having the information on what day according to the lunar calendar your acquaintance or yourself was conceived, you can find out a lot of interesting and useful information about a person.

In addition, using the lunar calendar , you can plan the conception of a child on a specific day in order to endow the child with certain traits and abilities. There are no categorical prescriptions for this, but there are lunar days on which it is better to refrain from conceiving a child, since they bear a difficult fate or a negative character. There are few such days, but you need to know about them.

1st lunar day of conception

A person whose life was born on the 1st lunar day is born and will live under the protection of his Guardian Angel. The life of this person will be rich in all sorts of events, interesting, unexpected, sometimes not too pleasant, like everyone else, but the person will boldly and easily walk through life, overcoming obstacles and enjoying pleasant moments. The moon will endow such a person with strength of mind and will. It is the strong-willed character and inner strength that will move the person born on this day forward, helping to overcome and safely resolve any life situations. People whose conception happened on this day can become excellent clergy or spiritual mentors. On this occasion, there is a sign among the people: if a woman wants to conceive a child on the 1st day of the moon, she must withstand abstinence the day before and be sure to read a prayer before intimacy. It is completely unacceptable to drink alcohol on such a day and participate in folk fun. People conceived on the 1st lunar day are most often centenarians.

 2nd lunar day of conception

A person who was conceived on the 2nd lunar day will be born a favorite of fortune. The moon will give him many talents and numerous opportunities and areas for their realization. It is highly likely that a person born on the 2nd day of the lunar cycle will enjoy success in society. He will be especially successful in the financial sector. Love relationships and friendships will also work well, rewarding a person with healthy relationships and family. But for people born on this day of the lunar cycle, it is important not to be arrogant, not to become arrogant and arrogant. It must be remembered that there are people much smarter, stronger and more powerful with whom it is worth building partnerships, sometimes even accepting help and support from them, and in no case should they be neglected.

Conception of a child according to the lunar calendar3rd lunar day of conception

A person who was conceived on the 3rd day of the lunar cycle will be gifted by the Moon with the most important quality of his life – a strong-willed character. With proper self-realization, a person will want and be able to change everything around him. Inner strength, pride, ambition, activity and adherence to principles will always push such a person forward. In childhood and adolescence, for sure, a child who received life on this day will be born as a restless tomboy and a bully, but having learned over time self-discipline, setting priorities in his life and having decided on a goal, he will turn into a strong, domineering and decisive person. On this day, generals and military leaders are born, designated by the Moon as talented strategists. It is important to help the child cope with his activity and direct it in the right direction.

4th lunar day of conception

The 4th lunar day is one of the most difficult and mystical days. There is a belief that with a child born on this day, one of the ancestors returns to the family. Of course, this is unprovable, so you have to choose for yourself whether you believe it or not. In any case, children born from conception on the 4th lunar day will be loved by everyone both in the family and outside it. It is likely that people who are called the “soul of the company” were conceived in this particular phase of the moon. The latter endows them with special attractiveness for society, moreover, they absolutely do not need cunning and intrigue for this. They are kind, sweet, fair, love tenderness and affection. Being the favorites of the public, conceived on the 4th day of the lunar calendar, they are absolutely not inclined to manipulate other people for their own purposes. On the contrary, people of the 4th day of the moon have a calm, balanced character and, as a rule, are not very active. At this point, parenting is important – if you do not direct the child along the right path, then you risk raising another “Oblomov”, sweet, kind, but completely unrealized in life.

5th lunar day of conception

The life of a person who was conceived on the 5th day of the lunar calendar will be absolutely unpredictable. There will be practically nothing stable and established, his life will be in constant motion and change. Everything that a person achieves in this life will be the fruit of his own efforts and labors, fate will not prepare any gifts for him. But this does not mean that there will be no reward. In the event that a person born on this day begins to exert diligence to achieve his goals and live in accordance with the concepts of honor and decency, then the reward for his work will not be long in coming. But the same is true for the opposite situation: if a person thinks that in this life he can do everything and there will be nothing for him, the punishment of Heaven will overtake him as soon as a reward. Thus, those born on this day should learn the golden rule of their life: “what you sow, you reap”, as this most accurately reflects the situation of their life. Such a fate will become an excellent school for a person, growing out of him a strong and highly spiritual personality. Children conceived on the 5th day of the Moon must, from childhood, instill the concepts of morality, morality and honor, as well as show them the causal relationship of actions and their results in order to make their path through life as easy as possible.

6th lunar day of conception

A child who received life on the 6th day of the lunar calendar will be a dreamer and a great dreamer. But the Moon will give him an active character. Inspired by his dreams, this person will be able to change the destinies and lives of many people, including his own. From those born on this day, successful politicians and public figures are obtained if their work is aimed not at achieving their own selfish goals, but for the benefit of everyone around them. This rule is true for any field of activity, wherever such a person wants to work: success will come to him only if he understands that he is working on a really worthwhile and useful project, which helps other people. It can be anything: any social assistance, counseling, development of a house redevelopment project, treatment, etc. For a person, conceived on the 6th day of the lunar cycle, work that requires monotonous daily functions will be simply boring and uninteresting. In addition to the function itself, such a person needs a clearly defined goal, where he is moving. Having understood this and finding a field of activity that will allow him to realize it, he will be able to make a dizzying career and achieve inner harmony and self-satisfaction. Also, such people are very interested in the question of the meaning of their own life. It usually takes a long time to find yourself. But finding your answer is very important. For those conceived on the 6th day of the moon, this is a mandatory requirement for life, which alone can provide them with happiness. In addition, the Moon endows people born on the sixth day with independence and love of freedom. They do not tolerate any kind of restrictions, and always strive to emphasize their freedom. It is these people who most often become chronic travelers. Constant changes, new emotions, people and places give them the fullest sense of freedom and real life. Even if fate develops in such a way that a person will not be able to travel around the world, he will still constantly change everything around him, from his own wardrobe and furniture to his environment.

7th lunar day of conceptionlunar day of conception

A person who was conceived on the 7th day of the moon will live an adventurous life that will bring him real joy and pleasure. Such people are more likely to have the most ridiculous and romantic adventures about which others only watch films. These people are very emotional and impressionable. They have a negative attitude towards lying in any form, do not resort to it themselves, do not harbor illusions and do not approve of them in other people. In the moments when life nevertheless confronts them with deceivers, every false word is taken close to their hearts and brings suffering. And not only spiritually, but also physically. These people are very susceptible to the world around them; they cannot calmly observe injustice, perceiving it as their own business. Such qualities allow people on the 7th lunar day to become excellent lawyers, doctors, educators, fighters for justice and public figures. There is also a great opportunity for implementation in scientific activities and education. This zeal for justice requires a tremendous amount of energy, which these people have, they are unusually active and active. People of this day of the Moon are usually drawn to travel, where they should be especially careful, since the roads are fraught with many surprises, not always pleasant. The moon will endow these people with strong and good health, but rare representatives are long-livers. Parents who decide to conceive a child on the 7th day of the moon are advised to choose a calm, quiet and comfortable place without external stimuli. This zeal for justice requires a tremendous amount of energy, which these people have, they are unusually active and active. People of this day of the Moon are usually drawn to travel, where they should be especially careful, since the roads are fraught with many surprises, not always pleasant. The moon will endow these people with strong and good health, but rare representatives are long-livers. Parents who decide to conceive a child on the 7th day of the moon are advised to choose a calm, quiet and comfortable place without external stimuli. This zeal for justice requires a tremendous amount of energy, which these people have, they are unusually active and active. People of this day of the Moon are usually drawn to travel, where they should be especially careful, since the roads are fraught with many surprises, not always pleasant. The moon will endow these people with strong and good health, but rare representatives are long-livers. Parents who decide to conceive a child on the 7th day of the moon are advised to choose a calm, quiet and comfortable place without external stimuli.

8th lunar day of conception

A child born on the 8th lunar day will live a fascinating, eventful life. It will not be easy from this, but the person of this lunar day is not distinguished by weakness. They are strong, stubborn and principled people who are able to firmly pursue their goals, no matter what. The personal world of such people will be full of constant changes from “everything” to “nothing”: if they feel bad, it will be really bad, to the depths of their souls and severe depression, if they feel good, they will be happy to the fullest, with every particle your body. Such people are tempered in adversity and develop into happiness. The moon gives people on the 8th day of the moon great willpower. And in order to overcome all the vicissitudes in life, they only need to remember that if the test is sent to their lot, then they can do it. In childhood, these children are often victims of complexes about their own appearance. It is important to instill in the child that even if he does not have initially delightful external data, he can “make himself”. This, in the end, will give him even more confidence and will allow him to be more effective and more successful in social contacts. People conceived on the 8th day of the lunar calendar are always attracted by travel and new places. It is very likely that such people will strive to satisfy this desire in full, not being content with new cities and countries in short visits, but deciding to stay there. It may be a short period after which they will return to their native lands, or it may be a permanent move, but their homeland will be loved for them, and therefore they will visit it. that even if he does not have an initially delightful appearance, he can “make himself”. This, in the end, will give him even more confidence and will allow him to be more effective and more successful in social contacts. People conceived on the 8th day of the lunar calendar are always attracted by travel and new places. It is very likely that such people will strive to satisfy this desire in full, not being content with new cities and countries in short visits, but deciding to stay there. It may be a short period after which they will return to their native lands, or it may be a permanent move, but their homeland will be loved for them, and therefore they will visit it. that even if he does not have an initially delightful appearance, he can “make himself”. This, in the end, will give him even more confidence and will allow him to be more effective and more successful in social contacts. People conceived on the 8th day of the lunar calendar are always attracted by travel and new places. It is very likely that such people will strive to satisfy this desire in full, not being content with new cities and countries in short visits, but deciding to stay there. It may be a short period after which they will return to their native lands, or it may be a permanent move, but their homeland will be loved for them, and therefore they will visit it. conceived on the 8th day of the lunar calendar, always attracts travel and new places. It is very likely that such people will strive to satisfy this desire in full, not being content with new cities and countries in short visits, but deciding to stay there. It may be a short period after which they will return to their native lands, or it may be a permanent move, but their homeland will be loved for them, and therefore they will visit it. conceived on the 8th day of the lunar calendar, always attracts travel and new places. It is very likely that such people will strive to satisfy this desire in full, not being content with new cities and countries in short visits, but deciding to stay there. It may be a short period after which they will return to their native lands, or it may be a permanent move, but their homeland will be loved for them, and therefore they will visit it.

lunar day of conception9th lunar day of conception

The 9th day of the lunar calendar is very undesirable for conceiving a child, since this is the day of dark magical forces. People born on such a day often become sorcerers or very secretive loners who live on their own. For people who were born on this day, it is imperative to pay attention to the spiritual side of life and in every possible way maintain your connection with it. People on the 9th day of the lunar cycle become enlightened throughout their lives and cleanse their karma from all kinds of life trials. Parents are advised to pay attention to the upbringing of a healthy religiosity in a child, an understanding of the laws of life. One should not engage in occult sciences, magic, divination.

10th lunar day of conception

A person who was conceived on the 10th day of the moon is indicated by a very strong connection with all his kind. The support of his relatives is provided to him, and those who have already died too. The bond with their parents is very strong and for life. The parents of such a person should ask their ancestors for a happy fate for their child. People of the 10th lunar day are written to travel a lot. Most likely, these will be travel related to work or business. It is undesirable to leave to live abroad forever, since such a person will not find happiness there. His native land will invariably pull him back, because he has a very strong connection with his home.

11th lunar day of conception

A person who was conceived on the 11th day of the moon will be endowed with tremendous mental strength. These are people with truly royal dignity and noble pride. It is important for them to monitor their actions and thoughts, making sure that such good qualities do not develop into self-confidence and pride, and do not overshadow the real world with a fictional distorted picture of their own greatness. Children born on this day will be very active and restless. Even girls will be attracted by more active and aggressive games in the spirit of “war” and cars than dolls, “daughters-mothers” and “porridge-malasha”. Boys will have good physical strength. Among such people, there are often successful professional athletes, if there are no health deficiencies. These people are very hardy and can easily cope with almost any physical labor. But this does not mean at all that people on the 11th day of the moon should engage in working professions. In addition to excellent physical data, the Moon endows them with excellent intelligence and many talents. The spiritual strength of such people is also amazing, they can easily influence the people around them, controlling them and achieving their goals. People who have received life on this day tend to think through everything to the smallest detail, but they enjoy periodically acting exclusively by forceful methods. They are not fans of manipulation and prefer to act openly, achieving their personal goals. They are not inclined to work for someone else. These people can realize themselves as excellent fighters. They are also very attracted to travel. The moon gives them great intelligence and many talents. The spiritual strength of such people is also amazing, they can easily influence the people around them, controlling them and achieving their goals. People who have received life on this day tend to think through everything to the smallest detail, but they enjoy periodically acting exclusively by forceful methods. They are not fans of manipulation and prefer to act openly, achieving their personal goals. They are not inclined to work for someone else. These people can realize themselves as excellent fighters. They are also very attracted to travel. The moon gives them great intelligence and many talents. The spiritual strength of such people is also amazing, they can easily influence the people around them, controlling them and achieving their goals. People who have received life on this day tend to think through everything to the smallest detail, but they enjoy periodically acting exclusively by forceful methods. They are not fans of manipulation and prefer to act openly, achieving their personal goals. They are not inclined to work for someone else. These people can realize themselves as excellent fighters. They are also very attracted to travel. but they enjoy periodically acting exclusively by forceful methods. They are not fans of manipulation and prefer to act openly, achieving their personal goals. They are not inclined to work for someone else. These people can realize themselves as excellent fighters. They are also very attracted to travel. but they enjoy periodically acting exclusively by forceful methods. They are not fans of manipulation and prefer to act openly, achieving their personal goals. They are not inclined to work for someone else. These people can realize themselves as excellent fighters. They are also very attracted to travel.

12th lunar day of conceptionlunar day of conception

People conceived on the 12th day of the lunar calendar are gifted by nature with a very strong intuition. This quality is their main trump card in all aspects of life: in love, in business and self-development. Many people born on this day are gifted with the abilities of a healer. They often become followers of their gift and study medicine or non-traditional methods of treatment. Representatives of this day of the moon are very sensitive to other people's suffering. They are empathetic, emotional and kind people. However, in their personal lives, they will not find happiness immediately, but through rather long searches and tests. In married life, for these people, the spiritual connection is in the first place, therefore they will be faithful spouses. Physical pleasure and everyday life are of much lesser importance to them. In general, many unpleasant events happen in the lives of people born on this day, and they often feel unhappy and suffer, but following the right path, at a high level of development, they find in themselves everything they need to solve all the problems that arise. As a result of their lives, these people often come to spiritual enlightenment. It is important for parents not to cry on the day of conception, and then the child on the 12th lunar day will be happy.

13th lunar day of conception

A person who was conceived on the 13th day of the moon will have to live a life full of surprises. It will be impossible to predict where fate will lead him next. Fortune will often provide him with good opportunities to participate in the most unusual life situations. Fortunately, good luck will accompany the children of the 13th day of the Moon for the rest of their lives. It is very important for such people to pay attention to the causes of any important events and to analyze what followed. Causal relationships play an important role in the lives of such people: cause is a consequence, a mistake is punishment, a good deed is a reward. Over time, people conceived on the 13th day of the moon will learn to distinguish where fate plays with them, and where they reap only the fruits of what they sown earlier. Having learned to recognize this, they will use the knowledge gained, to avoid adverse effects. This will allow them to gain control and power over their own lives. If people on the 13th lunar day do not want to work on analyzing their lives and go with the flow, fate will be very changeable for them. However, Luna endows all her 13th day children with superior intelligence. And the acquired wisdom and ingenuity will be very useful qualities.

14th lunar day of conception

A person who is conceived on the 14th day of the moon will have a strong bond and support from their ancestors. These people can turn out to be talented magicians or spiritualists, since they can easily establish contacts with the other world. They also have very good intuition, especially when it comes to anticipating any critical situations. The support of the clan will remain with such people in any life circumstances and will help to cope with adversity when it happens in their life. People on the 14th day of the moon are very respectable and they always need to try to act according to their conscience. Otherwise, they themselves will torment themselves with worries about what they have done. Such people are very susceptible to injustice, imperfection of the world, meanness and other negative moments of life, and this can make them depressed and gloomy, either melancholic and tired. In any case, the connection with the ancestors will support such people throughout their life even in such situations, helping to cope with them and come to a healthy mental well-being. For parents, advice not to guess on this day, so that the child is happy in life.

what lunar day of conception15th lunar day of conception

People who were conceived on the 15th day of the moon are often extremely emotional. It is precisely in their lives that they have insane love, fierce hatred, hopeless depression and unrestrained fun. Half measures and even more so apathy and peace are not for them. Such people perceive everything that happens to them in life through their feelings and emotions, feel their life in the brightest way. Because of this, they tend to experience injustice and evil very painfully. Faced with the latter, such people can enter into open combat with an opponent, restoring justice. People on the 15th day of the Moon meet quite difficult situations on their life path, but Heaven supports them throughout their lives, making them strong and strong-willed people. More material support from powerful people is also likely on their way. Walking the thorns of their own life, people, conceived on the 15th day of the moon, often become spiritual guides or fighters for justice. Given their nature, they are serious opponents – courageous and strong. However, when developing along a low path, people conceived on this day can, on the contrary, become vile and prone to intrigue. Therefore, it is important for parents to bring up a child born on this day in justice and sincerity, instilling in him honesty and honor. There is a sign for this day: in order for the child to have a good character, on the day of conception, one should not deceive anyone, even in trifles. Therefore, it is important for parents to bring up a child born on this day in justice and sincerity, instilling in him honesty and honor. There is a sign for this day: in order for the child to have a good character, on the day of conception, one should not deceive anyone, even in trifles. Therefore, it is important for parents to bring up a child born on this day in justice and sincerity, instilling in him honesty and honor. There is a sign for this day: in order for the child to have a good character, on the day of conception, one should not deceive anyone, even in trifles.

16th lunar day of conception

People who received life on the 16th day of the moon are kind and gentle in communication. Not striving for a noisy social life, they often become “quiet people”. They enjoy being in nature, they adore plants and animals. Despite their addictions and lifestyle, these people are devoid of timidity, as many may mistakenly think. Rear roles in society are not for them. On the contrary, others strive for them, feeling their reliability and calmness, for support and help in difficult life situations. Possessing natural kindness, they are more than anyone able to comfort, calm and help in crisis situations. Often, people conceived on the 16th day of the moon are endowed with the ability to heal people. In life, such people are calm and always strive for harmony, balance, achieving a high level of morality and morality. Despite the desire of these people for peace, they will travel a lot in life, they will have constant changes in their lives. Monotony, routine and boredom never happen in their life. The sign says that in order for the conceived on the 16th lunar day to be happy and his fate was favorable to him, parents should be attentive to their speech on the day of conception and in no case should swear with anyone.

17th lunar day of conceptionfavorable lunar days for conception

Conception on the 17th day of the moon will endow people with a cheerful and joyful disposition. In accordance with ancient beliefs, parents should have fun and rejoice on this day so that their unborn child will adopt their mood and be happy in life. Such a ritual makes a person's character even more relaxed, free, light and optimistic. People conceived on this day walk through life with an easy gait, for them there are no real troubles, for them everything is easy to solve, they always have the strength to fight. Practically no events can make these people feel weary about anything and indulge in despondency. People on the 17th day of the moon are always lucky, luck follows them on their heels. Signs also warn that parents should be careful in their fun on the day of conception, since fun that has gone beyond certain limits can make the child prone to cheating and alcohol abuse. Therefore, parents should not consume even a drop of alcohol on this day and deceive even a little.

18th lunar day of conception

People who were born on the 18th day of the moon grow up completely selfish and modest. They often achieve financial well-being in life due to their sincerity in dealing with people and diligence at work. Money comes to these people only if they work themselves, hoping for a lucky chance is not their option, since it will bring them absolutely nothing. These people have an enormous supply of energy, and, having a lofty good goal, can achieve stunning results, especially if their goal is for the good of society. People on the 18th day of the Moon in their lives will certainly adhere to a truthful strategy of behavior, frankly speaking to the face of the sometimes shocking truth. Their natural charm will help them compensate for this quality, which is so strong that people cannot be angry or offended by them. Devoid of selfishness, these people sensibly assess their own capabilities and shortcomings, and do not hesitate to point out to people their shortcomings and imperfections. This is a very valuable quality and their opinion should be listened to, since it is almost always true. People who were born on this day of the lunar calendar are capable of strong true love and will definitely be loved in their lives as well. It is important for parents to take a responsible approach to raising such a child in matters of self-esteem. It should be adequate, and not underestimated or veiled, which will prevent them from living and objectively assessing the situation. are capable of strong true love and will definitely be loved as well in their lives. It is important for parents to take a responsible approach to raising such a child in matters of self-esteem. It should be adequate, and not underestimated or veiled, which will prevent them from living and objectively assessing the situation. are capable of strong true love and will definitely be loved as well in their lives. It is important for parents to take a responsible approach to raising such a child in matters of self-esteem. It should be adequate, and not underestimated or veiled, which will prevent them from living and objectively assessing the situation.

favorable lunar days for conception19th Lunar day of conception

People conceived on the 19th day of the moon are truly amazing. Their reserves of vitality surprise and delight friends and confuse enemies. No matter what surprises fate prepares them, no matter how life hits them, no matter what they have to endure, they endure everything calmly and steadfastly, and it seems as if nothing had happened. No one can call such people weak, because there is simply no reason for this. These people are extremely charming. Others do not understand why they are so attracted to people on the 19th day of the moon, but the fact remains, although there is no particular good nature in their character. Men of this day are usually fatal, and women are in the image of Milady. These people adore risky ventures, are not afraid of difficulties, are brave and courageous. They always go straight to the goal, guided by the thought: “The attack is the best attack.” In everyday life and work, they show hard work and diligence, but have a tendency to intrigue. Often they lead a somewhat hermitic lifestyle, seeking seclusion. Upbringing can make a person conceived on this day either a conscientious righteous person, or an unprincipled liar, therefore parents must definitely pay special attention to his upbringing. Also, you should not suppress the emotions of these people, as this can make them completely callous and cruel. At the same time, a person should strive to learn to be proud of his own successes, but not to cultivate pride in himself. Also, you should not suppress the emotions of these people, as this can make them completely callous and cruel. At the same time, a person should strive to learn to be proud of his own successes, but not to cultivate pride in himself. Also, you should not suppress the emotions of these people, as this can make them completely callous and cruel. At the same time, a person should strive to learn to be proud of his own successes, but not to cultivate pride in himself.

 20th lunar day of conception

People conceived on the 20th day of the Moon will try to get absolutely everything from life. They have a very strong craving for knowledge and the search for truth. They will crave to receive everything, to know everything, to embrace everything for themselves, which is impossible in principle to do. But people of this day will want this impossible all their lives. Often this will bring them suffering. The thirst for the impossible and the inability to get it can embitter such a person and lead to disappointment, both in life and in oneself. But having gone along the highest path of development, people of this day of the lunar cycle can turn into a highly spiritual person, having understood a lot about spirituality and morality. Such people do not tolerate deception, and in order for the child to have the most positive character, parents on this day should be honest with each other and caring.

21st lunar day of conceptionLunar day of conception

People who got life on the 21st day of the moon are born fighters for justice. It can be absolutely any area – politics, religion, art, and medicine. These people will be excellent at providing help and support as a psychologist or just a friend. On this day of the lunar calendar, poets and doctors are born. Poetic talent will manifest itself in penetrating into the most hidden corners of human souls, but in medicine, these people can achieve wide recognition. People on the 21st day of the Moon are sociable, like to spend time with friends in noisy companies, and cannot stand quarrels and loneliness. The most striking features of these people are patience and the ability to wait, honor and diligence in work. The moon will also give them a thirst for adventure and exploits, which will bring these people many unexpected situations, sometimes dangerous.

22nd lunar day of conception

People who were conceived on the 22nd day of the moon are destined to become sages and seers. Such people from childhood assimilate information well and retain this ability for many years. They accumulate a lot of knowledge in themselves, but do not feel like stopping learning. These people are constant and stable in their views. They have a gentle, friendly character. They are very tactful and well-mannered, but they show intransigence in matters important to them. These people will often be asked for help with a variety of problems. Often people born on this day can become astrologers.

23rd lunar day of conception

People who were born on the 23rd day of the moon grow up very extraordinary. The 23rd lunar day is the day of extremes. And this is reflected in the children who are born at this time. They can be extremely smart or vice versa. Whatever person is born, it will be very difficult to understand him. These are human actors. It is never possible to understand what he really thinks, feels, whether he speaks the truth. They do not consider deception immoral and easily resort to it. They can act quite brutally with enemies. Those born on this day can achieve great results in life, no matter what they do. However, parents need to take into account that if there are any hereditary diseases in the family or someone has obvious flaws in character, you should not conceive a child on this day.

Lunar conception calendar24th lunar day of conception

Children who were conceived on the 24th day of the moon look like bear cubs, which are the sign of this day. These people are somewhat clumsy, but this is compensated by their kind character and high level of morality. They are physically strong and tend to speak any truth in person. However, this will not repel people from them, but, on the contrary, they will be drawn to them. Sometimes they will be overly cynical and rude, and they will show feelings rather sparingly, but always sincerely. These people will have to monitor their physical condition and health, since this is their weak point, and not allow themselves to be lazy, because because of this they may miss their chance.

25th lunar day of conception

People conceived on the 25th day of the moon will live a life full of secrets and mysteries. Incomprehensible things will always happen to them, and they will cope with it in even more inconceivable ways. The representatives of this day have a sharp intuition that will greatly help them in life, perhaps they will even have the gift of foresight. These people have a very developed mind, and at a young age they amaze with their wisdom. They do not seek to tell about themselves even to friends, preferring to experience their worries, victories and defeats on their own. Often the people around will have a low opinion of the person conceived on this day, but his own attitude and harmony with himself are more important for him. It is not suitable for such people to achieve success in life at the expense of others, it does not bring them either satisfaction or benefit.

26th lunar day of conception

People, whose conception occurred on the 26th day of the Moon, more often others become millionaires. They easily succeed in business and careers. Their success can only be hindered by dissatisfaction with their own position and a disdain for what they have. It is important for these people to learn to appreciate what they have been given, to enjoy their lives, and not to be in a constant pursuit of even greater success. Without learning how to do this, such a person will never achieve harmony with himself and happiness. These people always get what they deserve: good for good and punishment for dishonorable deeds.

27th lunar day of conceptionLunar conception calendar

People who were born on the 27th day of the moon are distinguished by gentleness and good nature. Their character is the softer, the thinner the character of their parents. Representatives of this day are prone to diseases and especially infectious ones. However, these people are always under the protection of higher powers that will help them cope with all adversity. People on the 27th day of the moon are very attractive to the opposite sex, they will be happy in love, and will not play a heartthrob. These people in their lives will “do good” to others. It is also likely that they will travel a lot around the world, always accompanying their trips with help from people. Such people have a very patient character, but this does not mean that they will not notice the intrigue and deception around them, if they suddenly appear. Natural gentleness will not allow them to abruptly break off relations and put people in their place,

28th lunar day of conception

People born on the 28th day of the Moon are very successful in business and business. They are the darlings of fate. They are accompanied by unprecedented success in all their endeavors. Sometimes matters are argued in their hands without effort on their part. Such people will have great success and great power, they will definitely be among the mighty of this world. At the same time, they have a light and cheerful character, calm and balanced. They are very collected and control every step. Feelings play an important role for them, they are emotional and able to devote their lives to love. Because of this, such people tend to evaluate their lives by the strength of their emotional intensity. However, passivity and carelessness can deprive them of bright prospects.

29th lunar day of conception

The 29th day of the moon is considered the most difficult for the birth of a new life. People, conceived on the 29th day of the lunar calendar, face evil in one way or another in their lives. Collide and remain in this fight one on one with him. If a person turns out to be weak, then he can simply succumb to the temptation and plunge into what he must fight with. For this reason, in the old days, this day was forbidden for the conception of children. On this day, people with mental disabilities or completely immoral personalities are often born. However, it can also be people, on the contrary, who have dedicated themselves to serving God and the Higher Powers. In any case, there is a lot of pain and struggle in the lives of these people, they are most often lonely and depressed.

Lunar conception calendar30th lunar day of conception

The 30th day of the lunar calendar is one of the most suitable for conception. People who receive life on this day receive an easy and happy life as a gift from the Moon. The difficulties they will face in life will be completely minor. The moon will endow these people with a deep mind, they will be able to understand a lot in life, they will be wise, kind, full of compassion and love for people. Life will lead to them many people who need support at least in the form of a kind word. In addition, people on the 30th lunar day are unusually lucky in love, they find their soul mate and live a happy family life. Parents on the day of conception should show mercy, love and help people.


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