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9th house in the sign of Taurus

The ninth house is responsible for knowledge, both through higher education and personal experience, influences success abroad, the nature of relations with foreigners and attitudes towards religion. Jupiter, its ruler, brings good luck in various areas, and the sign on the cusp shows where the native will be especially lucky through the random events of reality. Here we can see images of teachers and countries that will have a strong impact on the worldview of the native.

The 9th house in Taurus makes a person an adherent of practical philosophical systems, a lover of fundamental prestigious education and reliable sources of knowledge. Luck favors in matters of real estate and art, and the idea of ​​the world is formed on the basis of lived experience. The native is not inclined to move abroad, but loves to travel in comfort and discover the world through luxury holidays.

Education and knowledge

The value system of the owners of the 9th house in Taurus develops in early youth and changes little over time. On the contrary, they string all new knowledge and acquaintances on this basis as precious evidence of their innocence. As a rule, their beliefs relate to the topic of personal chosenness through the desire to receive higher education in luxuriously furnished universities, with rich decoration and comfort taking precedence over the level of knowledge.

Also, the owners of the 9th house in Taurus are sure that somewhere there is a fabulous country or city where all their dreams will come true. With Jupiter in Cancer, Taurus and Capricorn, this is most often the capital of their country, where they seek to move in order to fulfill their desires, but if the planet of happiness is in fire and air signs, moving to a country with a stable economic situation, such as Switzerland, is not excluded. They can settle there temporarily, in order to study or earn enough money to arrange a comfortable life in their homeland.

The owners of the 9th house in Taurus are characterized by the following events and behaviors:

  • religious tolerance, non-interference in the personal affairs of foreigners, restraint in communication, difficulty in learning foreign languages, unless Mercury is in Gemini or Aquarius;
  • unexpected profits from connections with foreigners (for girls, pregnancy can also mean), studying abroad, friendship or relationships with people of other religions;
  • mercantile interest in educational projects and collective affairs: participate only if there is a chance of receiving a prize or promotion;
  • wealthy, but stingy relatives from the life partner;
  • classes in literature, copywriting, journalism, publishing also become a source of income and respect from others;
  • the choice of a university and a student environment for convenience, and not by vocation, or entering an institute through an acquaintance for the sake of a money profession.

In fact, a successful period of student time is the foundation of future well-being, when all the necessary connections, useful friends, useful experience and skills are laid that will help fulfill all dreams. As a student, the native does not take stars from the sky, but is incredibly diligent and patient.

Travel and religion

Even being a spiritually developed and believing person, the native will not become an ascetic who strictly observes fasts and rituals. There is too much desire for sensual pleasure and experience through tactile sensations, including the cuisine and fashion of different cultures and peoples.

If such individuals are not intellectually developed enough, blind faith will easily make them slaves of a sect or unscrupulous ministers of religion. With negative aspects to Jupiter and Saturn, the owners of the 9th house in Taurus can lose wealth and limit personal development.

Men and women with this position travel comfortably. It is hard to imagine that they will gather in a couple of hours for a mountain hike and spend the night in a tent. Their destiny is well-maintained hotels, luxurious beaches and first-class flights. Even if they are not rich, they manage to find discount tickets to business class and luxury hotels. It is better to travel around European countries.

Elaboration of the 9th house in Taurus

People with the 9th house in the sign of Taurus must not forget that the shadow of Taurus for elaboration is Scorpio. Without immersion in religious and spiritual knowledge, it is easy to become ossified in terry materialism. Tests for a person will fall precisely along the line of comfort and finance in the field of education and travel, therefore it is important to see the signs of fate, study esoteric directions, develop intuition and be careful, in the best traditions of Scorpio.

Owners of the 9th house in Taurus are shown education in the areas of finance, construction, cosmetology, insurance, publishing and producing. When worked through, they become stubborn and diligent students, greedy for knowledge and immediately put it into practice. True, with their tediousness they torture teachers, but they will become professionals. The main thing is not to forget to look in depth, and not just on the surface of any issue and problem.

When traveling, they should not leave their wallet unattended and always take out insurance.

The best talisman to help in the development of new knowledge and territories for the 9th house in Taurus will be small diamonds, malachite, green tourmaline.

Vasilisa Vishneva

Celebrities with the 9th House in Taurus:


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